【April 12th, sunny.

Skin hunger, this is the result of the doctor.

When I heard this result, I was not surprised. What was unexpected was that this mental illness only occurred when I saw her.

The doctor said that I need psychological treatment, because if the disease is too serious, it will cause a lot of irrational behavior. I refused, because for a disgusting woman, I will not spend too much attention on her.

Yes, Xia Guangguang is a woman I hate. 】

【April 18th, sunny.

It has been seven days since what happened on the bridge, and six days have passed since I got the mental illness report.

I woke up today, the bed is still wet, my dream still hasn't changed in the slightest, the dream that is not beautiful...but the strange dream that made me addicted.

I cracked the password of Guo Ming's network disk, and watched all the explicit videos in the study materials folder. Those men's rude actions and those women's deliberate screams made me feel very boring.

I don't understand that Xia Guangjing is also a woman. Her body structure is no different from these women. Why do I only have sex/fantasy towards her inexplicably? Even in a dream, it can make me extremely excited.

All this must be due to skin hunger. 】


【April 22, overcast.

I fell in love with this dream.

In the dream, her skin was so white and tender, and her voice was so beautiful.

I have no reason to reject this comfortable dream. 】

【April 23, overcast.

I made her cry.

I did not do it on purpose.

Why would she help that man so kindly?

I jealous.

Very jealous.

But I regretted it because she cried.

She is not a bad woman.

She is the hardest secret hidden in my heart. 】

【April 24th, overcast.

I changed all the webpages. Everyone who clicked on the webpage would see that she hadn't done those things. She was wronged.

I was among those who wronged her.

Will she be happy?

She wants Biluohua, she wants Silver Squirrel, I can give it to her.

Guo Ming said that girls like heart-shaped things, so I put these things into heart-shaped things.

Will she like it? 】

【April 25th, sunny.

She is not on the game. 】

【April 26th, sunny.

She is not on the game. 】


【April 30th, rain.

Today, I couldn't help but peeped at her.

I controlled the camera of her computer, and her computer was facing her bed.

She was wearing a nightdress, lying on the bed reading a book, she suddenly turned over and lay on her head with her hands on her side. Because of her posture, under the white nightdress, there was a looming little on her chest. I want to touch the ditch, because I miss the feeling she pressed on me that day.

Her thighs were also exposed, very white, as white as jade, and I saw the pink corner between her legs.

She is wearing pink underwear, which is her favorite color.

I didn't hold back, dreaming of her crying in a dream, and I released it in my own hands. 】

【May 1st, sunny.

Today she is wearing a yellow dress. She likes to wear a skirt because she wears a beautiful dress, which is both dignified, playful and cute.

I want to take off her skirt. 】

【May 2nd, sunny.

Today she went to bed a minute earlier than usual.

Is she in a bad mood?

Or is she uncomfortable?

I want her to sleep in my arms. 】


【May 13th, sunny.

I went to a class that I had never attended before, because she came to class today, and I want to take a seat for her.

She smelled so good, more intoxicating than I thought.

There are too many people here, and I controlled the urge to hug her.

She wrote my name and wrote it several times before it was correct, but I really liked what she wrote. I locked this paper in the safe.

Because of Zhou Lie, I successfully had a legitimate reason to be with her.

She told Shen Wuyan that I was her boyfriend, and I was very happy.

I will be her future husband. 】

【May 14, sunny.

I can't let her know that I'm just doing it, I want to keep this secret.

I know that she doesn't eat breakfast every day. This is bad for her health. I want to give her breakfast.

The thirty-seventh egg rolls and the twenty-eighth vegetable steamed buns finally reached the perfect level. She liked them very much.

I decided to make breakfast for her every day.

She is very good at pretending to be very strong. When I heard what she said to Zhao Xiaolu, I couldn't help but take her home. I want her to rely on me more so that I can feel that I am to her. Is very important.

I kissed her, she enjoyed it, but she refused my further action, I respected her, but held her hand to solve it.

It's not the same as doing it yourself, letting it go under her hands, it's terribly comfortable. 】

【May 15th, sunny.

She still knows.

Knowing that I want to keep her secret.

She doesn't believe me.

I suddenly couldn't hear my heartbeat.

Am I dead? 】

[May 16, overcast.

I am not dead yet. 】


【May 20th, sunny.

Today I made two more scars with a knife on my hand. The color of blood is very beautiful.

But I still miss her.

Want to see her, want to touch her. 】

【May 26th, sunny.

The injury healed soon.

I think the wound is far from enough.

I want to imprison her. 】

【May 28th, sunny.

She wants to go abroad, she wants to leave me.


I won't let her leave me! 】

【May 29th, sunny.

She still came back.

Come back to me.

She is willing to start again with me.

I'm alive again. 】


【June 17, sunny.

Guo Ming moved to the dormitory assigned by the company because he found a job. We withdrew the rented house. In an apartment building close to the university, I bought a room because Fengjing finally agreed to live with me.

Today we got married in the game, and Dao Youxin also came to watch the ceremony. Now he changed his name to Dao Wuxin. I heard that he often blocked the woman named Mengguoer from resurrection.

Scenery was very interested in him, but after I told her that Dao Wuxin was Zhou Lie, she didn't show any interest in him anymore. She hated Zhou Lie and I was very happy.

Even Shen Wuyan didn't know that Dao Youxin was actually his cousin.

I said that as long as I want to, I can know the identity of everyone.

Scenery said I am great.

I will be in bed tonight and let her know what is better. 】

The kitchen scene shouted: "Ou Xun! Let's make dinner!"

"Okay." Ou Xun replied. He put down his pen and got up, covered the diary. He was going to put it in the safe, but he suddenly changed his mind.

He pushed open the cabinet. Behind the cabinet is another dark space. He would buy this room because of the hidden compartment. It is said that the original intention of the design was to allow the host's family to hide in danger.

In a small space, an iron cage is filled with pink dolls. If you can ignore that these dolls are piled in the cage, I believe everyone will think that this is just a doll for little girls.

Ou Xun threw the diary in the cage. He turned around and returned everything to its original state. When Feng Guang called his name for the second time, he had already hugged her from behind.

Some things will never be known to her, as long as she will always stay by his side.

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