Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1803: Raiders the sword fairy who can't hear the sound

The scenery stood quietly behind Nan Ke, still slowly digesting this matter. There was a village in the mountains, and men with brain problems would be so popular with children... This information is placed on ordinary people, she It is easy to accept, but if it is placed on him, she feels a little offensive.

A child asked expectantly: "The village chief, did you bring us food?"

"Take it." Nan Ke smiled slightly, and pulled the rope again, pulling the scenery to his side. He said, "This is your food."

Scenery: "..."


One big and one small looked at each other for a few moments. After a while, they turned their gazes on Nanke.

Nan Ke looked at the children, a little confused in his voice, "Aren't you hungry?"

"The village chief...you called us...cannibalism?" A seven or eight year old girl asked uncertainly.

"You don't need to think of her as a human." Nan Ke lifted his lips, and a small smile appeared on the corners of his lips, like the sunshine in March, warm and intoxicating, "I saved her, and she said she would be a cow for me. As a horse, when I went out of the village to buy, didn’t your parents also say that? Cows and horses are also edible."

"The village chief!" a boy cried out suspiciously, "Are you kidding me?"

The girl also yelled and said, "Even if you say that, we can't treat such a beautiful sister as a cow or horse!"

Another child also said: "The village chief, we can't eat people!"

Scenery silently raised her hand to cover her mouth, and she was really moved to cry. Fortunately, the three views of everyone in this village except this man are still normal. If this group of people can accept with a smile and eat her, Anyone who doubts life has to become herself!

She just thought that this man was going to treat herself as a servant slave, but she didn't realize that he planned to let the people here eat her. At this time, these innocent children are really cute!

Nan Ke was silent for a while, and he asked with last hope: "Is it really not allowed to eat?"

"No!" This time all the children answered in unison.

At this time, the villagers who had finished their work also came over, "Village Chief, you are back."

"Father!" The girl with two croissants ran to a man carrying a hoe, "The village head brought a sister back and said that we should eat her!"

"What!?" As soon as these words came out, even these adults were surprised.

Nan Ke was still there and expressed doubts, "Is it really not allowed to eat her?"

He has always felt that picky eaters are not good, so he can eat whatever he has.

Scenery... She continued to be speechless.

The girl's father stood up and said, "The village chief, how can we eat people? This is not right. Ouch, I said it is not good to let you go out to buy things. You still have a lot of things that you haven't figured out yet!"

Another villager also said: "The village chief has only recently woke up, and he still doesn't understand many things in the world. At the beginning, we should have Wenxiu go with you."

This man named Wenxiu is the little girl's father.

Everyone said in a few words, nothing more than they regretted that Nan Ke should not be allowed to go out shopping alone. Even if he let him go out with a child in the first place, even a five or six-year-old child would be better than Nan Ke must have common sense.

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