"If you go back to your Royal Highness..." The little girl was also a little nervous. This is the first time that her Royal Highness has been staring so nervously, so she will inevitably feel nervous, "Because the Holy See has newly selected a saint, so she must bring it in to the king. Your Highness glanced."

Feng Guang immediately asked, "Is it possible that the father doesn't think he is satisfied with this person, but can he change to a saint?"

"This...I don't know."

She didn't expect the maid to come up with an answer, she was just a small maid, and the scenery was not difficult for the maid, but after combing her hair, she looked back at Eve who was eating snacks and said: "We Go and see."

"Yes, Your Highness." Eve packed the unfinished snacks into her pocket. The snacks were still prunes made for her by the scenery. She followed the scenery out of the princess's bedroom and walked to the hall where the king was discussing matters.

It's just a coincidence that when she walked halfway, the scenery was blocked. The person who blocked her was the one she didn't want to see the last.

"Beautiful lady, I finally see you again!" Richard walked over emotionally.

Sure enough, the more you fear, the more you will come.

Richard seemed to want to give Feng a hug, but she was so scared that Feng Feng kept backing away. Eve lifted his sword in front of Feng and warned with a cold face, "Prince Richard, please pay attention to your behavior."

Arnold hurriedly called "Prince", Richard's footsteps stopped, and he apologized: "I am so excited, beautiful lady, please forgive me for being rude."

The scenery doesn’t want to see him at all. Even now Richard has no the embarrassment and weakness of lying on the beach. He is neatly dressed, and his whole body exudes a charming light. Indeed, the blond prince always treats people. There is an inexplicable attraction, and the prince in the fairy tale is indeed so handsome and beautiful.

Of course, this group of women who will feel the heart does not include scenery.

She said impatiently: "I have something else, please don't block the way."

"What's the matter with the beautiful lady?" Richard still asked with a ignorant wink: "I wonder if I can be lucky enough to share with the beautiful lady?"

"No." She directly rejected Richard's "enthusiasm" with two words.

Richard did not intend to give up yet. He took a step closer and said sincerely: "If it is something I can't share, it must be a tricky thing, beautiful lady, maybe you will feel it trouble."

So, this requires his appearance.

The scenery has been troubled by this person. She has never seen such a person who can talk with ducks, and even makes her rarely have the urge to beat others.

Just as the scenery was preparing to give an order for Eve to do it, another voice sounded, "Your Royal Highness."

The scenery looks like Herman.

He nodded and bent over slightly, "Good day, Your Highness."

Lilith also saluted, "Good day, Princess."

"I'm uneasy!" Scenery glanced at the woman following Herman, and this repressed temper exploded immediately.

It was the first time Lilith came to the palace, and it was the first time to see the rumored Royal Highness, but this highness did not seem to like herself, she was a little sad.

Herman said, "His Royal Highness is angry."

"I'm not angry." The scenery retorted very quickly, that is, there is no silver in this place.

Herman's expression remained unchanged, "It seems that the princess is very angry."

"I said I'm not angry anymore!"

"Your Highness."

The scenery pursed his lips to look at him, and his eyes were angry. How could he be lifeless?

Hermann took a step closer to her, and she took a step back. He asked, "If your Highness is not angry, why dare not to come closer to me?"

"What can I not dare?" Feng Guang raised his head, and walked to Herman without admitting defeat.

The light of the magic circle suddenly appeared under Hermann's feet, spreading to the feet of the scenery, his face was still expressionless, but his voice was lowered by a point, "We need to talk."

In a blink of an eye, the scenery and Herman's figure had disappeared.

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