Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1459: The emperor of the medicine pot

The heartbeat is chaotic, and there is scenery.

She was held in his arms by him, surrounded by his unique masculinity. Didn't it mean that a man's subconscious reaction best reflected his thoughts? However, his subconscious action succeeded in making her heart beat faster and her cheeks flushed. Suddenly she felt that... this man is quite manly.

But maybe this was just an illusion of scenery, because he had let go of his hand and stood up unsteadily, and he was three steps away from her before turning his face and saying sorry.

The whole person was weakened.

The scenery raised his eyebrows, leaned over, stood on tiptoes and looked at his face and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anything." The sundial turned around and didn't look at her. It would only make people think that he is here without money.

She thought he was so cute, and she couldn't help but lean toward him, "Am I terrifying? Why don't you want to look at me?"

"I..." The sundial said the word "I", then closed his mouth, he turned around again, and said he didn't want to look at her anyway.

The scenery was in a good mood, and she stretched out her hand and grabbed one of his fingers. He became stiff, and she held back a smile and said, "My lord, you seem to be innocent."

The sundial pulled out his hand like a lightning strike, but she grabbed the other hand again. He had to look down at her and saw her happy smile. His face was warmer, but he didn't want to do it anymore. He took out his hand.

Seeing him suddenly looking at himself so seriously, the scenery looked at him, she couldn't help but put away her frivolous attitude, and slowly changed her cheeks.


A sudden sound shocked both of them. Scenery and the sundial released their hands at the same time, and the two moved away from each other, pretending that nothing happened and looking at the people walking down from the carriage.

The girl was dressed in a lake-blue dress and looked cute and cute. She jumped out of the car and said excitedly: "The scenery, it really is you!"

This person is naturally a porridge, and she is also followed by a man who looks very arrogant.

I saw the flower porridge looked at the sundial again, and said in surprise, "Why are you here? You are not..."

"Hua porridge!" Scenery wisely interrupted Hua porridge, with a smile on his face, he walked over and hugged the porridge, and said loudly: "I didn't expect you to be here too. I can meet you. Fate!"

Hua porridge can't take care of the sundial anymore, she said happily, "Isn't it? I thought I was the only one who crossed here, but I didn't expect to meet the scenery of you. I'm so happy!"

In fact, the relationship between the two of them in the class is not very good, just because they met in a foreign land, the relationship will inevitably advance a bit.

The man next to Hua Porridge said, "Do you know the goddess and this girl?"

"Yes, she is my friend and her name is Xia Guangguang." Hua Porridge looked at the sundial and introduced him, "This is..."

"It's my brother." When the scenery interrupted the porridge again, he winked at the porridge.

Although Hua Porridge is innocent but not stupid, she did not forget that the sundial is the priest of Dongyang Kingdom, so she changed her words and said, "Yes, they are my friends."

"This is?" The sundial looked at the man beside Huacong.

The man replied, "Under the star trails."

Hua porridge said: "Star Trails are the great priest of Nancai Kingdom."

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