Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 137: Raiders Hacker Technical Male

Fengchen shot and the group felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. This atmosphere suddenly spread after meeting with Ren Woxing and the scenery at the door of BOSS.

Fengchen shot and looked at Xia Xia, Xia Xia looked at him, and he looked at the other two men and women who were showing affection behind him... Forget it. Finally, he took the lead in self-sacrifice and asked: "Then... Did this kid take good care of you?"


Look! Which time did the goddess Wanyang answer the question not to put on a high posture, now her answer can be so simple, and there is no such tone that I can answer your question is your blessing.

Fengchen shot and asked, "Good brother, you must have protected the sister-in-law with a gentleman manner, right?"

"Yeah." He also answered with only one word, but generally speaking, he would not choose to answer such questions.

So it's too wrong!

Feng Chen shot Xia Xia's hand and walked aside and whispered: "I think something must have happened between them."

"Well, I feel that way too!"

So, this man and woman looked at the scenery and let it go with the same eyes.

"Fang, can you still fight the boss?" The pineapple, who doesn't know the atmosphere, asked carelessly.

Tudou also echoed, "Yes, helper, you can show affection with the helper wife, but let's not waste the time of the late sun goddess, okay?"

……Isn’t it you who were so happy to show Enai show just now?

Fengchen shot and felt that he was too prestigious as the leader. He reflected on it, and then shouted: "Okay, stop chatting, go, let's fight the boss!"

Everything went smoothly. The BOSS is actually the zombie king in the zombie cave. Although the damage is high, they can’t stand a big breast in their team. Scenery takes out a white jade flute and blows it to his mouth, and he can return instantly. It was full of blood, and within five minutes, the zombie king fell to the ground and the treasure chest appeared. Opening the chest in summer, except for some gold coins, it was a purple quality pen.

Fengchen shot this pen to Tudou, because Tudou is a remote treatment, and her weapon is a pen. The first time she entered the book, she got her own weapon. You can imagine how happy Tudou will be.

Just when Fengchen shot to divide the gold coins, the scenery waved his hand, "Don't give it to me, I don't need this money, goodbye everyone."

When the words fell, she retired and left. She went to the main city of Luodu alone to see the scenery, and ignored the private chats in summer. Thinking about how lively people there were in summer, and thinking about herself alone, she was sitting on the Vermillion Bird Tower. , Sighing in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, she heard a sigh coming from beside her, and when she looked at it, there was a person sitting on the other side of the tower, but the figure of that person looked much lonely and desolate than her, especially It was the bleak white he was wearing.

When the scenery watched him, he just turned around and saw the scenery. After the unexpected eye contact, the two of them were speechless for a while.

In the end, the scenery greeted first, "Hello."

Although he doesn't look so good.

"Hello." Dao Youxin replied with a sad expression, a low pressure hovering around him.

Luo is the most prosperous capital in the game, and the Suzaku Tower is the tallest building in Luodu. You can fly to the Suzaku Tower with light effort and stand on the top of the tower. The scenery of Luodu will be unobstructed. There are others here.

It’s not surprising that the scenery showed up against the sword. What she was strange about was his state at this time. She was too tired to twist his neck and talk to people. She stood up and walked a few steps, sat down next to the sword, "Hey, you what happened?"

Thanks to her very rude chattering skills, Dao Youxin wouldn't pay attention to her before, and she might feel sick in her heart, but now he doesn't have that many thoughts, because he has been overwhelmed by the heavy sadness. coming.

He sadly said: "Xiao Meng divorced me."

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