When the three of them reached the top of the stairs, they suddenly heard a scream and a glorious meal. They nervously grabbed Duan Mu's clothes, "What happened?"

"Maybe I saw a mouse." Duan Mu said that it was calm and gentle, and the voice was a woman's voice. It could be heard that there was serious fear in it. Maybe it was a mouse and cockroach.

However, it is impossible for this five-star hotel to allow this kind of thing to appear, even if it is not smart, you can feel the careless randomness in Duan Mu's words.

Duan Mu was this kind of person, except for what he cared about, even if the sky was falling, he wouldn't change his face.

At this time, Duan Gao frowned, "Why do I think there are still people calling for murder?"

The scenery immediately felt more gloomy. She shrank into Duan Mu's arms and did not dare to speak. To be honest, since the last time she saw the body in this hotel, she always felt that it was not clean.

Out of a sense of justice, Duan Gao turned and walked in the direction of the voice, "You can't let it go. If someone is in danger, we have to go up and help."

Although this uncle seemed to be very introverted and not good at communicating, he didn't expect to have such a brave heart, the tie of the beautiful and ridiculous Duanmu, "Let's follow it soon, what if something happens to your father?"

Duan Mu was helpless, so he could only hug her and follow him. His strength was not small. He didn't feel tired after holding her for so long. The scenery was not too heavy. He just held her in his arms, making him look petite and exquisite. Duan Mu bowed his head. Looking at her, I feel more and more pleasing to the eye.

He suddenly understood why some girls like to walk around holding dolls so much.

After turning the corner, at the end of the corridor, a woman dressed as a waiter was sitting on the ground in fear, Duan Gao hurried over, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"Dead, dead, dead..." The waiter pointed to the room that opened the door, his face pale, and the dinner plate she was pushing fell to the ground, and the knife and fork fell to the ground.

Duan Mu's footsteps stopped, he did not hold the scenery and then moved forward, but turned around, not letting the scenery see the end of the room, but the scenery has already smelled, the same **** smell as yesterday.

Suddenly, her face turned pale, "Duan Mu..."

"Don't be afraid, I am here." Duan Mu whispered softly, not interested in seeing what happened behind him.

Duan Gao is different. Maybe it is because there are too many suspense novels. After all, he is sensitive to this aspect. He walked to the door and saw a dead woman. There is no doubt that it was the same way as the woman who died yesterday.

Even if there are too many suspense novels written, it does not mean that he can accept this scene so easily. After a long time, Duan Gao subconsciously flipped his pockets, and unexpectedly found the cell phone he thought was dropped, he hurriedly called the police. , Went to comfort the waiter who was scared.

Then, just wait for the police to come.

The scenery was quiet for a while, and said softly: "Duan Mu, you let me down first."

"I'm not tired yet."

"You will always get tired after standing for a long time." She looked up, "I am not really as light as a feather, don't worry, my feet are not as painful as you think, I can stand."


"More people will come by then, do you want me to be laughed at by others?"

Duan Mu sighed, and could only put her down by her, but he put his arms around her waist, "If you can't stand, just tell me."

"Yeah." She nodded obediently.

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