Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 1049 Koi is a blessing or a curse (1)

After both Xiao An, Xiao Ning and Xiao Dragonfly passed away, Zi Hua did not leave this world.

But she left the Xiao family.

Xiao Ning and Xiao Dragonfly are awakened people and will not have offspring. They are different from other pessimistic awakened people. They are both happy and comfortable.

Xiao Qingting even devoted her whole body to various researches, such as gates of other worlds, holographic nets, suspension vehicles, skin repair fluids, etc., which involved many disciplines.

Xiao An got married as usual and gave birth to two children, and then the two children gave birth to three and four children respectively. By the time Xiao An passed away, the Xiao family became a big family.

After Xihua has a human body, she will possess human lust and produce joy, anger, sorrow and joy, but her consciousness itself is rational, and she can only experience emotions, not really produce them.

Because of her commitment to the original owner, she has a responsibility to Xiao An, Xiao Ning, and Xiao Dragonfly, but not to Xiao An's descendants.

She will be happy with a certain descendant's behavior and dislike a certain one, but she will not develop any family affection.

Zihua no longer lives with them, and this time she has completely cut off contact with them.

She stayed for more than fifty years before leaving.

In the past fifty years, mutated plants have become completely extinct, and the awakened physique in humans has basically disappeared.

Yuhua gained a lot, and after returning to her true body, she entered a deep sleep to digest.


After waking up, Zihua stretched her consciousness.

The body of consciousness can be as small as a grain of dust, can be stretched to be as vast as the main body, can be like nothingness, invisible to no one, and can appear as dazzling as the main body of the nebula.

Xi Hua's consciousness stretched out, like a veil covered with bright gems fluttering freely, but this veil was so vast that it seemed like the entire nebula was spinning and erratic.

After stretching for a while, the consciousness body was gathered, but the gorgeous exterior was not put away.

Yu Hua stepped in the void, with a whole body of brilliance, like a humanoid creature composed of stars.

Yuhua wandered in the void for an unknown amount of time, and passed through some worlds, but none of them had civilization.

A world with living creatures has more comprehensive rules than a world without living creatures. Similarly, a world of living creatures that has reached the level of civilization has more complicated rules than a world that has not reached the level of civilization.

Xihua has been to the civilization-level living world, and the rules of heaven in the uncivilized world cannot attract his attention.

One of the worlds made him stare at it for a while, because the carrier of that world was a living being, a huge eagle-shaped organism with spread wings, forming a living world on its back.

This is the first Void creature that Yuhua has encountered, so I wanted to study it in the past.

But this void creature was unwilling, and sent out ripples of rejection to him from a distance.

Seeing it nervously carrying it on its back caused a great shock in the world, Yu Hua gave up.

The eagle-back world is a world of newly born creatures, and he is only interested in the eagle-shaped creatures themselves.

Yan Hua stepped over from the eagle-shaped creature, and the shock in the eagle-backed world subsided.

Yuhua walked for a while, but couldn't find a world that could arouse her interest, so she simply entered the realm of nothingness.

The light seen from the nihilistic world is not the light in the real world, but represents a living world that emits light.

The reflection of a world without life in the void is dim.

Suddenly, the light of a world flickered abnormally. Yu Hua looked at it, and it was the time point when a foreign object entered this world.

At this moment, Yuhua felt that this was a world that had entered the level of civilization.

That time node has already been entered by others, and Yu Hua found a later time node and devoted himself into it.


Xi Hua took the anti-bleeding pill first, which stopped the bleeding on her leg, and then took another pill for healing, which stabilized the injury on her body.

The original owner stepped into this trap and fell to his death immediately.

When Yu Hua came over, the original owner's soul was gone, and some resentment remained around her body.

The original owner's resentment has been stored for a long time, and with part of the original owner's memory, it is almost able to form a formed energy body.

Once formed, it can be called a wraith.

When Xihua came over, these unformed grievances had become scattered, and Xihua read its memory before it was completely scattered.

The grievances scattered into balls, and Yu Hua collected these grievances into the Sanwu space.

Zihua sorted out the memories he had read.

The memories carried by resentment are messy and need to be sorted out according to the timeline.

The original owner was Song Yuerou, who had just turned sixteen this year, but had been married for two years.

Song Yuerou's father, Song Sheng, was the only scholar in several nearby villages. He opened a private school at home and made a living by teaching children to enlightenment.

There are not many memories of before marriage. The general impression is that Song Sheng was an old-fashioned father who controlled Song Yuerou very strictly. Even though he lived in the village, Song Yuerou could not go out a few times a month.

Song Sheng is a scholar, but he didn't teach Song Yuerou how to read, only let Song Yuerou learn female celebrities.

Song Yuerou's mother, He Zhenniang, has no opinions and listens to Song Sheng in everything.

Apart from restricting Song Yuerou since childhood, Song Sheng and He Zhenniang treated Song Yuerou well in other respects, they rarely beat or scolded Song Yuerou, and they didn't lose out to Song Yuerou.

Song Sheng fell ill when Song Yuerou was fourteen years old and was bedridden. Seeing that she was dying, Song Sheng decided to marry Song Yuerou to his student Chen Wenlu, and married Song Yuerou before he died.

One month after Song Yuerou married into the Chen family, Song Sheng passed away.

Song Yuerou saw that Chen Wenlu was not only a good-looking talent, but also upright and upright, and also his father's student, so she thought it was a good deal.

Unexpectedly, the Chen family was a pit of fire. In the past two years, Song Yuerou suffered a lot. She had endless work to do every day, heard endless insults, and was sometimes beaten by her mother-in-law. She didn't have enough food and clothing, and eventually died. .

Song Yuerou came up to the mountain to chop firewood this time, because all the firewood nearby had been cut down, she walked inside, accidentally fell into the trap, hit her head and died.

Most of Song Yuerou's grievances arose in the past two years. She didn't understand why the Chen family treated her like this. She was already trying her best to be a good wife and did the most work, but Chen Wenlu and other members of the Chen family still treated her... Not satisfied.

The resentment erupted after her death, and almost turned into a resentful spirit.

What Xi Hua urgently needs to deal with right now is a leg injury. The left calf is broken and needs to be connected first.

Fortunately, this trap is just a deep pit, and there are no traps such as bamboo arrows placed at the bottom of the pit. Otherwise, there would be several holes in the body, and the anger would have been extinguished long ago.

Because of work, the original owner wore short and long trousers made of coarse cloth, and now the legs of the trousers are stained with blood.

Zihua rolled up her trouser legs to expose the fracture. She checked and found that the fracture was not serious and the bleeding had stopped. The bone needed to be straightened first and then fixed with a splint for a period of time.

No matter how you say it is a fracture, this body is not suitable for the panacea on the cultivation side, and the healing medicine taken cannot make the bones heal immediately.

"Why is there a trap here?"

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