Duan Gao Qiang suppressed his anger and said, "That's why you can come to the nightclub so openly to find the next target."

"At least this time...I have to find a man who can be worthy of my identity." Fengjing smiled again, still a little charming, "Uncle, I won't bother you, I'll go play first."

"and many more."

When the scenery was about to leave, she asked, "What else do you have?"

"Even though Miss Xia said that you and Duan Mu are just for fun, I think I should give you the things Duan Mu has prepared for you."

She wondered, "What are you talking about?"

Duan Gao said: "It's what he promised you."

"You mean... a diamond ring?"

"Yes, it's the diamond ring." Duan Gao seemed to have calmed down, and he asked calmly: "I don't know if Miss Xia can go back with me. I will give you this thing. Do you want to keep it or throw it away? It’s up to you to decide."

Feng Jing thought about it, and for a moment, she smiled relaxedly, "Of course I am going. How did Duan Mu say he is also a big star. The ring he bought will not be bad, and it must be worth a lot of money. Yeah, but who would think that there is too much money?"

Duan Gao didn't comment on this passage, he turned around, "Miss Xia, please follow up."

Scenery followed him out of the nightclub, and the two took a taxi to the community where Duan Gao lived.

Climbing the stairs, Jiao Didi's eldest lady of scenery complained: "I said, uncle, you should buy a house with an elevator next time. Climbing the stairs is too tiring. I really don't understand how you can live here. "

"There are many things that Miss Xia doesn't understand, and this one is not bad." Duan Gao took out the key and opened the door.

When he walked in, the scenery quickly asked: "Where is the ring?"

"Don't worry, I have to look for it for a while." Duan Gao closed the door and poured a glass of water for her. "You drink first, I'll look for it in the room."

"Well, you have to hurry up." Feng Guang took a sip of water, then put down the water glass, and started playing with the phone while sitting on the sofa.

Duan Gao glanced at her, turned around and entered the room.

Sitting in the living room and playing with her mobile phone, she rubbed her eyes. She yawned and was a little tired. She shook her head and couldn't help lying on the sofa. At least this made her more comfortable. Waiting to see the house When people walked out, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When the clock was pointing to ten o'clock in the evening, the evening breeze came in from outside the window, and rows of wind chimes rang. The bells on the curtains also rang, and the sound of the music box rang in the room. The night became exceptional. The excitement also woke up the sleeping people.

Slowly opening her eyes, the person who had returned to consciousness soon realized that something was wrong with her. She looked down and saw that her hands and feet were tied to the chair and could not move. She raised her head in panic again and saw the person who was doing it. The middle-aged man tuned by the music box, "Let go of me!"

"It's boring." Duan Gao placed his gaze seriously on the music box, not looking at her.

There was fear in the voice of the scenery, "What do you want to do?"

"For everyone who wakes up, the first sentence is to let me go, the second sentence is to ask what I want to do, and the third sentence... is to beg you to let me go." Duan Gao finally turned his attention to her On his body, he smiled kindly, "It's really boring, this world doesn't need such a boring person, don't worry, you will be cleaned up soon."

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