"I'm not good..." Lying on the bed and leaning against his arms, she blinked pitifully, "Anyway, my body is not very good. It is common for me to get sick from the sun when I was young. It's a date..."

As a result, she came back in less than half a day.

Kindred sickness is different from human taking medicine. They basically rely on self-healing, and the time to get well depends on the physique of each vampire. Some vampires get well after a cold in a day, while some catch a cold. Seven or eight days.

Unfortunately, she is the latter kind of physique.

Humans will have a fever when they are sick, and their body temperature will rise higher and higher, and when the blood is sick, there will also be changes in body temperature, that is, the body is getting colder and colder.

Ming Jian touched her forehead and clearly noticed that her body temperature was lower than usual. He sighed, "Next time I go out, I must take your clothes."

By the way, and her parasol.

The scenery shrank his head, rubbed his chest, and said without any energy: "No one thought that the sun would suddenly appear on a cloudy day that looked like it was going to rain..."

"Your body temperature is very low now, isn't it uncomfortable?"

She said dazedly: "Uncomfortable..."

The well-knowledgeable fingers lifted her chin, first kissed her tenderly for a long time, then pressed her body, the other hand had already unbuttoned her clothes.

Scenery lay under him like a salted fish, letting him do whatever he wanted. After a few seconds, the more she thought about it, the more wrong she was, and she sobbed uncomfortably, "I know...I'm sick, don't let it go. I……"

"I will find a way to get your body temperature back to normal."

He took off the dress from Fengjing's body. She felt a chill. She looked at the head of the man buried in her chest with no energy. She didn't even have the strength to push him away. She looked at him and was thrown off the bed. The bra, maybe because of the sickness and dizziness, in short, she feels that she is now a little princess, and this man is eating his own tofu.

I couldn't help thinking that I didn't even have the ability to resist. Sadness came from it, and then wept softly, "I know you bastard..."

This disease just made her naive.

Ming Jian finally raised his head and saw that she was crying and couldn't help but feel funny and distressed. He kissed her tears, and he softened his voice and said, "What are you crying? Even if I'm a bastard, you want to stab me with a knife You can't cry yourself with anger."

"You always do this..."

"What do I do every time?"

"Every time you...every time you take me off naked and overwhelmed, but you just don't really want me..." She seemed to be drunk and unclear about her problems that she had struggled with for a long time. Come out, "Are you disgusted with my bad figure...so you just refuse to do the last step..."

While speaking, she increased her cry and said loudly, "Obviously...you don't like me, why don't you have **** with me...do you feel embarrassed to have **** with me? "

She felt bitter in her heart, and she couldn't stop crying.

Although it shows that he still doesn't understand a lot of things about young people now, he has never fallen behind on this knowledge.

He sat up, put her unreasonably making trouble in his arms, and patted her on the back lightly to prevent her from crying. Then he said dumbfounded: "Shengguang, you are not yet an adult."

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