Obviously knowing that Herman is not a person who can make jokes, why don't you think she can't think about making jokes with him?

The scenery was secretly annoyed, and she quietly glanced at Hermann's expression. After seeing that she was not so optimistic, she quickly lowered her head obediently again, and put on a good appearance of correcting her mistakes.

The air was quiet for such a moment.

Just when the scenery was at a loss, Herman finally spoke, "Your Royal Highness."

"Yes!" The scenery straightened up, standing straight.

"You look good too."


The scenery was stunned, she raised her head dullly, and when she saw Hermann's serious look, she confirmed that he was not joking.

The scenery does not know, as a qualified gentleman, courtesy is the most basic norm. Since the scenery praised him, of course he has to praise him, let alone a lady praised him, even if it is a small one. Scenery cannot be called a lady, but she can be regarded as a female creature.

Relations with courtesy is just a basic gentleman's demeanor, but in the eyes of other people, Herman would be boasting that he has always been unsmiling. This is really a terrible thing than the sun coming out from the west.

Because of Hermann’s indifferent temperament, even though he is indeed a good-looking man, no one has ever dared to say that he is good-looking in front of him, so no one will know that he is actually praising Hull. After Man, he will also praise it.

When the scenery looked at Herman like this, her surprised eyes were tantamount to discovering the new world. She blinked and patted her face again, "Master Bishop... Am I dreaming?"

He will actually have a day of praise?

Herman ignored the astonishment of the scenery at this time. He just said coldly: "His Royal Highness, I have things to do, so I will leave first."

After Herman finished speaking, he turned and left. However, he just took a step before he felt someone grabbing the corner of his clothes. He looked down and saw the scenery behind him.

The scenery wrinkled a small face and said, "Father Phil is back, I don't want to choose a close attendant."

When the words were over, the scenery directly lifted Hermann's wide monk's coat and got in. Hermann only felt that someone was holding his leg tightly. His face was stiff, because it was inconsistent with politeness. Snatched out from behind him, but Father Phil had already walked over.

"My Excellency." Father Phil bent over to salute, and three young men followed him.

Herman nodded coldly. In front of other people, he really couldn't make such an indecent move to pull a naughty little princess from his clothes.

Herman was never an approachable person, and Father Phil didn't think there was anything wrong with Herman's expression. He respectfully asked, "Has the Bishop seen the Princess?"

"Your Royal Highness..." Herman felt that one of his legs was about to be deformed by the little girl. He paused, then spoke again, "I didn't see her."

"Oh..." Father Phil sighed, "I brought three candidates who were close servants to the princess to select, but I didn't expect that the princess would disappear when he came back. What should I do?"

"Since the princess is gone, it's okay to find it."

"Master Bishop, you don't know. Your Royal Highness has always had a lot of ghost ideas. If she wants to hide, it's really not easy to find."

is not that right? Now the scenery is behind Hermann, but I can't find it either.

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