The scenery was still pregnant and gave birth to an ugly child. The court doctor smiled and explained to Wang Qian, who was dissatisfied with his face: "The prince, the child is born like this. It will be fine when the child is born. The princes are all beautiful people, and the little princess must also be a beauty in the future."

Gu Yan ignored the doctor. He looked down at the small face in his arms that was not as big as a palm. This wrinkled look made him tsk in disgust.

What kind of children will be born like this? The appearance of the newly born scenery is much cuter than this little doll.

Gu Yan seems to have forgotten that this little doll he despised was his biological daughter.

Scenery looked at the change in Gu Yan's expression and was very heartbroken. She sat on the bed and stretched out her hand, "Give me the baby!"

I just gave birth to the baby, and I don’t know how her strength can recover so quickly?

Gu Yan thought for a second, and then sent the child to her arms, and explained by the way, "Scenery, I don't dislike her..."

"Don't talk!" Feng Guang glared at him, "I haven't forgiven you about your secretly drinking refuge soup!"

Gu Yan was a little uncomfortable. It turned out that he had been drinking avoidance soup all the time, just to prevent the scenery from getting pregnant. The reason why he didn't like having children in between them, and didn't drink the avoidance soup was because he also knew, As a queen, she must have an heir. Instead of letting her have other men in the future, it is better to wait for him to enjoy enough of the two-person world before stopping the medicine to give birth to a child.

Gu Yan kept concealing the fact that he drank Bizitang very well, until Su Xu "accidentally" said it in front of the scenery. Because Su Xu and Su Bi have a sibling relationship, Su Bi and Ke have a deep affection/ The relationship between people, Ke Huai and the scenery are also friends, so Su Xu avoided the fate of being "demolished", she just went to the northern wilderness where the conditions were the most difficult.

The avoidance of Zitang caused an uproar between the scenery and Gu Yan. No way, Gu Yan could only perseverely press her on the bed for a month, trying to give her a child.

During the days when Gu Yan couldn't "open the meat", and also in the anticipated expectation, the first little emperor of Dongyun Kingdom was born, um, it was the crumpled child that Guangxi was holding now.

Unlike Gu Yan, who is a father, who dislikes children, the scenery as a mother is full of love to children, "Daughter, your father doesn't like you, but my mother loves you the most. You have to be happy. Big, be the most beautiful little princess."

When she talked with her baby in her arms, she spoke softly, with a soft expression, a soft tone, and the brilliance of maternal love added a mature charm to her and made her a lot more beautiful.

Gu Yan suddenly thought that this child might not be that annoying anymore.

"Hey, Gu Yan." She just whispered softly to the child, and now he doesn't have a good face when he looks at him: "Anyway, you are also the father of the child, do you think the name of the child?"

Gu Yan was silent, but for a moment, he smiled and said, "Just call it a laugh."

The scenery was stunned. For a while, she held the child's hand tightly, then lowered her head and looked at the sleeping child with a relaxed smile, "Okay, just call Xiaoxiao."

So, the name of the little emperor was so decided.

The ten-year-old girl sat in the yard and listened to the story. She hurled at the corner of her father's clothes with dissatisfaction, "Daddy, my name is so simple. Is there no other meaning?"

"The moral is to laugh often, isn't it?" Gu Yan smiled slightly, and threw the eagle food in his hand to an eagle standing on the stone table.

Xiaoxiao is ten years old this year, at the age of innocence, and her small face has been gradually growing. In a few years, I am afraid that she will also be a figure in the Yanjue Emperor. She has been spoiled by the scenery since she was a child. Since she wanted to figure it out, she had to figure it out, so she continued to pester her father and asked: "Daddy, daddy, do I really mean to laugh because I want to laugh often?"

Gu Yan was so entangled by her that he put down the eagle food in his hand, and he touched the little girl's head, "Have you ever lied to you?"

"No." Xiaoxiao innocently shook his head.

"So, smile can be quiet?"

"Hmm." She nodded obediently.

Gu Yan praised her, "It's really a good boy."

Smiling lying on the table, facing the eagle's eyes, she couldn't help asking, "Why didn't Daddy allow me to tell my mother that Daddy raised such a mighty big eagle?"

"That's because your mother doesn't like this kind of animal." Gu Yan said nonsense with his eyes open. "Smile, but remember, what is our agreement?"

"I don't tell my mother father that I raised a big eagle, and my father often takes me out of the palace to play!" Smiled and grinned happily, as if she can go out of the palace to the father's mansion now, as long as he helps his father to protect Secret, then she can often go out to play.

Gu Yan scratched the tip of her nose and said with a chuckle: "Smile is really a smart kid."

"Well, that's because Xiaoxiao likes Daddy the most!" It's not like a mother, every time she forces her to eat vegetables, and also forces her to eat the least favorite carrot, but Daddy is much better, he will always be so gentle with him Talking, she will buy many novel gadgets from the folks.

However, she didn’t think her mother was bad. Every day before going to bed, her mother would tell her stories and play with her. She just thought that if her mother could change the bad problem of letting her eat vegetables, she would feel mother. better.

Su Bi walked over, "The message from the border gate needs to be handled by the owner."

In recent years, because the prince of Takito Kingdom married into Dongun Kingdom and became one of the husbands and sons of Princess Heiwa, Dongun Kingdom and Takito Kingdom temporarily reached a state of peace, but there was also a nomadic race in the border. , From time to time, I like to pick things up, and for things like military affairs, all people are accustomed to ignoring the queen and directly approaching King Qian to deal with it.

Gu Yan patted his little head with a smile, "Father, go to deal with official affairs, you are here alone, okay?"

Smiled loudly: "Okay!"

Gu Yan smiled and left with Su Bi.

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