Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 258: Raiders of the Regent Mansao

The scenery glanced at Gu Yan without refuting her eyes. She raised her eyes with a pair of beautiful eyes, "How does Uncle Wang think this drama on stage?"

The story on stage is exactly the famous story of Cao Cao taking the emperor to make the princes. This is an overhead dynasty. There is no such thing as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This play was written by her for the troupe to perform. Of course, she Added a sentence of author Nai Guanzhong.

Gu Yan said objectively: "The story is tortuous and exciting."

"So what does Uncle Wang think of Cao Cao?"

"A generation of heroes."

"Yes, Xiaoxiong, if it is Uncle Wang, I believe you will be able to get this world without being infamous." Fengjing smiled and supported his chin: "At that time, Uncle Wang will be a hero. Not a hero."

Gu Yan looked down, "Your Majesty, speak carefully."

Feng Guang touched his chin with his other hand, and smiled, "Uncle Wang should know that I have always said so sincerely in front of you, and you will not betray me, so how can you say it carefully? "

Gu Yan said without changing his face, "No matter how much your Majesty says, I still need to practice calligraphy today."

She withdrew her hand bitterly and turned her head away with a snort.

Her little daughter's attitude is not like her usual errand, Gu Yan's eyebrows moved slightly, "I have seen enough of the play, Your Majesty, let's start today's homework."

"Gu Yan, you really don't understand the style."

"The duty of the minister is only to assist His Majesty, and has nothing to do with customs."

"Huh, it's really wood."

Gu Yan said slightly, wood is not wood, so what does it matter to him?

Three days later, the queen officially set off for her personal conquest. In addition to the four close-knit court ladies, there was a team of military horses to protect her, and the regent Gu Yan was by his side, and she seemed safe for a while.

On the way to the north, you have to pass through many cities and towns. In such a remote area, it is rare for local officials to enter Beijing once, let alone see the true face of the emperor? Therefore, all these small county magistrates were trembling after receiving the news that the queen was going through, and made the most foolproof defense measures.

Of course, there are also people who think about flying on a branch to become a phoenix.

For example, at this moment, the scenery that was about to sleep in the county magistrate's mansion suddenly heard a sound of depression, which was like a complaint, and it was long and lasting, but it came out of the inexplicable sadness and depression of the person who played the flute.

The ego said: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid will go and drive the person who blows the flute."

"Hey, no need." Scenery raised his hand and twitched at the corner of his mouth. "Even though those who played and sang before, they couldn't get into the ears. Today this one is actually my favorite Liangxiaoyin on weekdays. You have done enough work, no matter, these days, Uncle Wang doesn't allow me to molest him, so I will meet this caring person today."

The scenery put on the robe that he took off, and followed the sound to a yard, only to see a thin man standing under a sycamore tree, his back in the bright moonlight, especially bleak .

He heard the footsteps, the sound stopped, he also turned around, and by the moonlight, he also saw his sad face. This face is not beautiful, but it has a very unique charm. , It is the kind of charm that is hard to forget after a glance, the blue shirt on his body flutters gently in the night wind, as if to ride the wind.

Scenery suddenly thought that if he wears white clothes, he will be more like Gu Yan, not like a face, but like a god.


The scenery lifted her lips, opened the folding fan with peach blossoms in her hand, and said chicly, "Oh, which son is this?"

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