Cannot borrow Yan Bai's ability, the four of them can only walk to the gym by themselves. Many low-level vampires sprang up along the way, all of which were killed by Chu Xiao and Wen Xian.

The scenery is holding the little black cat. She is very easy to have one. The four people open up wasteland and make money. Chu Xiao and Wen Xian are powerful outputs, and Yan Bai is a useful assistant. Just herself, she seems to be a paddling with a cat. .

What can she do? She is also desperate.

The plot has completely deviated from the track, and she is not the heroine, and has not shown the ability to open the hook, and the scenery is a little embarrassing.

Although Wen Xian and Chu Xiao brought two oil bottles, they were lucky, and they didn't meet any super boss on the road, and they arrived at the gym without any problems.

The people guarding the door let the four of them walk in. The stadium was already full of people. To be precise... there were people and vampires, and there were many wounded.

After looking around for a while, she didn't find Ming Sheng. She was anxious, grabbing a hunter who was on guard for a sneak attack by low-level vampires and asked, "Do you know where our principal has gone?"

When the man saw that it was a vampire asking himself, based on the recognition that he was born with a hostile identity, he said without a good face: "Mr. Ming Sui and the others are looking for Yan Luo."

Scenery didn’t have time to care that this human being had such a bad attitude towards herself. After she heard the news that Ming had gone to find Yan Luo, she felt uneasy, and walked to the corner with the little black cat in her arms. She muttered, “Xiao Hei, you say... …Should I go find your father?"

Xiao Hei gave a meow and pressed a cat's paw on her belly.

She brows and pulls away its cat's claws, "Xiao Hei, be serious, now your father is doing very dangerous things."

Xiao Hei jumped on her shoulder and licked her face with his tongue.

Scenery's mood suddenly stabilized a lot, and she said in a loss: "Do you also think that I will hinder him in the past...After all, I can't do anything."

"Meow~" The little black cat rubbed her face with her head, comforting the lost hostess.

"If... if I didn't eat so much sugar in the first place, it would be fine..." Feng squatted on the ground, regretting that it was at the beginning, "If I hadn't pulled out my fangs... I would be able to awaken my ability from the first hunt... …"

Even if she has a hunch, even if she successfully awakens, her talent will be very tasteless, but it is better than nothing.

Wen Xian walked to her and squatted down, "Don't worry too much, trust the teacher, he will be fine."

"Hmm..." She replied feebly, and she didn't know if it was because she was hungry or catching a cold again. She was holding her aching belly, her face pale.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Wen Xian asked quickly: "What's wrong with you? Did you hurt somewhere?"

He promised the teacher to protect the scenery, if something went wrong with the scenery, Wen Xian would not know how he would explain it.

Scenery shook his head, bit his lip and said, "I just... my stomach hurts a bit."

"Meow~" The little black cat jumped to the ground and rubbed the foot of the scenery.

Scenery barely touched the top of its head and smiled, "Don't worry."

Then, all the blood races in the gym looked at the scenery together, and the scenery froze, because it was not just them, but she also smelled the **** smell from her.

Seeing the blood snaking down from her legs, her head became even more dizzy.

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