Because of the cover of darkness, Li Changsheng had too many emotions on his face.

Liang Yu could see it clearly. Although his thoughts had gone back and forth when he looked at this face, he didn't do anything. He just patted his hand lightly: "I'm leaving."

Li Changsheng responded and tightened his grip on the plum blossom gun.

It wasn't until the footsteps disappeared, and the room returned to a deadly silence. Li Changsheng sighed and stroked the gun with his fingers for a while before placing the plum-blossom gun under the pillow.

Perhaps because of this thing, Li Changsheng had a rare second sleep that night.

The next day, sunlight poured into the room through the crack of the window and shone on Li Changsheng's face, causing him to open his eyes.

Since Guo Po was captured and kept in this gorgeous palace, he has never slept well again.

Especially the fear of Xiao Han makes him always vigilant. He has never really slept deeply, and he slept so late today.

Li Changsheng was in a turbulent mood for a while, and he couldn't help but take out the plum blossom gun from under the pillow.

During the day, I just saw this thing clearly.

This is a hidden copper handle, about seven inches long, shaped like a bamboo tube, with five plum-shaped holes in the front and a switch in the back.

This hidden weapon is exquisitely made, but it is not owned by any sect he knows.

Li Changsheng put away the plum-blossom spear and pulled the bell beside the bed, and the servant who was waiting outside the door early in the morning responded immediately, "What is your command?"

"I want to wash up, go and prepare some water." Li Changsheng instructed, the servant answered and was about to leave when Li Changsheng asked, "Brother Yu from Dongxiangyuan, have you been here? "

The servant was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly replied: "It's never."

Li Changsheng was stunned, slightly disappointed, but did not ask any further questions.

After washing, he slipped out of the yard in a wheelchair, and seeing that the weather was fine, he followed the bamboo forest path all the way to Dongxiang Garden, where Liang Yu lived.

Across the garden, I could hear someone talking in front of me.

"The dog slave, get out of the way! Liang Yu dares to hurt my brother, I will find him to settle the account." A hoarse male voice came, with great anger in his tone.

Li Changsheng's face changed slightly.

"My son left the house early, and he hasn't returned now. It's really inappropriate for Young Master Zhang to collide like this, please come back." The little servant's voice was so frightened that he almost burst into tears.

"Go away, since you know who I am, why don't you get out of the way? The surnamed Liang dares to hurt my brother, and he should suffer the consequences. If you say he's not at home, I'll believe it?" The son Zhang angrily kicked the servant away, seeing that he was about to Rush in.

"Since the master is not at home, you still collide like this, it really damages the prestige of the prime minister." Seeing that the servant was kicked down, Li Changsheng slid forward in his wheelchair and said coldly.

"Who?" Young Master Zhang turned his head angrily.

Originally full of anger, when he turned his head, he was momentarily stunned.

I saw Li Changsheng wearing a clean white robe, walking from the garden path in a wheelchair, with his elegant and graceful face, which made the flowers in the garden look tacky.

"Who are you?" Zhang Gongzi had a look of surprise in his eyes. After asking, he suddenly realized, "You are the Yuze Crown Prince Li Changsheng."

Li Changsheng ignored him, just slipped forward on the wheelchair, and picked up the servant who was lying on the ground.

"Your son, are you really not at home?" Li Changsheng looked up at the door of Dongxiangyuan and asked the servant.

"Young master went out early, and said he would not return to the mansion until evening." The young servant glanced at him gratefully, then glanced at Master Zhang with some fear, and hid behind Li Changsheng.

Zhang Gongzi looked at Li Changsheng's refined face, and his anger subsided a lot.

Originally, because he learned that his brother Feng Yi was injured in the palace, he wanted to stand up for him, but Liang Yu was not there, but he met such a beautiful woman.

"Since that's the case, the son will come to him next time to settle the account."

After speaking, he took a few steps closer, leaned down, and looked at Li Changsheng: "The next one is Zhang Kuo, the son of the Prime Minister. I wonder if I can make a friend with you, Young Master?"

The prince of Yuze was said to be the most beautiful man in the world, and was described as the snow lotus of the bright moon in the sky and the mountains. In the past, Zhang Kuo thought it was false, but now when he sees this man, he realizes that the rumors are not exaggerated. of forgetfulness.

No wonder this Prince Xiao wanted to abolish his legs and get him.

Li Changsheng was disappointed when the servant said that Liang Yu was really not at home. He ignored Zhang Kuo's words, and was even more disgusted by the lewd look in his eyes. He wanted to go back with his wheelchair.

