Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 620 I Have a Secret (8)

But Duanmu Mingying also knew that she could not forgive Zhong Ling.

Duanmu Mingying's voice became softer and softer, "If you want to call the police, go ahead."

"I'll take the things away first. I'll think about the rest." Yu Hua didn't want to call the police. Duanmu Chengyan has this kind of scheming, he will definitely not admit that sending the ore to Duanmu Mingying is for her life.

Yuhua can let Duanmu Chengyan tell the truth at the police station, but the evidence is hard to find.

She checked on the Internet, and found that this kind of ore ornaments are sold for their unique appearance and novelty, and even the sellers may not know that they contain radiation that is harmful to the human body.

She would not come up with evidence out of thin air, it would violate her principles.

Besides, Duanmu Chengyan was only fifteen years old at that time, and even if there was evidence to prove that he did it on purpose, his sentence would be reduced.

She still needs to use Duanmu Chengyan to find clues that the world has entered a period of chaos, so she is not going to call the police for the time being.

"You want to take Lingling away? Will it be worse for you?" Duanmu Mingying worried.


Duanmu Mingying looked at Zhong Ling, whose face was more resolute than before, as if he had grown up overnight after life and death, and felt ashamed.

"Hey. Lingling, wait a minute." Duanmu Mingying thought of something, hurriedly stood up and went into her room, and within a few seconds, came out with a card and stuffed it in Yu Hua's hand, "This card probably There are about 700,000 yuan, you take it first and save it for treatment. If it is not enough, I will add money. The password is three 4 and three 7."

She almost forgot, and just said which line she was in charge of.

Xi Hua was in need of money, so she accepted it without refusing.


After entering the house, Xi Hua threw the ore into the space.

The grandma who was watching TV lowered her voice. When she saw Yu Hua coming in, the grandma looked over the reading glasses, "Lingling, are you not going to practice today?"

The original owner told her grandma about her signing the contract, and the reason given was that she wanted to be a star. Now that she has grown up, her grandmother is not as opposed to her as she was when she was a child. She only said that it doesn't matter if you earn less money, and you must not do bad things just to earn more money.

Grandma knew something in her heart, knowing that the original owner was trying to earn medical expenses.

When the original owner signed the contract, she agreed that she would officially report to the company after she finished her junior exam, but she would go to the company to participate in weekly physical training.

Today is Sunday, and there is supposed to be a training session.

"A lot of training in the past few days, so I won't go today."

"Look at how thin you were trained." Grandma's eyebrows were squeezed out of vertical lines, and she said distressedly, "It's better not to go, it's just a good time to rest."

"I'm not thin." Yuhua raised her arm and made a fist movement, "Look, I have muscles in my arms, and it has become stronger, which is a good thing."

"It's just a mischief." The smile lines on grandma's face unfolded, "You need to replenish your muscles to train your muscles. I'll go get you a piece of beef and eat it."

Grandma is an actionist, and she stood up as she spoke, "Huh?" She got up very quickly this time, "Lingling, look, I feel strong even after eating a piece of beef."

Grandma's teeth are well protected, and grandma loves to eat meat. Before that, Yuhua said that she would cook braised beef.

Xihua smiled, "Yes, you are very energetic. When you were young, you could carry more than a hundred catties upstairs."

It was the spiritual spring water she gave to grandma that worked.

Grandma's body is too weak, so the effect of taking it for the first time is very obvious. However, after taking it again, the effect will not be too obvious.

In order for grandma's health to get better as soon as possible, she needs to make some special medicines. She took the card given by Duanmu Mingying to buy the needed medicines.

Some of these herbs are expensive.

Grandma gave her a reproachful look, "You are the only one who can make trouble." Then she couldn't hold back her smile.

Xi Hua spent the next few days at home.

Yu Yue told the school about her car accident, and the school even sent someone to visit her in the hospital and gave her more than half a month's leave.

She planned to let her cure slowly, and she didn't let the school know about the leukemia.

In the past few days, she bought medicinal materials and made pills.

Grandma is not surprised that she came back from buying medicinal materials.

In the past few years, my grandmother's health has been getting worse day by day. The original owner knew that diet therapy was the best, so he would buy some medicinal materials and make simple medicinal meals by himself according to the prescriptions on the Internet.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is the original owner's wish, and grandma is used to it.

Yuhua did not shy away from grandma, and boiled the medicinal materials in the kitchen.

Of course, the main thing is to use the spiritual power to refine it, and the boiling is for grandma, saving the pills and explaining the source.

"Grandma, this is the health-preserving pill made by the prescription I saw on the Internet. It is for nourishing the body. Look, I can eat it." Yuhua picked up a pill and put it in his mouth.

"You child." The grandma stretched out her hand to grab the pill, and watched Yu Hua put the pill in her mouth and started to chew, pretending to be angry, "You can't take the medicine indiscriminately, you should take the medicine made for me first."

It was the granddaughter who was testing the medicine for her. She was not angry, but moved in her heart, she felt that the ten years of hard work were worth it, no matter how hard it was, it was worth it.

The granddaughter is a measured person, and the medicine she makes will not work at most, so she would not dare to take it.

After taking the pills for a few days, grandma felt much more energetic.

At this time, Yu Yue received a call.

"——Zhong Ling, I have accepted a play for you. It is a fairy tale drama, and one of the junior sisters plays the leading role. Don't you say that you are not afraid of acting. This character plays a lot. Although he is not alone, his lines are only A few words, but the money given is generous."

Yu Yue knew that she was in urgent need of money, so he added this sentence at the end.

Xi Hua was only focused on buying medicinal materials and making medicine, and forgot about it.

After Yu Yue picked her up and left the hospital, she told Yu Yue that she wanted to earn money as soon as possible.

After getting the card from Duanmu Mingying, the money was no longer urgent. She was busy with health care and medicine these days, so she forgot to tell Yu Yue.

There are quite a few artists under Yu Yue, Yu Hua didn't expect Yu Yue to find one for her so quickly.

Yu Yue had seen the role played by the original host when he was a group performer, and knew that she was qualified for this role, so he took it for her without asking her again.

Yuhua has never acted before, but imitation is her forte.

Since the violation of the rules is also related to the original owner, she tried to follow the original owner's track as much as possible, which is the main factor for her insistence on fulfilling the contract.

"I'll follow Sister Yu's arrangement."

"——Then I'll take it for you. I will join the group in two weeks, and the filming will be finished in about three days."

The original owner was a junior, and she had to go to class.

The original major is secretarial.

Xihua has memories of studying in the original master's university, and with her few days of cramming, she has no problem keeping up with the class.

"Zhong Ling, here." Luo Tingting waved at her.

Luo Tingting has a good relationship with the original owner, and they often sit together in class.

"Hi, discharged from the hospital."

"How is Zhong Ling?"

"Why didn't you rest for a few more days?"

"I'm fine, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up if I miss too many classes." Yu Hua responded to the classmates who greeted her.

Information transmission is so convenient in the Internet age. The news of her car accident was sent to the class group the next day, and those who are familiar with her or not have expressed condolences to her.

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