At this time, another man and a woman appeared, but they were wearing white school uniforms. The boys were really good-looking. On their picturesque faces, there were smiling eyes, handsome noses, and micro Yang's thin lips, his gentle temperament, and his clean white school uniform set off his elegance and calmness. The moonlight shone on him as if he was covered with a layer of veil.

He walked in the moonlight and smiled slightly, "Today is Saturday, there is no need to go to class, how come we all gather together."


Zeng Xue looked around, plus herself, and the boy in the tree, but there were only six people. What she didn't know was that many people had already come in the dark.

The girl in the white school uniform also has a delicate face, and her waist-length black long hair adds an unattainable coldness to her. Standing behind the boy, she looked up at the person on the tree.

The boy who was still staying on the tree like a leopard, touched her sight, and immediately ran away like a frightened cat. After a few jumps and fell down the tree, he ran away.

It's really scary.

Situ You let out a "yo", and said in a weird manner: "Wen Xian, you have come to take care of your little servant again."

"Entrusted by the principal, I'm here to transfer students." The boy named Wen Xian tilted his head slightly, smiled friendly at Feng Guang and Zeng Xue, "Osiris welcomes you."

His smile was like a spring breeze, and he seemed to have the charm of melting ice and snow. Not only Zeng Xue, but even the scenery could not help staying for a while.

Generally speaking, the more noble the vampire's bloodline, the more beautiful they look. For humans, their attractiveness is also greater, but Wen Xian, as a human, his attractiveness cannot be underestimated. .

Worthy of being the second man who has the capital to match the man.

Scenery suddenly sighed in her heart. She didn't forget that she was a vampire hunter and she was a vampire. The identity gap cannot be easily crossed.

Wen Xian said to the girl behind him: "Chu Xiao, take the new classmate to the dormitory."

"Yeah." The girl named Chu Xiao nodded, and walked to the side of Guangxi and Zeng Xue, "Classmate Zeng, I will take you to your dormitory. As for Classmate Xia...I am not qualified to enter the dormitory of Part A..."

Wen Xian laughed, "Maybe the helpful student Situ is willing to help this lovely lady."

Situ You didn't give face, "I'm not a good student, don't count on me."

He knew that since Wenxian came, he would not be able to do anything to Zeng Xue today, and for the scenery, because of the relationship between the marriage contract, he was really annoying, so he snorted, turned around and left. Up.

The vampires in the dark also left one after another.

The scenery doesn't look at anyone, she just stares at Wen Xian.

Wen Xian smiled distressedly, with helplessness in his eyes, "Student Xia, let me take you to the dormitory. The principal knows that I just entered the dormitory of Department A for a while, so I won't blame me if I want to."

The scenery smiled with satisfaction, "Okay."

The dormitory buildings of Part A and Part B were quite far apart, completely in two directions. Chu Xiao took Zeng Xue to leave first, and Feng Jing followed Wen Xian in the other direction.

Wen Xian is very gentleman. He took the suitcase in Feng's hand and said casually: "The arrival of Xia classmate may make some changes in Part A."

"You are reminding me that I may threaten Situ You's status, and he will target me for it."

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