"Yes, I grew up in an orphanage." Zhou Xiaoqing said: "Guangdong, you are the eldest lady of the Xia family, so it would be strange and normal for me to grow up in an orphanage."

The scenery is not strange for this reason, but she was too lazy to refute, just said: "You continue."

Zhou Xiaoqing took a deep breath, and then said: "I always feel that I am an orphan... But today the dean of the orphanage called me and she told me... In fact, the people who donated money to the orphanage behind their backs over the years Are my parents."

"Your parents..." The scenery was also surprised. If Zhou Xiaoqing had parents, how could she be sent to the orphanage?

Zhou Xiaoqing smiled sarcastically, "You think scenery is strange, right, I have parents, how could I be sent to the orphanage, but the dean doesn’t know why, she will tell me the news today. It’s just because her health is getting worse and worse, so she doesn’t want to keep it from me, but... I asked the dean who my parents were, and she didn’t know."

Zhou Xiaoqing was sent to the entrance of the orphanage one winter. The dean found her and brought her up, and the dean has never seen the person behind the money.

Zhou Xiaoqing just thought, maybe because she was a girl, she was born in a patriarchal family by mistake. She has no feelings for the parents behind her. It can also be said that even if her parents appeared in front of her, she would only He would be treated as a stranger, no one was born as a Virgin, how could he accept someone who abandoned himself?

Feng Feng didn't know how to comment, she chose to drink awkwardly and continue to be a qualified listener.

Zhou Xiaoqing said, "Scenery, your parents must love you very much, right?"

"It's okay..." Scenery thought of her parents. Her father is a rich old stubborn, and her mother is a beautiful strong woman. This couple has always spent very little time together. In the few days, half of them were them. When talking about business cooperation, the remaining half were when they appeared at the meeting as business rivals. Although the couple's style of getting along is a bit weird, there is no denying that they have nothing to say about the scenery.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the scenery is raised as a princess.

Zhou Xiaoqing's expression dropped a lot, "Scenery..."


"I just saw..."

The scenery casually put down the cup, "What do you see?"

"I saw you kissing Dr. Yan..."

Feng Feng stiffened, and then stood up in shock, watching Zhou Xiaoqing vigilantly.

Zhou Xiaoqing was also aware of the vigilance of the scenery, she also stood up and said: "Don't worry, I will not go out and talk nonsense, and I will not discriminate against homosexuality..."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"I just want to tell you..." Zhou Xiaoqing frowned, "If you can, you can change to a better relationship. It will be very difficult for you and Doctor Yan..."

The scenery did not relax. She said, "You don't need to worry about these things. Since I have chosen someone, I will do my best to bear the corresponding results."

Zhou Xiaoqing suddenly said lonely: "Scenery, you're so brave...If only I could be like you..."

"Like me?" The scenery is puzzled, do you like women like her?

Zhou Xiaoqing’s lovely face was overflowing with sadness that others could not understand. She looked up at the scenery and said clearly: “If I could be like you, I could be so brave to confess like someone I like... and I It would be great if the person you like can accept me."

Wait...what's going on! ! ! ?

The scenery was numb with Zhou Xiaoqing's straight eyes.

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