The scenery is like this cat. The point is that there is no second such pet cat in the world.

She is unique.

Ming Jian felt a headache because he encountered this situation for the first time. When facing a person who made him angry, he could neither beat nor scold him. She is not happy to say that she might just ignore you as a daughter.

Can't be angry with her, so he can only be angry with himself.

Ming Jian sat on the edge of the bed and let out a long sigh. He raised his hand and slowly stretched out his fangs to bite two blood holes on his wrist. He took a breath of blood and pinched her jaw with one hand. Forced her to open her mouth, and then kissed it.

This was originally to put his own blood into her mouth, but since the kiss was on, he deepened the kiss by the way.

This is the first time the scenery has tasted the taste of blood. Although she is still in a coma, her instinct as a blood clan can make her constantly want to draw more. Therefore, the unconscious person proactively stretched out his tongue. In his mouth, he licked any **** smell.

This was a surprise to him.

Ming Jian left her lips temporarily. She hummed softly in her sleep because of her dissatisfaction. He said, "Little girl, don't worry."

To make her body recover quickly, only a mouthful of his blood is not enough. Ming Jian bit his wrist again and kissed her lips again. This time he did not rush to take the blood in his mouth all at once. Give it to her, but don't rush, waiting for her to stick out the tip of her tongue to find and suck...Even if this is her subconscious action and seems unruly, Ming Jian also thinks it is really... **** exciting.

What happened in the tavern last time seemed to have opened the door to a new world for him. He would never know before that it would be a very enjoyable thing to do such an intimate action with a person.

He seemed to regard this interaction as an interesting game. He kept repeating it, mouth after mouthful of blood pumping. When Ming Jian felt dizzy, he realized that he was losing too much blood and he was bitten on his wrist. The traces that came out recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, because of the effect of his blood, the large and small wounds on the body of the scenery were slowly healed. Soon, her face, hands and legs were connected. Scars are not visible anymore.


The well-knowing hand slowly touched her ankle. After all, there was a fracture here. Even if his blood has the ability to restore her, it will take some time to raise it here. Not only her feet, but also her The internal organs hit by the impact also need time to recover there.

Ming knows bend down, leave a soft kiss on her lips, and whisper, "I'm so impulsive, wouldn't it be okay to wait a while?"

As long as she waited for a while, he could rush to her side.

He pressed her lips again and gently opened her teeth, trying to seduce her again to linger with him, but he was disappointed, and she did not respond, because this time he did not send her sweet blood , So she is not interested.

He felt funny in his heart, and gently pinched her nose, bit her lips, and said, "She is really a powerful little girl. It doesn't benefit me, so she ignores me."

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