Quick Transmigration: The Second Female Lead is Poisonous

Chapter 685: The teacher who explores the heavens

Feng Jing said to Sufa, "Talk to my daughter, put your attitude a little better!"

Didn't you scare the child without seeing him?

Su Fa turned his head and sighed. Look, this is why he doesn't want children. The existence of children will not only disrupt their lives, but also cause more conflicts between husband and wife.

Smiled at the scenery and snorted, "I don't need you to speak for me!"

When the words fell, she ran away.


Suva grabbed the hand of Guangxi and shook his head at her, "Shengguang, you still don't chase after it. Let me go. You can see that between us, she trusts me more."


"Don't worry, I won't do anything to her." He smiled harmlessly, "Laughing she is also my daughter."

It is because she is your daughter that she is more worried!

The scenery knows that some abnormal people like to start with the closest people every time, because they are happy to appreciate the expressions of those people who can't believe it.

"I'm still with you..."

"Scenery." He interrupted her again, raised his hand to caress her cheek, and said in a sad tone: "Do you just distrust me so?"

No, I can't let him know that she already knows the secret that she has died many times.

The scenery slowly said, "Suva, you will bring the smile to my side intact, right?"

"I promise the scenery, smile will come back intact." Su Fa whispered, the deepest dim light in his eyes seemed to reveal the hurt he had suffered because of her distrust.

Scenery suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and she said awkwardly: "Then you go and come back, I am here waiting for you."

"Okay." He lowered his head and kissed the center of her eyebrows, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

"Ghost...Ghost!" The two wives who approached at some point saw a man disappear out of thin air, and immediately shouted in fright.

Scenery turned around and looked at them, suddenly curled her lips and smiled, "I was a ghost in the underworld, and I just passed by here to collect a lonely wild ghost, but it is a pity that you saw it, no matter what, I will charge more today. Two souls."

The two women knelt on the ground together and begged, "No... the ghost is forgiving!"

"Lord Gui Chai, spare your life, we won't tell what we see!"

The scenery folded his arms and smiled, "I can't believe you. You are famous women with long tongues. They love the long and short stories behind others. When you enter **** in the future, you will go to the tongue-out hell. In the end, you will go to the tongue-out hell. What's the difference between morning and evening?"

"Master Guicha, we will never dare to talk more!"

"We must be conscientious, and only concentrate on doing things. We will never talk too much!"

"Lord Ghost Chase, please spare us!"

"Please forgive me, Master Gui Chai!"


The two women rushed to say forgiveness, crying bitterly, it was miserable.

The scenery seems to have been really moved by them, and it really showed a compassionate expression, "Okay, okay, you didn’t kill and set fire to you. I will spare your lives today. Knowing that no matter how much you talk and talk, no matter what you say or cry, I won't be merciful anymore."

"Yes...Thank you, Master Guicha!" The two women knelt and thanked them.

The scenery waved his hand, "Okay, you can go."

"Yes..." Soon, the two women stood up and stumbled away.

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