Quick Transmigration: The Host Is Sweeter Than Sugar

Chapter 649 Heartbeat on Fingertips 50

Well, the strawberry candy bribe works.

Tang Huai silently recorded it in his inner notebook, and planned to learn how to make strawberry mousse cake after the matter was over.

It was somewhat similar to the last time when Su Tang turned into a human form. After this transformation, the little girl who had already eaten enough strawberry candies ate a lot of strawberry candies in one go, as if to make up for the loss of energy.

Seeing Su Tang nibbling in the candy box obediently, Tang Huai took the mobile phone aside and clicked on the "Sugar Planting Assistant" app with his fingers habitually.

On the icon, the candy box is opened halfway, and the light pink candy is neatly nested in the candy box.

Tang Huai opened the "My Account" on it again.

The original balance of 1003 has now become 999 points.

After a while, it jumped to 1000 again.

Tang Huai turned his head and saw that there were several strawberry candies missing in the candy box.

The growth progress bar below has increased, from 888 to 932.

The man curved his lips in a good mood, and there was a little joy in his beautiful peach eyes.


Abducting a little girl seemed... within reach.


Since this forced transformation, Su Tang's daily demand for strawberry candies has become less, and more often he sleeps in the candy box.

During the period, the Tang family also heard about Tang Huai's girlfriend in his ward, and several waves of people came to see it, but they didn't see Tang Huai's girlfriend.

But Mr. Tang was relieved of him.

To have a sweetheart is to have a weakness and a handle to be manipulated by others.

And this girlfriend has never been exposed before, and she hid it well. If it weren't for Wen Chuchen's sudden visit to the ward this time, she probably wouldn't have run into Tang Huai's girlfriend...

Tang Tianqing also relaxed his monitoring of Tang Huai, and instead focused all his attention on the child in Wen Chuchen's stomach and Tang Xiu's company.

The "sugar planting assistant" is changed only when the account balance reaches 1314.

Click on the app, and the strawberry candy that was still in the candy box is now lying softly on the top of the candy box, looking soft and cute.

In the "My Account" column, the growth progress bar has also changed to "1000/1000".

There is also a shop below the growth progress bar.

Tang Huai clicked into the store, and there was only one item in the store, named "Su Tang", which looked like a soft candy, exactly the same as Su Tang's body.

The listed price is "1314".

With the previous experience, Tang Huai bought it without any hesitation.

After buying, her eyes fell nervously on the candy box by the bed.

He had already taken the strawberry candy out of the candy box and placed it on top of the candy box, looking at him in bewilderment.

... Yazi who didn't seem to respond.

Tang Huai returned to the main interface of "Little Sugar Planting Assistant", only to find that there was a small toolbox icon next to the original single interface.

He poked open the toolbox, and inside lay the candy he had just bought with the balance of 1314.

Tang Huai tapped the candy lightly.

The little girl who hadn't appeared on the phone for a long time suddenly reappeared, sitting on the strawberry candy box with little jiojio upturned, holding the strawberry candy in her arms and gnawing seriously.

It was just like when Tang Huai fed strawberry candy to the little girl on the phone.

After eating the strawberry candy, the little girl leaned against the candy box and fell asleep sleepily.

Tang Huai looked down at the strawberry candies on the candy box next to him.

Strawberry Candy didn't move, and was touched by him, and didn't jump up and hit his fingers as usual, but nestled quietly, as if falling asleep.

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