Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1665: Strategy...Master, do you double cultivation?

"Because your cooking is not delicious." After Feng Jing said decisively, he turned his head and left.

Does his cooking taste bad? How does he think it's not bad?

Yu Kun reflected on it and found that he couldn't think of any shortcomings, so he kept up with the scenery.

The water in the Sunset River is no longer as clear as it used to be. Now I can see a river that stretches for miles without end. Because the mud and sand are all muddy water, people standing on the shore can't reflect the shadow.

The crowd walked for a while, and found nothing wrong. Fei Ziyi finally couldn't help but said, "Isn't this just an ordinary river? And the river bank is so high, how could water spread out? ?"

If it is because of rain, then how much precipitation can be done.

Yu Kun looked at the silent scenery, "Beauty, do you see anything?"

As soon as this remark came out, Fei Ziyi couldn't help but cast her expectant gaze on the scenery.

The scenery was in a daze with the illusion that she was going to be a savior. She looked at the river again and said, "I didn't find anything wrong."

In fact, she didn't even feel the evil spirit. Of course, it was not ruled out that the monster's cultivation base was higher than her, so she couldn't feel it.

Thinking of this possibility, the scenery turned around and started to walk back.

"Hey, beauty, where are you going?" Yu Kun called.

Scenery never looked back, "I want to go back."

Thinking of the possibility of a big monster living here, she felt that her own life was very dangerous. She cherished her life, but she would not take her life into it for no reason.

Yu Kun seemed to still want to catch up, but Fei Ziyuan said: "Since the girl wants to go back, let's not make it difficult for us. Let's take the rest of the way."

Fei Ziyuan shouted at the back of the scenery: "Girl, pay attention to safety on the way back."

It's you who pay attention to safety!

The scenery didn't pay attention. The heroine would not die anyway, but she had only one life, she couldn't afford to play with others, but after walking some distance, she stopped again.

Feng Jing looked back and saw that Fei Ziyi and Yu Kun were no longer visible. She picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the water, "Who is Hejun in Sunset River? Come out to this princess!"

The stone just stirred up a layer of ripples, and there was no other movement.

Scenery waited for a while, and seeing that no one had come out, she stomped again, "He-jun of Sunset River, get out of here!"

Still nothing happened.

If it was in the past, no matter what waters the scenery went to, as long as you stomped your feet, then no matter the owner of the water palace from all over the world, he would have come to see her, but now the river king of the sunset river has not appeared, is there no river here? Jun?

But this is impossible. Rivers, seas and lakes are always managed by a god.

"Princess..." An old voice came.

The scenery looked around, but no one could be seen, "Who is talking?"

"Princess... please bow your head..."

The scenery lowered her head and saw it was a...a river prawn crawling over in difficulty. Seeing that the river prawn was crawling really slowly, she squatted down, put him in her palm, and asked: "Your family Hejun What?"

"The old slave is the river monarch of the sunset river." The elderly river shrimp coughed and said with difficulty.

The corner of Feng's mouth twitched, "Are you kidding me?"

Even if He Jun's status is not high among the gods, he would not be a shrimp.

"The princess doesn't know anything. Just three months ago, the former Hejun had resigned."


"The former Mr. He was accidentally caught by a fisherman when he was in parallax waters. A girl rescued him and put him back into the water. Soon Mr. He left his job and said he was going to repay him."

Scenery: "..."

"He Jun was originally a herring. Before he left, he passed the position of He Jun to the clam spirit. Soon there was a heavy rain. The water quality of the sunset river became turbid. The clam spirit passed the position to the crab spirit. The good waters swam away, and then more and more river spirits left, and there was only one old slave left in the sunset river..." So the position of He Jun naturally fell on his head.

Scenery... Again speechless.

At this time, another voice broke in, "So the beauty is here to catch shrimp?"

After returning to my senses, I saw the man squatting in front of me. The scenery was shocked, "Yu Kun!"

"Huh?" Yu Kun answered with a smile, "My name is so nice, will it make the beauty call it so loudly?"

She is almost annoyed by this man!

"Although there is only one shrimp... it looks a little old, but it can't be wasted. Come on, let's roast it." I don't know when, there was already a fire around him.

The scenery all saw the prawns in her hand trembling, she hurriedly raised her hands to protect her, "No roasting!"

"Don't worry, I'm still very graceful, son. I won't compete with the beauties after it's cooked." Yu Kun laughed and said, "Cooking for the master is not the responsibility of the beaver?"

"You get out of here!" Jing Jing stood up and was about to take the river prawns away, but didn't realize that her legs would be numb after squatting for a long time. She crooked, but fortunately she stood firmly with the tree with one hand .

Immediately afterwards, the fan knocked on the top of her head. She had just opened her eyes full of anger, but she saw that Yu Kun was bending over and lowering her head, approaching her face, with a smile on his lips. Said: "Every time you tease you, you can take it seriously. Are you too stupid, or the acting master is too good."


"Do you want to hit me or chase me to the end of the world?" His gaze moved his face slightly upwards, glanced at the top of her head, and then dropped his gaze on her face, raising a hand, lightly He lightly flicked a dragon horn on her head, and he smiled happily: "The little girl is a little girl, even if it's a bluff, it's a little girl."

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