Like Richard's straw bag...

Feng Guang thought she had heard it wrong, she reminded uncertainly, "Hey...did you say the wrong thing?"

How could a knight like Arnold, who has always been loyal to Richard and loyal to Richard, suddenly say such disrespectful things?

I don't know that Arnold's expression is not panic. Since Feng Guang thinks he has heard it wrong, he kindly said it again, "I said Richard is a strawbag prince, is it wrong?"

Scenery: "..."

Of course she didn't want to refute this statement, but she just couldn't believe the word "stuffed bag" in Arnold's mouth.

"There is no one else here." Arnold said, "And I also believe that you, who always dislike Richard, will never have the opportunity to talk to him."

Therefore, he can be so unscrupulous to call others the prince of a straw bag.

The scenery clearly felt that Arnold no longer had the humility and honesty that he had brought to people before. At this time, not only was his smile difficult to guess, even what he said, the meaning in it was unexpected. It makes people feel erratic.

"Are you not Richard's close attendant?" Scenery had some doubts. A loyal knight would never talk about his master behind his back.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I am indeed Richard's close attendant." Arnold sighed helplessly. "Wendy, you don't understand. Even if Richard is a strawbag prince, I can only try to beat others. People, strive for the position of close attendant."

After listening to the scenery, he was silent for a while, calmly complaining, "Of course I don't understand if you don't say it."

She doesn't know how to read minds, nor can she see the skills of the past, what other people don't say, she can understand it is hell.

Arnold thought for a while, and that's right, the IQ of Fengjing is not outstanding compared to other people. If you want to expect her to discover something with her own ingenuity, it would be too difficult for others, not to mention that he does not have that much. patient.

"I wonder if Wendy still remembers something that happened when you were young?"

"A lot of things happened when I was a kid, which one do you want to say?"

Arnold miscalculated, he mentioned her like this, but she still didn't remember, so he said again: "In the year you were five years old, you pushed a death row prisoner into Angel Springs."

"It's you!" Feng Guang immediately stood up from the ground, and she said in surprise: "You are not dead?"

"Yes, I'm not dead yet." Arnold laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, even if I fell into the water, I was still alive."


"Of course it is possible." Arnold interrupted her, and then said: "I thought I was dead, but maybe I shouldn't be killed. I was washed ashore by the current during a coma. An old couple rescued me. They had no children, so I became their child."

The old couple only came from the Land of Spring to the Land of Xia to do business. Arnold followed them back to the Land of Spring. After a few years, he joined the army and passed various tests to become a member of the Knights. One member, because of outstanding performance, was selected as Richard's close attendant.

"It's really hard for me to walk this way." Arnold smiled bitterly. He has no background and naturally has to work harder than others. "But I never thought of giving up. Do you know why?"

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