Everyone only heard the elegant girl suddenly say: "Since you haven't thought about it yet, I decided to invest in a TV series, um...I haven't invested in this, Dad, is it enough to invest 200 million? "

Yao Feng was stunned. For a long time, he said: "Miss Xia...we are not making science fiction movies..."

So there is no need for so much money!

Unexpectedly, she misunderstood, and said sweetly to the father on the phone: "Then five hundred million. The TV series your daughter invests in must use the best props and the best costumes. Don't worry, Dad. , I won’t throw my money for fun.”

She hung up the phone, and everyone present was silent for a moment.

The scenery raised her lips, "Mr. Yao, is that enough?"

Yao Feng did not speak.

"Thinking about it...Five hundred million seems to be a little bit less, so I don't want to add more..." She was about to call again.

Yao Feng said quickly: "Enough is enough!"

So much money alone is more than money for making science fiction movies! What's more, Duan Mu's costume drama has nothing to use for special effects! This money is more than the sum of the money invested by the investors they have worked so hard to find!

Scenery asked: "Is it really enough?"

"Absolutely enough!" This is the first time Yao Feng has really seen what wealth is, and this young lady did not realize how much money he had spent.

Qi Bing sighed in a low voice, "This eldest lady...is a fool?"

Otherwise, who would invest so much money in a drama?

Uwen sneered, "Isn't he just a fool."

Xia Guangguang, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, suddenly appeared on his set. What is her purpose?

Yao Feng had already called people over there to call Duan Mu over. He was so excited that he couldn't wait, and he took the hand of Fengjing and walked a distance, "Duan Mu, this is Miss Xia Fengguang Xia, our new investor ."

Yao Feng suddenly stopped again, but the scenery in high heels couldn't be as freely as he did. When she leaned forward, she was supported by a pair of powerful hands, and then, the gentleness rang from the top of her head. The windy voice, "Be careful."

"Thank you..." She paused, stood still, and saw the picture-like man dressed in white.

Many people have said that Duan Mu is a person who is very suitable for white, clean white, just like his people, he has acted as a doctor, and he has also acted as a scholar. This time, he played a prisoner The enemy proton in the palace.

Some people have said that the peak of his appearance was when he was in his twenties, and he seemed to have lost the freshness of the small fresh meat in the population, but in the eyes of others, Time has given him maturity and stability, and more attractive.

At least... She has always liked this kind of mature man.

Yao Feng was still chattering, "Duan Mu, you weren't there just now, didn't you see that Miss Xia invested 500 million in us, 500 million!"

Even when Duan Mu was at his most brilliant, he was only 300 million at most. It was only when he was making a fantasy movie because he needed a lot of special effects and post-production.

Seeing her standing, Duan Mu also retracted the hand holding her, with a small smile on the corner of his lips, and whispered, "Miss Xia, our TV series don't need so much money."

"I know." Feng Jing nodded, then looked at him and curled his mouth. "I just think that if you want to match your identity, no amount of money is enough."

He raised his lips and smiled, "I don't seem to understand Miss Xia's words."

"Very simple, I'm saying you are a priceless treasure." She squinted and laughed again. "You can't buy it with money, but well... I can buy everything around you."

This is probably the strangest ambiguity that Duan Mu has ever heard.

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