Scenery opened the door without even thinking about it, and grabbed the girl's hand. The girl was shocked and screamed. After seeing that it was Scenery, she let go of her heart and said with a sigh of relief: ……It's you."

Because the scenery rushed out too fast, she didn't see clearly at the beginning, which was shocked.

This girl with flowers is Zhou Xiaoqing.

The scenery was stunned for a while, looked at Zhou Xiaoqing's face and the flowers in her hand. Finally, she let go of her hand holding Zhou Xiaoqing and asked: "You sent the flowers at my door these days?"

"Yes..." Zhou Xiaoqing blushed embarrassedly when she mentioned this.

Feng Guang asked again: "What do you quietly send me flowers every day?"

"I...I want to thank you..." Zhou Xiaoqing stubbornly grabbed the flower in her hand and said stuttering: "Thank you for helping me that day. I don't know how I should thank you... I think, girl They all like flowers...but I'm afraid you don't I just..."

So she put a flower at the door of the scenery every day, and it was not seen by people. The scenery no longer wanted to complain. Every morning when she got up, she saw a flower at the door of her house. She would think she lived. Is it a cemetery? ?

Scenery really got goosebumps. She said: "You don't want to send me flowers anymore, and I don't need your thanks."

"Don't you like flowers?" Zhou Xiaoqing squashed, as if to cry.

The scenery is big, she really doesn't understand that Zhou Xiaoqing is not going to be interested in Wen Hao, so why spend time on her? She said with a headache: "It's not that I don't like it, but I hope that even if you want to express your gratitude, you will be more upright. You do these things secretly, it will make people feel uneasy."

"Is this..." Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly realized that her behavior was improper, and she quickly cheered up again, who was initially depressed. "Then I will thank you in a fair and honest way next time!" Zhou Xiaoqing gave the flowers in her hand again. , "This time it's mine. I will pay attention to it later. Goodbye to the scenery!"

After speaking, she ran away without knowing what consciousness she brought.

Standing in place with a flower in her hand, Feng Guang sighed deeply. She didn't even have a chance to make up for her sleep, so she was going to the cafeteria to have breakfast and prepare for morning study.

In order to catch the person who gave him flowers secretly, the scenery is seriously lacking in sleep, and the class is dizzy. On the other hand, the student Wen Hao, who is not serious in class, holds an attitude of contempt , I can only hear Zhou Xiaoqing sitting behind him, holding her face and whispering: "The scenery is really cute..."

It turns out that Zhou Xiaoqing is still blind this time.

After Wen Hao confirmed, he continued to concentrate on the class.

The scenery dozing off was really unbearable. She stood up and said to the teacher that she was uncomfortable and wanted to go to the infirmary. The teacher nodded and agreed.

Walking down the corridor, Scenery yawned again. She rubbed her eyes that couldn't be opened, and suddenly hit the man's chest.

She took a step back and stood firmly. When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she shouted in disbelief: "Teacher Yan, your kidney is cured!"

Yan Ce's polite smile just hung up was frozen. After a while, he calmly said, "My injury is not bad, and the doctor said that I can be discharged from the hospital."

Although he can be discharged from the hospital, the bandage on his hand is still intact, and the eye injury is healed.

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