Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 896 I like your rust smell (8)

"Our class is over, and there is still some time before get out of class ends."

Clarence took out his pocket watch, glanced at it, clicked again, and buckled it lightly and neatly.

Immediately, he looked at the somewhat restrained girl, his light brown pupils flickered slightly, and asked with a smile, "Miss Xingxia, do you have any tunes you want to listen to? I'll be happy to play it for you."

After saying that, he walked to the piano, picked up the score, turned and handed it to Xiang Xing.

However, the moment Xiang Xing received the score, he felt a strange sense of familiarity in his hands.

Speaking of which, when the original owner was in the Old Los Kingdom, there was a special music teacher who came to Gongbao to give her piano lessons, and she also played the piano well.

So that all the songs on this sheet music, Xiang Xing just casually flips through them, and almost all of them feel very familiar.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help pursing her lips and thought about it for a while.

After a while, the light in his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help raising his soft eyes, looking towards Clarence.

I saw her taking a deep breath, as if secretly gathering courage, and asked softly, "I want to play a tune for the children, I wonder if I can?"

The girl's watery apricot eyes blinked, and there seemed to be a hint of pleading in her soft eyes.

Seeing her charming yet sincere appearance, Clarence froze for a moment, but quickly brought up a faint smile.

Nodding his head, he made a gesture of invitation: "Very welcome."

"Thank you~"

With permission, Xiang Xing was overjoyed, hugged the book tightly, and smiled sweetly at the man.

After that, he took small steps nervously, walked slowly to the reddish-brown piano, and sat down carefully.

A group of children suddenly gathered around looking expectantly, wanting to see what kind of tune this unfamiliar elder sister was going to play.

Soon, I saw her open the score book and chose a lively and brisk "Cuckoo Waltz".

"I don't play well, you can't laugh at me."

The little guy raised his eyebrows with a smile, glared at the surrounding children, and took a deep breath again.

The green onion-like white fingertips slowly covered the black and white keys and played the first note.

The melodious and lively music sounded, and the agile notes jumped out of the piano suddenly under her playing, like the cuckoo singing in the spring forest, crisp and vivid, full of vitality.

Although the original owner almost entirely relied on her own piano skills and experience, after all, she also had so many years of musical attainments, and soon found the original feeling and fully integrated into the happy atmosphere of the music.

Even the children around him were infected, and they sang along happily.

The handsome man who was leaning against the window and listening with a smile opened his eyes in amazement after being stunned for a moment.

Played really well.

Moreover, the name Xingxia... It seems that I have heard it "there" a few times.

Is it the same person?

Thinking of this, Clarence couldn't help but raise his delicate eyebrows, and the corners of his thin lips curled slightly.

In this huge former royal city, it is impossible to find a second woman with the same name who is more in line with her identity than her.

After thinking about it, the man nodded thoughtfully, then stepped forward.

I saw him standing beside Xiang Xing slowly, and after giving her an elegant gentleman's salute, he asked with a smile, "Miss Xing Xia, I wonder if I have the honor to play this song with you?"

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