The little elf immediately grabbed Caesar's sleeve nervously, "Don't... Su Zhe... Su Zhe, don't send Su...Su..."

The word "Suvia" was too awkward for the elves, so after saying it, it became the syllable of "Susu".

The elf was slightly stunned, and a trance flashed across the clear blue eyes.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Tang thought that he was really going to send her away, so anxious, she grabbed his sleeve and shook it back and forth.

"Su...Su...Super cute...don't send Su away...just suck..."

Caesar came back to his senses and looked down.

The little elf was shaking his sleeve anxiously, calling him "Shu Zhe" in a childish voice, the clear and clean green eyes were covered with a thin layer of water mist, as if they would condense into water droplets at any time rush out from the eye socket.

The ice that had been frozen in the elf's heart seemed to have melted a little.

The elf stood dazed and at a loss, not knowing what the inexplicable emotion that suddenly overflowed in his heart was.

He lowered his head stiffly, and patted the elf's head soothingly with his slender fingers, "I'm not sending you away, I'm just here to take you to be baptized."

The little elf's eyes were blurred, "Really... eh?"

Caesar hooked her soft fingers seriously, "Really, I swear."

"I will never lose you."

Su Tang was taken aback.

When she was reincarnated and said these words just now, she seemed to feel the fluctuation of the heaven.

this is……


The oath made to the Dao of Heaven must never be violated.

Although the person in front of him is only the reincarnation of the immortal, but the soul is still the soul of the immortal, and the oath of heaven is made for the soul.

In other words... this is the soul of the Immortal Venerable swearing to her.

He will never lose her.

Even if he succeeds in overcoming the tribulation and recovers all his memories, he will not abandon her.

Su Tang blinked, and tears suddenly flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

Although in the chaotic world before, she refuted the words of the demon lord, but her heart was still sad.

When she was in the fairy world, she knew that there was a girl in Xianzun's heart.

That was one time when she went to find Xianzun, she happened to hear him arguing with Jiang Qiu, and heard Jiang Qiu say——

He liked her so much that he opposed the entire fairy world for her, killed half of the people in the fairy world, and was finally punished by heaven to fall asleep.

The girl died for him in the end.

With such a deep love first, she never expected that the immortal would fall in love with her.

She couldn't control her liking for him either.

I can only try my best to keep myself away from him, even if I come to the lower realm to attack him and help him survive the love disaster, I try not to have any more in-depth contact with him.

But now, every reincarnation likes her very much, and he even made a vow of heaven.

Could she think that it is possible for the Immortal Venerable to fall in love with her?

Caesar didn't expect at all that after he finished saying this, the little elf cried out silently.

He frantically wiped away the elf's tears, "Susu, be good... Susu doesn't cry..."

Su Tang knew that the reincarnation called her that just because the reincarnation gave her the name Su Weiya, and Su Su was called a nickname.

It has nothing to do with the girl Xianzun likes.

The elf lowered his head sullenly, and grabbed the elf's sleeve with his soft white hands.

She should be uncomfortable and jealous.

But why, after being called "Susu" by the reincarnation, a kind of secret joy arose in her heart?

It seems like a thousand years ago.

That's how she was called.

The man held her carefully in his heart.



[Policy for reincarnation raising elves: eat, steal light elves; baptism, secretly go to follow the light elves for baptism; magic, steal light elves' cheats and come back to teach... Light elves: ? ? ? ? ? 】

ps: I saw a little angel asking, please explain, Yi Sutang is not reincarnated, but just has no memory, Susu = Sutang, everything is done by Mu Li, Er Wenwen is clean both physically and mentally, so you have to have confidence in Mu Mu .

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