Seeing that he ignored him, the smile on Zhang Gongzi's face sank.

He stretched his foot to block Li Changsheng's wheelchair, and sneered: "It's just a slave of a subjugated country, and still a cripple, to take Qiao like this in front of this son, what does this son want to do to you, and Prince Xiao also won't do anything to me"

After speaking, he leaned down and reached out to touch Li Changsheng's face.

Before touching it, I felt a pain in my palm.

Zhang Kuan cried out in pain, his eyes widened angrily, and found that there were five thin red blood spots on his palms, five needles as thin as hairs were actually submerged in the flesh, and a black circle appeared around his palms.

Li Changsheng held the plum blossom gun in his hand, his face was flat, but his eyes were extremely cold.

"You, how dare you hurt me?" Zhang Kuo roared, and he pulled out the sword from his waist and was about to stab Li Changsheng. Just as he raised the sword, he fell backwards.

"It turns out that it's so easy to use." Li Changsheng's frowning brows loosened, looking at the plum blossom gun in his hand, a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The little servant in Liang Yu's courtyard was startled, and rushed forward to look between Zhang Kuo's nose, only to breathe a sigh of relief when he found that there was still air, and then looked at him uneasily.

"Don't worry about him, he won't die." Li Changsheng said lightly, and then left with the wheelchair.

That Zhang Kuo lay on the ground for half an hour before he woke up.

Thinking about what happened before, I was angry and angry, not only was Li Changsheng's appearance itchy, but also afraid of the powerful hidden weapon in his hand, he did not dare to go forward.

In the evening, Liang Yu returned to the palace.

The servant told him what happened at noon, and when Liang Yu heard that Li Changsheng had taken the initiative to come to him, he was secretly delighted, so he brought two jars of good wine and went directly to Yunyuan.

Li Changsheng is reading a book under the flower gallery at the moment.

Hearing that the servant came to report that Liang Yu was coming, he was quite happy for a while, slipped his wheelchair out of the flower gallery, and saw Liang Yu carrying two jars of wine, he couldn't help but smile.

"I heard that you went to see me in the morning. Today, I came back with two jars of good wine. I happened to share it with you, Changsheng. Yesterday was not very happy. Today - you and I are drunk, how about it?" In the courtyard, tossing a wine jar, a bright smile on his face, his exposed white teeth gleaming in the sun.

"Very good." The corner of Li Changsheng's mouth lifted lightly.

He asked the servants to bring wine glasses and made some small dishes to bring them, and the two drank each other under the pavilion in the garden.

"Brother Yu went out early in the morning, what is the important thing to do?" Li Changsheng was chatting with him, and he mentioned the matter of the morning intentionally or unintentionally.

"This" Liang Yu was stunned, and frowned slightly.

"If it's inconvenient for Brother Yu to say it, you don't have to force it." Li Changsheng lowered his eyes and smiled lightly, but the hand in his sleeve couldn't help stroking back and forth on the cold plum blossom gun.

"Nothing bad to say, just go out and find something and you'll know later"

Liang Yu sighed, his legs must be cured for him, so in addition to some magical aids in the system, he also needs a few precious medicinal herbs, but it is very rare in the market pharmacy, so he can only run farther found in the mountains.

"So it is." Li Changsheng finally raised his eyebrows, raised his glass to meet him again, and drank several glasses, "It's the hidden weapon that Brother Yu gave, it's very useful, and Changsheng hasn't thanked him yet."

"Thank you!" Liang Yu waved his hand, he was in a really good mood to drink with him today, and couldn't help but smile, "I can't always be by your side to protect you.

You, you should have something to protect yourself, I already regretted so much time before, if I see you again, you will be bullied and hurt me."

Liang Yu drank a few more glasses and couldn't help but say more.

Li Changsheng was slightly startled, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and his expression soon returned to normal.

"Longevity can be protected by Brother Yu like this, it's really a blessing for three lives"

Li Changsheng lowered his head slightly, his eyes were half-closed, he moved closer quietly, picked up the jar and filled it for him, "If you can make friends like you, you should really drink three hundred glasses."

Liang Yu couldn't refuse the wine he handed him, and he didn't know how many glasses he drank. He was very happy, but when he said this, his heart was blocked for a while, and he couldn't bear it.

"It's not my fault." Liang Yu took the wine and poured it all into his stomach. The spirits burned his stomach, his face was red, his eyes were full of water vapor, and he couldn't help holding Li Changsheng's hand. .

Li Changsheng's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously struggled to withdraw.

But he was startled by Liang Yu's next words.

