Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 1838: Qi Chang'an Chapter Extra (4)

"Qi...Qi Changan...you unexpectedly..." Xia Chao supported the table. Like everyone else, his physical strength was rapidly losing. It was only because of his profound skill that his physical strength was lost faster than others. Slowly, now he is looking at Qi Changan incredulously, thinking that what he sees and what he hears seems to be a joke.

Qi Changan got up from his seat, he slowly walked up the steps, came to the main seat of the main hall, and sat down at the main seat. This was originally the seat for the master of Guanxian Island. Now he sits. It is understandable.

His expression is gentle, not different from before. Even when he looks at people, his eyes are full of love and selflessness. He smiled, "Sorry, my father-in-law, about my identity as the master of Guanxian Island. I only let you know now."

"The island owner of Guanxian Island..." Ling Jiusheng was the one who spoke this time, "How could it be... it's you..."

Compared to Xia Chao's disbelief, although Ling Jiusheng didn't have many expressions on his face, he seemed to be able to see that he was the person who could not accept this fact the most.

Qi Chang'an's eyes fell on Ling Jiusheng like alms, and he smiled, "I am indeed the island owner of Guanxian Island, Master Hua, we have met again."

Ling Jiusheng had a look, and finally changed.

"You know that my surname is Hua... It seems that you are indeed the same person back then." Ling Jiusheng also smiled, not vigorous, only slightly bitter.

Huayan was lying on the table. She opened her eyes and asked weakly, "Ling Jiusheng...what does your surname Hua mean?"

She had a bad feeling.

"Girl Huayan doesn't know, right?" Qi Changan kindly explained to Huayan, "Master Ling was originally from Jiangnan Hua's family, but later his father abandoned his mother and chose to run away with another woman. Will be changed to mother's last name."

"Jiangnan Huajia..." Huayan opened her eyes wide, and the guess in her heart made her reluctant to think about it anymore.

However, Qi Chang'an was a good person. He smiled and continued: "It is the family of Huayan's father. Many years ago, Guru Ling's mother died of depression, and Guru Ling became sick again. It was me who helped me. After seeing him, seeing that he has good talents, I also taught him a few tricks in martial arts."

Ling Jiusheng squeezed his hand, his voice was also cold, "But you left without saying goodbye..."

"I have something to do, so I can't bring an oil bottle with me." Qi Chang'an squinted and smiled, but he still wanted to get into the Villa of Justice and become the leader of the martial arts.

Ling Jiusheng was silent.

Fifteen years ago, Ling Jiusheng was a 7-year-old child. His father ran away with another woman with all his family property. Her mother also died of illness quickly. If he hadn't met Qi Changan, Ling Jiusheng would not survive. Down.

Ling Jiusheng always remembered that it was a winter. In a ruined temple, he knelt beside his mother's body in a daze. When the wind and snow were heavier outside, a teenager walked in with a slight chill.

The appearance of the boy thirteen and four, dressed in white, seems to be whiter than the snow outside. Although he is young, he has a handsome face and has the style of a modest gentleman.

The young man smiled warmly, "So there are already people here, this young master, don't you mind if I hide here for a while?"

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