Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1282: Raiders the boss with no taste

On the way back to the cottage, Fu Xiang glanced at Mo Qing's face, and gave up the idea of ​​blindfolding the scenery. He was a little nervous, "Brother Mo, Qiao Ling was taken away by Duanmu Xuan, it really doesn't matter. ?"

"What's the matter?" All Mo Qing's eyes were placed on the scenery, to prevent her from stumbling and stumbling on the mountain road, and not looking at Fu Xiang.

Fu Xiang was a little depressed, but after taking a look at the charming eldest lady of the scenery, he put his dissatisfaction in his heart, he said: "How do you say Duan Mu Xuan is also the fiancé of the sister-in-law, if Qiao Ling told Duan Mu Xuan, the sister-in-law is not What if Xia Chao comes back as a hostage here?"

"It's okay." Scenery said with a grin: "At that time, you can use me as a hostage again."

Fu Xiang paused for a while and asked a question that had been thought about for a long time, "Isn't Old Man Xia your biological father?"

"Of course I am my father, otherwise, can my father value me so much?"

"Then how can you say it so easily and use yourself as a hostage to threaten your father?"

Scenery naturally said, "Because this is the best way to prevent you from fighting with my dad."

Her idea is very simple. It is impossible for the court and Heifengzhai to live together in friendship, but she can make two groups of people fight one less time. She even thinks about the worst result. If Heifengzhai is destroyed, She begged her father to take Mo Qing away, but as for the others, she couldn't control it.

Fu Xiang heard Feng's answer and felt that he had asked a very stupid question, so he changed a sharper question, "You have to choose between your father and my big brother, who would you choose?"

Unconsciously, Mo Qing, who had always been quiet, also stared at the scenery, and he was waiting for her answer.

Scenery said without hesitation: "Choose Mo Qing."

The corners of Mo Qing's lips rose quietly by one point, which could tell that he must be in a good mood now.

Fu Xiang asked again, "Did you give up your father so simply?"

"It's not giving up." The scenery glanced at Fu Xiang, seeming to despise him very much, "My father and my mother, but Mo Qing is only me. I left my father and mother, it's a big deal... Wait until I have a baby with Mo Qing in the future. A daughter, it’s fine to pay my parents to be a daughter, don’t you think, Mo Qing?"

"Yes." Mo Qing coughed, but her ears were a little red.

Fu Xiang said twice, "How do you know you can have a daughter?"

"It's okay. Give birth to a few more. One of them will be a daughter. Are you right, Mo Qing?"

Mo Qing's face suddenly became hot when he was named, and he whispered again, "Yes."

Don't look at sometimes he can make her face flushed and bewildered, but as long as the scenery is bolder than him, he is definitely the embarrassed one.

Fu Xiang was almost astonished, astonished at the face of the scenery, "Don't you a woman feel ashamed to say these things?"

"Why are you shy?" Scenery held Mo Qing's hand and smiled sweetly. "Anyway, I will marry Mo Qing. Then I will definitely have children for Mo Qing in the future. Isn't this normal? ?"

Suddenly, Fu Xiang didn't know where to spit out. Indeed, what Feng Guang said is the truth. After marrying someone, isn't it that he will have children? The girl who has not come out of the cabinet will always make people laugh at these things, but it is not a joke if she says it so naturally.

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