As the night was approaching, Feng Jing was lying on the bed and couldn't sleep. She took out her phone and turned to the text message received an hour ago. The text message contained only two words: good night.

There is no signature, but she just knows that this must have been sent by Ou Xun. She couldn't sleep because she was thinking about a question. Why would Ou Xun know her number? Why would Ou Xun know that she would go to bed at ten o'clock every day, so she sent a text message at ten o'clock? And what I forgot to ask today, why would he know where his home is? Yes, when he sent her home, he didn't ask for the way at all, but sent her back directly.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are three problems. When she came to this world, she received the plot summary. In each world, there will be more or less deviations in the settings, so the system king said every time The most words are to ask the host to grasp it by herself, although she thinks she is witty enough...but she feels a little panicked because of the feeling of being prying on.

Tossing over and over and unable to fall asleep, Feng Guang chose to go to the study room and log in to the game she hadn't played for a month, or at the place where she was offline, on the top of the Vermillion Bird Tower. The game time is synchronized with reality, that is, It was also night in the game. Standing on the top of the tower and looking at it, there were thousands of lights.

After admiring the night scene for a while, the scenery habitually opened the backpack of the character panel and counted things. As a result, she was stunned.

There are not many things in her package, so there will be a lot of spaces, but now, the spaces in her bag are all taken up, and the places that should be empty are half filled with silver squirrels and half filled. Bi Luohua, and the placement of these two things happened to be a heart shape.

Mom, she was hacked! ?

No, if the account is hacked, the contents of her bag will be looted. How could someone with the hacked account put things in your bag!

There was a voice in the air, "You are online."

"Who!?" The scenery looked around, and there was no one, but the voice rang from her ears, and it sounded quite resentful.

"it's me."

"who are you?"


She opened the list of friends, and the only friend was Xia Xia. She was not online, and then opened the list of enemies. Sure enough, there was only one online, "Let me do it?"


"...What the **** are you doing? Relying on your status as a killer is great, do you want to scare me by playing stealth?"

After a second, the voice sounded again, "I thought you didn't want to see me."

"Are you really letting me do it?" she doubted, "or are you someone else who took up my position?"

What's wrong! In the past, he stabbed her directly involuntarily, but now he behaves like a wronged little lady! ?

"I do whatever I want." Finally, his figure emerged.

When the scenery turned around, she bumped into him, her hands subconsciously supported on his chest, and she was shocked how close they were. She couldn't help but step back several steps in a row, with her hands around her chest. "You, didn't do anything strange to me when you were invisible, did you?"

After a short silence, he replied: "No."

"Then what do you mean by silence just now?"


"You really did something weird to me!" She was sure, and stepped back several steps, but she forgot that she was standing on the top of the tower. She retreated and stepped on it for granted. He couldn't stand firmly on the edge, and he slumped down.

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