Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 137 Borrow a Space to Farm (70)

Xi Hua casually picked a few lychees and ate them.

Maybe it's because of her health that she now has something she particularly likes to eat, and among the fruits is lychees.

Nowadays, logistics is not developed enough. She can’t find a reasonable reason to give special fruits to her family, so she basically eats them herself.

She entered the laboratory and continued the experiments she had not finished yesterday.

Her main research object is staple food crops.

Everything is planted, and growing food is of greater benefit to her.

It goes without saying that food is important to a country, and seeds are the basis of food.

If she cultivates better food seeds, she will receive more power of merit from heaven.

After a few years, the power of faith will have to be arranged. How can you do good deeds without leaving a name? The more things that can be exchanged for free rules, the better.

Now that she has gained some power of faith, her work as a village bully is not in vain.

Early the next morning, Xi Hua went to Du Laoqi's place.

In the past few years, she has come here almost every five or six days and studied medicine with Du Laoqi, including taking pulse, acupuncture, dialectical prescribing, and medicine.

Du Laoqi was not self-effacing at first. He was indeed average in internal medicine. Most of the time, it was Zihua who studied on his own.

There are many valuable features in the medical books passed down by the Du family, and Zihua compared them with the medical classics in her memory bank and absorbed them.

She majored in pharmacy.

The Du family has a unique approach to pharmaceuticals, and the efficacy of Du's Rongshen Pills is no worse than that of Yunsheng Pills.

She returned the book today.

Du Laoqi was afraid that he would have an accident one day, so he accepted her as his apprentice, in order to prevent Du's medical inheritance from being interrupted.

A few days ago, Du Laoqi got news about his lost wife and son.

Of course Du Laoqi wanted to reunite with his wife and children. He had already told Wei Fusong that he would leave soon.

Today, Zihua returned all the medical books that Du Laoqi put in her hand. It is said that Du Laoqi's grandson was admitted to medical school, and the Du family's mantle will definitely be passed on to his grandson.

Du Laoqi blushed, "Xingxi, thanks to you these past few years. Why don't you leave these books with you first, and I'll go over and take a look. Maybe Xiaochen doesn't want to learn Chinese medicine."

Xiaochen is the nickname of Du Laoqi's grandson.

These books were given to Yuhua by Du Laoqi more than a year ago.

Jiang Jing remembered that Du Laoqi died in an accident, but she didn't know where and when the accident happened. She only knew that he fell into a ravine while looking for medicine in the mountains.

Youhua couldn't tell Du Laoqi not to go to the mountains to collect medicine in order to prevent him from having an accident, right? She has no reason to stop it.

I can only remind Du Laoqi from time to time to be more careful when entering the mountains and not to go to too dangerous places.

Time has its own corrections, but Du Laoqi still had an accident.

Zi Hua went to Du Lao Qi's house, and when she found out that Du Lao Qi might not have returned all night, she thought something might have happened.

She immediately went up the mountain to search, and found Du Laoqi who had fallen unable to move in a mountain stream, with a lone wolf watching eagerly next to him.

She killed the lone wolf and brought him back.

This time the fall was not light, and I couldn't move below the waist.

Du Laoqi knew that he was seriously injured, his lower body was paralyzed, and he might not be able to recover. When he came back, he gave part of the medical books to Yuhua, in case he died one day and it was too late.

This was partly to repay Yuhua's kindness for saving him, which happened to be the area of ​​internal medicine that he was not good at.

For the other part, he didn't give it to him for the time being, but only left a message that if he died, all the books would belong to Xihua.

Because the doctor doesn't heal himself, he can't even move, let alone heal himself.

He didn't expect that Xihua would cure him.

As a master, he owed much favor to Yuhua.

Now, Xi Hua saw through his thoughts, and thought that Du's family medical books should be inherited by Du, and returned the medical books to him.

But this, how could he have the face to take it back.

Zi Hua smiled and said, "Master, don't be polite to me. Didn't you say that a teacher for a day will be a teacher for a lifetime. The most valuable thing about these books is the content inside. I have memorized them all, so there is no use holding them."

She has benefited a lot from Du Laoqi as her teacher. She just talks about whether the pills she made are good or not, and it takes some effort to make people believe it.

And Du Laoqi has a certain reputation in the county, otherwise the Shiting Town Hospital would not want to invite him to sit in the town, and even the county hospital would want him to sit in the orthopedics department.

She is Du Laoqi's disciple, so it is easy to believe. Because she learned from a serious teacher, she is qualified to take the doctor's certificate exam, and she came back from the exam last year.

So Yuhua doesn't think who owes whom.

Du Laoqi finally accepted.

Soon after, Du Laoqi left Weijiagou.


Jiang Jing couldn't even figure it out. Her mother-in-law, who had run away long ago, died long ago and was built into the courtyard wall.

What made her feel cold was that this piece of stone wall was built by Song Yingmin, who was only twelve or thirteen years old at that time.

She knew this in her previous life. At that time, she was too sick to get out of bed, so she could only pass the time by watching TV.

The programs of the provincial radio station were always replayed repeatedly. The interview with Song Yingmin, the richest man in love and righteousness, was replayed five times. She watched it five times and remembered the content very clearly.

Song Yingmin was sitting in his newly built mansion and said that he used to be poor and could not afford to hire anyone. The southwestern corner of the courtyard wall collapsed and could not be built for more than a year. Later, he built it with his own hands, using stones and earth. The thick stone flake wall is very strong and has not collapsed for more than 20 years.

Song Yingmin knew about it! Knowing that his mother was killed by his father, he not only did not report the crime, but also helped conceal it and built her mother's body into the courtyard wall with his own hands.

No one discovered him in his previous life because the courtyard wall never fell down.

After Song Yingmin made his fortune, he bought the front, back, left and right courtyards of his house at a high price, and then built a big house. The interviews on TV at that time were conducted in the big house in Xiawan Village.

In the following time, Jiang Jing didn't know how she lived, she was in a daze, her son woke up after crying and fed him, and after coaxing him to sleep, her mind became muddled again.

Jiang Jing could not help but stand in the yard and take a look at the collapsed wall. The area was surrounded by a rope, preventing anyone from approaching.

The family's house was dilapidated, but fortunately the yard was large. The collapsed stone wall was far away from the house, and the house was not enclosed, otherwise she would not be able to enter the house.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of anything, so I took another look.

how come.

How could Song Yingmin be such a person?

No, it definitely won’t be.


"You figured it out." Song Yingmin came back at some point, stood in front of Jiang Jing, and blew into her ear.

Jiang Jing's whole body trembled. Then he shook his head vigorously and said, "I didn't understand."

"Go back to the house."

"I won't go into the house now. I want to go back to my parents' house."

"I said, come in." Song Yingmin's voice was cold and hard.

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