Although Feng Liu is a big kid, he is still a child. He thought he was a majestic princess. Even if he was angry, he would hinder his identity and would not deal with him as a child, but he did not expect that the princess was a princess. The master who does not play cards according to common sense.

The days in Wutong Lane have been buried in the deepest part of his memory. His romantic little son has never been treated like this before. At this moment, he pursed his mouth and looked at the scenery stubbornly. Try not to let the tears fall out.

Scenery was disappointed because she was still waiting for him to cry.

Feng Miyin who came by took away the dish from Feng Liu's head, patted him on the back again, and quietly comforted him. Meng Xi next to her said, "The scenery..."

"Call me princess."

"It's... princess." Meng Xi felt Feng Miyin's gaze staring at him, and he quickly changed his mouth, "The romantic little..."

"The romantic person is ignorant, I have helped you discipline, so you don't need to punish him again." Fengliu smiled and said, raising her hand, and the maid behind her handed over a handkerchief with vision and she wiped it clean. The dried plum residue in his hand casually assumed a superior attitude.

Meng Xi was speechless for a while, and he and Fengmi Yinben didn't plan to play Merry. The sentence that Merry was so ignorant that I asked the princess not to blame it could not be said.

To be honest, he didn’t know that he had a child in the past few years, and he kept telling Fengjing that he liked her. Even if he had a son, Feng told him. Now every time she faces the scenery, she can’t help it. Feel guilty.

If I were to find a sentence to describe Meng Xi's feelings, it would be like a man facing his ex-girlfriend, but the reason for their breakup was that the man had found other women in disorder.

But the scenery is not his ex-girlfriend.

Feng Miyin looked at the stains on the sleeves of the scenery, and said apologetically: "I will pay a piece of clothing to the princess."

"No, I still have a lot of clothes... The clothes that the emperor gave me are not bad for you." Xia Fengxue has a mysterious obsession with giving her clothes and jewelry. Now the closet in her palace and But the jewelry box can't hold the things he gave.

"Anyway, Feng Liu did something wrong." Feng Miyin cleaned the residue of dried plums on Feng Liu's head and clothes, but gave a faint glance at Meng Xi.

Meng Xihu had an unsatisfactory dissatisfaction, not at Feng Miyin, but at Scenery. He said in a deep voice: "The romantic is only five years old. Your Royal Highness does not need to be so serious with the same child."

To be honest, when Meng Xichu heard that he had a son, it was difficult to accept, but he couldn't stand the romantic and intelligent and cute. For this child, he accepted it quickly, and his relationship with Feng Miyin developed rapidly because of this. For the sake of romance, don't think he usually has trouble with this child, but Meng Xi is a short-term guardian, and only he is qualified to teach him.

The scenery hehehe twice, "Doesn't Luo Wang know? I am a serious person. In Luo Wang's view, being serious is not a good thing?"

"You bully the kid!" Fengliu raised his head angrily. It was just in this anger that he looked like an ordinary kid, um... it meant that he didn't have that kind of IQ.

"Oh." Feng Jing folded his arms and smiled, "I'm not bullying a kid, I'm bullying you, what's wrong, you can bite me if you have the ability!"

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