"Changqing is my fault." Liang Yu didn't restrain himself because he was drinking with him. He couldn't help holding his hand and murmured: "Changqing, if I came to see you earlier, maybe I would can stop you, you won't"

Li Changsheng's face changed slightly, his eyes were rippling under the setting sun, but because of Liang Yu's words, a storm was engulfed, and he was gradually shrouded in shadows.

The struggling hand stopped moving, and just asked in a low voice, "Brother Yu, what do you call me?"

"Changqing?" Liang Yu was so drunk that he felt that Li Changsheng in front of him had transformed into two figures, a little blurry. Touch: "Wei Changqing, although you forgot me, but I won't be angry, I just know you are him"

As he spoke, he leaned slightly, approached Li Changsheng, and whispered in his ear, "I'm not angry that you forget me, but I will beg you back on the bed in the future."

Li Changsheng withdrew his hand suddenly, his face was red and his ears were red, and then his eyes widened and his eyes were burning with anger.

"So, you are so close to me and treat me in every possible way, so who are you taking me as a substitute?" Li Changsheng glared at him angrily, clenching his palms in his sleeves, a feeling of indescribable lingering in his heart. of gloomy emotions.

This was to get him drunk on purpose, to listen to him tell the truth after drinking, and say some information that he wanted to know.

But what he really said shocked Li Changsheng's heart.

"What avatar?" Liang Yu was dazzled for a while, and reached out to catch him, but he didn't catch it, and when he was empty, he fell on the stone table and murmured, "What nonsense you are him, you are my Changqing Changqing"

Seeing that he was completely drunk, Li Changsheng's chest rose and fell rapidly.

With annoyed expression on his face, he pushed the wheelchair and walked back. The waiting servants looked at the people in the pavilion. Before he could speak, he heard Li Changsheng say gloomily, "Don't worry about him!"

After speaking, he slipped into the room with a dark cloud on his face.

The servants looked at each other, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't do anything.

the next day.

Liang Yu woke up with a cracking headache. Only after this movement did he feel extremely uncomfortable. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still lying on his stomach in the pavilion. When he saw the sky, the sun had just risen.

It was clearly morning.

Liang Yu scratched his head, endured the headache, and looked around suspiciously.

Did you spend the night here last night?

Li Changsheng just left him in the pavilion? It's so inhumane!

Well said brother!

He even gave him a glass of wine last night.

Liang Yu was full of resentment, and felt uncomfortable all over. As he walked, he moved his stiff limbs. When he met the servant who was sweeping the floor in the small garden, he grabbed it and asked, "Where is your son?"

"Young master should go to the bamboo forest at the back at this time."

Liang Yu trotted out of the hospital, bypassed a wall, and came to the bamboo forest behind.

The bamboo forest in the morning is very quiet and the air is fresh and smells good. In addition to the birdsong, it is the rustling of bamboo leaves in the wind, which is quite calming.

Deep in the bamboo bushes, a white shadow caught his gaze.

Liang Yu stopped and watched from a distance.

Li Changsheng closed his eyes, his expression was calm, as if he was meditating.

Occasionally the wind whipped up the white robe and long hair, giving the illusion that he wanted to turn into a fairy.

"Changsheng, you actually threw me in the yard last night. I'm really uncomfortable right now." Liang Yu complained and stepped forward. He was about to approach a few steps when he suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air.

Li Changsheng suddenly opened his eyes, and he was actually holding the plum blossom gun he gave and shot a few poisonous needles.

Liang Yu's figure flashed, dodging the attack.

Five poisoned needles slammed into one side of the bamboo.

"Changsheng, I used this thing for your self-defense, how could you use it on me?" Liang Yu was half awake, staring at him with surprise.

Let's go, Li has nothing to say to you. "Li Changsheng clenched the hidden weapon in his hand with five fingers and looked at him blankly.

Originally, when he took the initiative to approach, what he thought at first was to take advantage of him.

But last night, Li Changsheng no longer wanted to see him.

"Changsheng, did I say something last night?" With his sudden attitude, Liang Yu knew that there must be a reason for the incident. He is not a moody person, so he took a few steps closer, "Did I say anything?"

Li Changsheng's face changed slightly.

Seeing his face changed, Liang Yu knew that he had guessed correctly, sighed, and asked the system, "Zi Yue, what did I say to him last night?"

I wasn't prepared for him, so I drank more.

For those who are unprepared, they will have no control in the subconscious, and instead say something that should not be said.

[It's nothing, it's just that the host recognizes the target of the attack as someone else]

Ziyue answered gloatingly.


Liang Yu frowned.

It seems that he drank too much, so he called Chang Qing's name.

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