Caesar couldn't tell what he was feeling inside.

Just annoyed and sour.

what is this?

The little elf he raised with his own hands smiled and told him that he wanted to leave him...

The brain suddenly seemed to be pierced by thousands of slender silver needles, constantly stirring his entire brain, and countless broken pictures that had appeared in his mind resurfaced again, spinning and intertwining in his brain, impacting his consciousness.

Su Tang originally wanted to stimulate the reincarnation and enlighten him, but she didn't expect that after she finished speaking, the reincarnation suddenly frowned and his expression became very painful.

The slender fingers were clenched into fists, and the joints were highlighted because of too much force.

Su Tang hurriedly stepped forward, wrapping her soft little hands around the elf's, and asked him worriedly.

"Xu Zhe, what's wrong with you? I was just joking, don't take it to heart..."

"Don't leave me..."

The elf drooped her slender eyelashes, was silent for a moment, and suddenly spit out a few faint words from his parched throat.


"Don't leave me..."

Su Tang is full of panic now, holding the reincarnation's hand to send his soul power into his body, completely oblivious to Caesar's strange expression.

The two different colors of pitch black and deep purple are constantly intertwined in his pupils, and finally condensed into a deeper dark purple, mysterious and treacherous.

Su Tang carefully probed the reincarnated body with his soul power, but found nothing wrong, so he couldn't help raising his little head worriedly, and just about to say something, the elf in front of him suddenly firmly grasped She locked it in her arms.


Su Tang blinked blankly.

The elf seemed to be holding some lost and recovered treasure, and buried his head between her neck, his soft long ears pressed against the side of the girl's face, his ice-silver hair brushed with his movements, and his cheeks were itchy.


He didn't dare to look at the face of the little girl in front of him, for fear that he would do something uncontrollable in the next second.

Seeing that he seemed to be fine again, Su Tang just kept hugging herself and shouting her name, so she raised her hand, patted his back, and coaxed him soothingly.

"I was joking just now, I will not leave Su Zhe, I will always be by Su Zhe's side..."


The little girl heard that his tone was wrong, and hummed blankly.

The elf let her go slowly, and stared at her unblinkingly with black and purple pupils, "Susu, let's get married."


Dazed, Su Tang followed Caesar to the hall where the light elves were received.

The ministers of the light elves and the elf king were already waiting there.

There are maids around to deliver food and wine specially prepared for them.

The Light Elf King sat in the main seat where the guests were. He looked like a twelfth or thirteen-year-old boy.

The face is immature, and the facial features have not yet opened, but you can already get a glimpse of the beautiful appearance after opening in the future.

His hair was pure golden, as if golden sunlight was flowing behind him. He was wearing a winding robe and a bright crystal crown on his head, and he was staring at the food in front of him without blinking.

Su Tang didn't care about the beautiful scenery above and below, her mind was completely immersed in what the reincarnation told her about their marriage.

Just after the reincarnation finished speaking, a maid knocked on the door again, reminding them that it was time to go to the main hall.

She had no choice but to be dragged into the hall by the reincarnation, and she didn't have time to reply to him.

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