Quick Travel Plane Development Notes

Chapter 703 This planet belongs to me (27)

Due to the demonic energy in the air they breathe, many beasts have cruel temperaments.

Just look at Ye Jian and you will know that since he absorbed the demonic energy and became an octopus monster, any beast that dared to challenge its body has been thrown away for several miles by it, regardless of death or injury. Over time, no matter how cruel the beast is, it will Walking around the road, he never dared to approach Ye Jian's body again.

A few star beasts with spiritual bodies are included in Ye Crispy's food list, but ordinary beasts are not Ye Crispy's food.

No beast can compete with Ye Jian, and Ye Jian has become the de facto overlord on planet Z-43.

After going around the whole planet, Yu Hua knew what she was doing.

One day, a fleet came over the planet.

Zihua recognized the logo of the federal army on the starship.


The grand prize is the survival contest of a planet was forced to suspend, but the live broadcast rooms on the star network have not been cancelled.

These live broadcast rooms are all contestants who did not withdraw from the competition before the suspension.

This sends a signal to the audience that the competition may continue.

Some viewers will go around the contestants they follow from time to time to see if it is still dark before leaving. By the way, they will go to other live broadcast rooms of nearby Sibei Entertainment to have a look.

Contestant 3410 received more attention as the only missing contestant.

No. 3410 is a rare atavistic genetic person whose mental potential reaches D level. There is reliable evidence that her mental power may have reached D level, and the reason why she participated in the competition in the first place is hard to explain.

After a long time, the attention of live broadcast room 3410 not only did not drop, but also increased steadily.

Regarding the disappearance of No. 3410 Ye Man, there have been several versions of the "strongest analysis."

On this day, viewers who followed No. 3410 came for a walk as usual and saw the dark room as always. They were about to leave when suddenly the room lit up.

"Has the live broadcast restarted? Or is the competition going to restart?"

"I didn't see the announcement from Sibei about the restart of the competition. Are you trying to create a surprise and hype?"

"It's not that the live broadcast has restarted. All other live broadcast rooms are still dark. Only this live broadcast room is lit."

"I'm so impatient. I want to know what's going on now and get out of the picture quickly."

When the picture came out, some old viewers of the 3410 live broadcast room recognized it. The background of the picture was the underground canyon chosen by Ye Man, and part of it captured the metal house of the house Ye Man built.

The audience suddenly entered the house, and some quickly turned on their full senses to verify whether the picture in the picture was really the Z-43 planet.

After Ye Man appeared on the screen, the audience was very excited.

"Oh my God, Ye Man is still alive!""

"How did she survive at the hands of mutants? No matter what the situation was like, she couldn't escape."

"No matter what, it's good to be alive. Too many people died in that accident, so I feel better if more people survive."

"No, when did the wormhole open? Why didn't I hear any news? Does this mean that this wave of mutant attacks has come to an end? If so, thank God."

"We are getting to the point. The wormhole cannot be opened and the images cannot be transmitted to the star network. The wartime status should be lifted soon. The original plan to travel to Yuerxing was shelved due to the wartime status."

I saw Ye Man standing above the underground canyon and saying to the camera, "One minute ago, I stayed on the Z-43 planet for a whole year. I won."

These two short sentences quickly caused an uproar on the Star Network. Regarding the survival competition and Ye Man, they attracted the attention of most of the people in the Federation.

"According to various data analysis, this person is indeed Ye Man."

"I did the math, and indeed, the time when the competition was officially announced a year ago has just passed. It has really been a year."

"What does Ye Man mean? Did you mean that she won the grand prize? But the competition has been cancelled. She will never win the grand prize if she stays on Z-43 for the rest of her life."

"No, she can get it, as long as the organizer can't produce evidence that she left Z-43 during this period, then she wins.

As mentioned in a previous analysis post, the terms of the competition regulations regarding cancellation of the competition stated that the organizer had unilaterally canceled the competition due to force majeure, and required a clear response from the contestant, stating that a cancellation notice had been received.

But Ye Man disappeared before the competition was decided to be cancelled. She did not receive the cancellation notice and did not know that the competition was cancelled. Then she only needed to stay on Z-43 for one year to complete the competition. She was the only one to finish the race, and the grand prize went to her without any dispute. "

"Hahaha... Sibei Entertainment must have been dumbfounded. They said they would restart the survival competition. They said the grand prize in the competition was still the planet Z-43. Z-43 was already won by someone. How could they restart it? Hahahaha... "

"This is a very happy event. I like to watch this kind of little people's counterattack. Hahahaha."

"Spey Entertainment doesn't want to fulfill the contract, so it can only find evidence to prove that Ye Man has left Planet Z-43 this year."

"I saw an analysis of a conspiracy theory before, saying that if Ye Man could survive, it would be unless she was an inside agent of the mutants. When I read it, I thought it was nonsense, but now, I kind of believe it."

"The analysis that Ye Man is a traitor to the mutants is pure slander. Don't forget, Ye Man is an atavistic person. Among the people that mutants hate the most, atavistic people are the first. Support Ye Man's lawsuit against this so-called Analytical expert.”

"By the way, did Spey respond?"


Fu Sheng walked out of the meeting room.

He was wearing a gorgeous dress, which made his tall figure more upright, and the new hairstyle that had just been done added a calmness to his handsome face.

But his complexion was not good.

Originally, everything was in order, and I was going to attend an important banquet, but I was cut off by an unexpected incident.

No. 3410 is still alive, and has been staying on planet Z-43.

If the entertainment industry can't find evidence that the other party violated the regulations, then they have to give the other party Z-43 planet according to the agreement.

He regretted not sending someone over to search again at that time.

Taken for granted consequences.

He had no choice but to go back to Spey headquarters to attend the closed meeting.

After all, before the response plan comes out, it cannot be leaked.

Closed meetings attended by Mami are the safest.

The meeting just now was very heated.

None of the high-level executives who participated in the meeting did not regret it. What they regret most is that they did not close the live broadcast room of the contestants for the purpose of recycling waste and gaining popularity for other projects in the entertainment industry, allowing Ye Man to take advantage of the loophole.

I thought this plan was wise before, but now I regret it.

In fact, those who participated in the closed meeting know that there are only two best ways to deal with it.

In the end, they decided to do both. On the one hand, they looked for evidence that the other party had left the Z-43 planet.

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