Although Lu Zhiyuan is not sure whether he will help when he sees other girls being threatened by boys, but he doesn't think about this problem now. He only knows that he won't let the scenery change. Up.

Yan Gui slowly grasped the hand of the scenery. Facing Lu Zhiyuan, his attitude has always been so cold and indifferent. If others can't see that he is treating himself seriously, they will inevitably feel in his heart. More angry.

Lu Zhiyuan's current mood is like this.

The scenery that hadn't spoken for a long time finally moved. She stepped out from behind Yangui. After realizing that she couldn't pull the hand held by him, she simply shook his hand back, even more homeopathy. She hugged Yangui's arm. She had always disliked showing the state of Xiaoniaiyiren, but once she showed the state of Xiaoniaiyiren, it would indeed arouse people's desire for protection.

Regarding the sudden intimacy of the scenery, Yan Gui just looked down at her, his expression still quiet.

Scenery is already smiling now, she smiled sweetly at Lu Zhiyuan: "I don't think you need to take care of me and Yangui."

Lu Zhiyuan was obviously stunned. He would not have imagined that Feng Guang would one day put this image of Yan Gui full of attachment to Yan Gui in front of him. After a while, he said in a low voice: "Wang Feng...I know You hate me, but you can’t retaliate against me in this way. It’s not fair to you.”

She pretended to be in love with other men, which would only make Lu Zhiyuan feel more guilty.

The scenery smiled, so bright and dazzling, "What are you talking about? My boyfriend was originally Yangui. Now I am with Yan, isn't it a matter of course?"

Lu Zhiyuan moved his lips, his expression turned helpless after all, "I lied to you...I was wrong, scenery, I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just hope that you don't despise yourself because of this. ."

"You bother, your business has no effect on me." The scenery squeezed Yangui's hand, and she looked up at him, "Didn't you say you want to take me home? Let's go now, I I don't want to see boring people."

Yan Gui whispered, "Okay."

Yangui’s car was parked on the side of the road. The uncle driver over there was always concerned about what’s going on here. Seeing his master and Miss Xia walking towards this side, he hurriedly got out of the car and opened the back door. .

"Shengguang..." Lu Zhiyuan caught up with him. When he was about to scratch the other hand of the scenery, Yan Gui was already one step closer to him and held the other hand of the scenery.

Yan Gui's tone was calm, but his voice was slightly cold, "You are not qualified to touch her."


"I know what I call myself, and I don't need you to remind me so loudly." Yan Gui only left this sentence calmly. He took Feng Jing's hand and took her into the car without looking back.

Seeing the black car leaving, Lu Zhiyuan suddenly felt abandoned, and this feeling came so strong.

In the car, the scenery is not good either.

As soon as she got into the car, she let go of her hand holding Yan Gui, and her face became cold, "Don't think that what I just said is true."

"I know that what Fengguang said is not true." He looked down at her, and could only see the top of her head, but that was enough. His thin lips were lightly raised, and he said softly, "But it doesn't matter. I also love to listen."

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