That night, Weibo almost exploded.

Everyone felt very incredible.

It's obviously a good time, why do you want to retire?

Some people also analyzed that it is wise for Jiangbeiyu to choose to retire now. After all, he will be 25 next year. Twenty-five is the retirement age for most people in this circle. His physical condition has declined. Retiring at his peak is a very important thing. Wise choice……

There are also fans who refute, saying that this set of bad-mouthing theory has started three years ago, saying every year that Jiangbeiyu is not good, and retirement is the best choice, but in fact Jiangbeiyu has led King to win the world championship every year. Face slapped.

Some people regret, some people are sad, some people applaud...

But no matter what others think, the retirement of Jiangbeiyu is already a certainty.

He is an investor in the club himself, and there is no contract problem.

Only Nie Yuan was in a daze.

Jiangbeiyu's intention was obvious, let him take his place.

But can he really? succeed the man who was called "God" in the circle.

Jiangbeiyu didn't say much about it.

In his opinion, if Nie Yuan can't bear these pressures, then let alone bring back the next year's championship trophy.

The other members of the team were not dissatisfied with Jiangbeiyu's decision.

The only thing everyone is dissatisfied with is that Jiangbeiyu left as soon as he left, why did he take Su Tang away?

Regarding the team members' protest, Jiang Beiyu sneered, "You still want to eat the food cooked by my wife? Why do you think so beautifully? You guys are so big."

Team big face member, "..."

Really, no one is as big as you, who directly abducts a girl...

Jiangbeiyu didn't respond.

Since retiring, he has shown his affection on Weibo to the point of flying, and he can't wait to tell the whole world——

He has a daughter-in-law!

The daughter-in-law is sweet and soft, only he can hug her.

Many fans even want to turn around and block him.

It's just that facing Jiangbeiyu's handsome face... I couldn't do anything.

#Yangou's Pain#

Not long after retiring, Jiangbeiyu hurriedly pulled the little girl to get a marriage certificate.

Not too many people were invited to the wedding, only relatives, friends and team members of the Jiang family were invited.

Su Tang was wearing a pure white wedding dress, so clean that she didn't seem to be contaminated by the dust of the world.

She walked towards him step by step, her black and white eyes were clear and clean, completely reflecting him alone.

Jiangbeiyu suddenly thought of something.

—Would you like her to be your wife? To love her, to care for her, to respect her, to accept her, to be faithful to her forever and to the end of my life, in sickness or health, or for any other reason?

—I would.

I am willing to protect you from the wind and rain with my body, and let you be my little friend forever.

Don't worry about the trials and tribulations in life, I'll give you all I have.

Jiang Beiyu lowered his eyes, put a ring on his little girl almost piously, then pulled her into his arms under the eyes of everyone, and kissed her tenderly.

The man stared at the girl's blushing cheeks from embarrassment, curled up his thin lips in a good mood, and his dark pupils were full of joy.

He pulled his little girl, and a certain empty place in his heart seemed to be filled.

He dedicated his youth to e-sports, and now, he wants to leave his future to his children.



[Plane·E-sports How to Get Love·End]

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