After a long time, Arnold's voice sounded in the quiet air. He had already returned to God from his astonishment, "Master Bishop...Unexpectedly, for Wendy, you can actually betray your faith."

This is indeed an incredible thing.

Compared with Arnold’s honest and loyalty, Hermann was more indifferent and ruthless. He could pronounce the death of those infidels without emotion, or he could treat those who had been together for a long time but became a traitor to the Holy See. People were executed mercilessly. He seemed to have become a representative of the Holy See's rules and regulations, and no one would ever doubt his loyalty to the Holy See.

"Faith?" Herman laughed sarcastically, "Faith only gives people who lack courage a spiritual support. Such cheap things are not a necessity in my life."

Arnold whistled, "Unexpectedly, the second commander of the Holy See, the Bishop, is actually a heretic."

"Now, you should return Wendy to me." Herman didn't want to talk to Arnoldo. Now, he wants to see the scenery.

Scenery is a young lady who is very courageous and has been accustomed to a spoiled life. She is now locked up in jail, and she must be afraid. At this time, Herman should be by her side.

Arno said leisurely: "Don't worry, you just killed a few people, but there are real things that you haven't done."

"whats the matter?"

"Kill the pope first."

Herman paused for a while, "Kill the pope?"

"Not bad." Arnold said: "The Pope is a pillar of faith for the entire Holy See. As long as he dies, there will be chaos in the Holy See. Over the years, the Pope has been in poor health, but although he did not appear, the Holy See The people here still look at him first, he must die."

As soon as the pope dies, all people will want to sit in this position. Some people have ambitions, even the holy church, which is known as pure-hearted and undesirable.

The disintegration of the Holy See will be more conducive to Arnold's step by step defeat of the entire kingdom of Xiazhi.

Herman turned around, "Come with me."

"where to?"

"Take you to see the Pope."

Actually act so decisively?

But soon, Arnold thought that Herman could betray the Holy See for the sake of the glory, and he followed without hesitation.

Hermann took Arnold to the highest level of the Holy See, and passed the long corridor to the room at the end. This is the pope's residence. On weekdays, without the Pope's permission, other people can't come up at will.

Herman had the key to the room. He opened the door. The room was dark. Arnold followed and closed the door.

Arnold is already very alert, "Hey, Bishop Hermann, don't you think it's too dark here?"

"The Pope likes darkness."

"That's really weird. Isn't he going to believe in the light?" Arnold replied casually, and he was wondering, could it be that the pope was so badly in health that he didn't even notice that outsiders came in .

"Darkness can hide many unknown things." Herman's voice fell, and the surrounding candles lit up, illuminating the room.

Everything in the room was exposed to people's sight, but Arnold stepped back as he watched Herman standing at the door, "What...what are these?"

The room was filled with crystal coffins. Inside the crystal coffins, there were only two types of people lying. In the crystal coffins of no fewer than 20, most of them were the bodies of six or seven-year-old boys. Only one of them was a watcher. He is about to step into the body of a middle-aged adult male.

" killed them?" Arnold asked in a deep voice. Most of them were silent children. I believe people with conscience will feel angry and upset when they see so many children's bodies.

Hermann raised his hand and placed it gently on top of a crystal coffin. He looked at the people lying in the crystal coffin and said lightly: "They are just bodies, they have never lived. How can you talk about death?"

Arnold noticed that there was a girl lying in one of these crystal coffins, and that girl was sleeping in the crystal coffin under Herman.

He also didn't know what Herman was thinking of. He looked at the girl's body in the crystal coffin, his eyes softened a lot.

If what Herman said is true... Arnold’s voice was startled, "Herman, these shells...what are you going to use for?"

"Can't you see it?" Herman raised his eyes, his eyes flat, "I have walked on the path of immortality, and you are just a poor short-lived ant."

"Could it be that...Herman, you..." Arnold looked at the body of the only adult male, and he faintly had an unbelievable guess. This guess was so strong, and so unbelievable. To believe.

"I haven't had time to destroy this retired body." Herman also looked at the adult male's body, because these days, whenever I have time, I can't wait to find the beautiful scenery day by day. Remember this incident? He chuckled at Arnold again, but it did not make people feel relaxed, "From the beginning of the establishment of the Holy See to the present, the popes have been me, and there has never been an exception."

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