The scenery judged as an idiot...Walking down the road and sneezing, she rubbed her nose and secretly said that someone must be thinking of her! Could it be Yan Ce! ?

After thinking about it this way, her mood suddenly improved a lot, and even the raindrops from the sky on her body, she didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a black car stopped next to her, and the window rolled down. She was a beautiful woman with slightly curly hair, fair skin, and delicate features. She couldn’t see her age. The delicate makeup is elegant and charming, and the temperament is very gentle and noble. She is looking around, as if waiting for someone.

Coldly, she ran into the sight of the scenery.

The scenery standing in the rain did not move his eyes, but kept staring at her face.

The woman slowly smiled, "Little sister, what do you think of me like this?"

"You look good..." After speaking these three words subconsciously, she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

The woman laughed. She looked at the scenery with a pair of beautiful eyes, and she said, "Why do you walk on the road alone without holding an umbrella?"

"I...I forgot." In front of such a beautiful woman, the scenery is rarely embarrassed. She really forgot, because what she has been thinking about is all about Yan Ce.

The woman said in a friendly way: "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

"No need anymore...Thank you." The scenery and vigilance have always been good, and strangers' cars should not be messed up, even if it is a woman's car.

If she was not a little more vigilant, with her identity as the daughter of the Xia family, she didn't know how many times she would be kidnapped.

The woman also noticed the scenery and was uneasy. She smiled and parked the car on the side of the road. Then she opened the door and walked down with an umbrella. The scenery only discovered that this woman was not only good-looking, but also tall. Although the yellow chiffon dress is simple, it has an irresistible beauty. Every time she walks around, the skirt will flutter in the rain. She seems to be a goddess from the rain.

It was only when an umbrella was resting on her head that the scenery came back to her senses. She smelled the good perfume of a woman. If there is a seemingly non-essential scent, it is not heavy, on the contrary, it is very light, but inexplicable. Feel endless aftertaste.

The woman lowered her head slightly and looked at her with a gentle smile, "Why don't we go to the cafe over there to sit. You need a set of clean clothes. I just happened to have a set of skirts in my car that I just brought back from the laundry."

The scenery more clearly smelled the good smell of the woman. She slowly covered her face, staring at this woman in a blink of an eye, such a gentle and intellectual woman... it was what she wanted to be. The perfect woman!

When the woman saw that she didn’t speak, just as she acquiesced, she took her hand and walked into the coffee shop next to her, and put another bag into the hand of the scenery. She smiled and said, “Go to the toilet and change it. The size of the clothes may not be right for you, but it is better than you are wearing the soaked clothes now."


"Don't worry, even if you think my clothes are embarrassing to wear, you can give me money."

Speaking of money... the scenery is really not short of money.

She thought for a while, nodded, and went to the toilet with the bag to change clothes. When she came out again, the woman had ordered two cups of coffee. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the scenery. You are so cute in this skirt."

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