"Kidney deficiency means...that a man's health is not very good and he cannot have a girlfriend."

Su Tang asked blankly.

"Why can't I have a girlfriend with kidney deficiency?"

Xu Muzhao. "..."

The man's white fingers rested on the steering wheel, and he was silent for a few seconds, his expression a little subtle.

"Probably because... my girlfriend knows that he has kidney deficiency and will despise him."

Su Tang still didn't quite understand.

However, looking at the embarrassed look on the man's face, he still did not ask.

The little girl held the strawberry-flavored milk in her small white hands. The thick feathered eyelashes were curled into a beautiful arc, and she sat quietly on the pair of big, round and bright eyes with a serious expression, as if she was thinking hard about something.

After the little girl had finished drinking the milk in her hand, she suddenly turned her head and spoke to Xu Muzhao who was waiting for the green light with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, I'm different from other people. If you have kidney deficiency in the future, I won't despise you!"

Xu Muzhao, "......"

The man closed his eyes.

Suddenly, there was an urge to drag Xiao Ling over and beat him before sending him to Africa.

Xu Muzhao's words were almost squeezed out of his teeth.

"I won't have kidney deficiency."

The little girl looked at him suspiciously.

"Why don't you?"

... No just won't there be so many whys!

Xu Muzhao was expressionless.

"...because I haven't had enough 'sugar'."

While speaking, Xu Muzhao had already started the car.

The sound of the car's engine and the horn of the car outside the window covered the man's voice, and Su Tang couldn't hear it clearly.

Only a few words were vaguely captured.

"Because... no... candy..."

The little girl is holding the empty milk carton, thoughtfully.

Could it be that Xiao Ling's kidney deficiency is because he eats too much sugar?

As soon as this thought flashed in his mind, Su Tang immediately felt that he was the truth——

Sure enough, the love of sugar is to be punished! ! !

#anger from saccharin#

At this moment, Su Tang didn't think that he was not ambiguous when he ate candy.

The two quickly arrived at the meeting place.

Xu Muzhao didn't plan to come to the amusement park.

But Su Tang couldn't hold back his curiosity.

This is Su Tang's first visit to the amusement park.

In the previous life, Su Tang had been fighting zombies before the end of the apocalypse, and after the end of the apocalypse, no one had mentioned anything like an amusement park to her.

In this life, after seeing the amusement park in the original owner's memory, she became curious.

The little girl held a fluffy white marshmallow in her hand, her eyes glittering across the surroundings, and she lowered her head and snorted from time to time.

Xu Muzhao held the little girl beside him, and looked sideways at the little girl's cute and cute behavior, inexplicably having the illusion of having a daughter.

He stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers ripped a small ball of the marshmallow from the little girl's hand.

The little girl glared at him with a marshmallow.

Bai Nen's cheeks puffed out angrily.

Seeing Xu Muzhao was helpless and funny.

You can't have the word "sugar" in your name, just protect the sugar!

He chuckled, and the marshmallow swept through the air, and was finally brought into the little girl's mouth.

When the little girl bit the marshmallow, the tip of her tongue inadvertently slid across the man's soft fingertips.

Xu Muzhao lowered his eyelashes, the dark ink in his beautiful pupils

After the little girl bit the marshmallow, he casually retracted his hand, put his finger on his lips, and licked lightly along the place where the little girl touched.

A low laugh.

"It's so sweet."

I don't know if I'm talking about sugar or a little girl.

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