The smell of blood gradually settled in the black hall, followed by a more oppressive atmosphere.

The blind Mo Feng heard the footsteps slowly approaching him, and then a hand gently patted him on the shoulder.

"For so many years, I have done my best for the Senate, and have worked hard for you." The man said gently: "The next time, you can have a good rest."

Mo Feng felt the murderous aura swept from all directions.

Ming Jian withdrew his hand, he bypassed Mo Feng and walked out of the hall door. He didn't seem to notice a burst of fireworks behind him.

Passing through a dark and quiet corridor, he stopped at the door of the innermost room of the corridor. He saw the girl in the room. To be precise, she was squatting on the ground with a spoon, digging desperately. Girl standing in the corner.

Scenery didn't just dig into the wall when she had nothing to do. She just remembered many movies about escape from prison that she had seen before. This is one way she can only try in desperation.

"What is the little girl digging?"

"The tunnel to escape..." She subconsciously replied abruptly, turning her head back suddenly, she saw the tall man, his shadow cast a shadow on him.

He touched the top of her head and smiled, "Yes, you worked hard."

She actually dug a small hole out of the corner of the wall, and she couldn't help but boast about it.

Feng Guang threw away the spoon and opened his hand to him.

He bends slightly, and a skilled princess hugs her up, her hands immediately wrapped around his neck, and soon sobbed, "I didn't confess you, why did you run over and die by yourself? This is fine. Now, we are really going to be desperate mandarin ducks."

"What desperate mandarin duck, aren't you and I still alive and well?" He sat on the simple bed holding her, gently wiped her tears with his fingers, and said funnyly: "I love to cry again. No, you will be a mother soon."

She quickly held back her tears and wiped her eyes. Although she stopped crying, she still cried, "Do you know I'm pregnant?"

"Oh, I see."

" you like him?" Holding his hand on her flat stomach, she carefully observed his face.

Ming Jian was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Of course I like it."

"I also like him very much." Her face rubbed against his chest happily, and her crying voice was full of joy, and it turned people's hearts.

I know how to hug her tightly, and I really don’t understand why the scenery has such a strong love for a child who has never met before, and he will take the initiative to mention this child, but it is also because it makes her feel very emotional. It's almost stable. The so-called "baby" is enough for him to have her. All his mind can only take care of her. Others can no longer share his care.

It is very extravagant for him to understand the feelings. It is very difficult for him to cherish himself. After putting all his emotions on her, he does not know how big he is to accommodate that child. .

It might also be said that it was his and her children.

"Clearly, when the child is born, we will be a family of three."

Seeing her teary face, he suddenly gave up the idea of ​​revising her memory.

The look on her face that focused on him was too happy.

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