Quick Wear Host, She is Beautiful and Sweet

Eight hundred and first chapter Hou Ye sick and disabled (sixty-one)

Chapter 801: Lord Hou is sick and disabled (61)


Xue Tuanzi was speechless: [Man, you are so coquettish! 】

Chu Wu was also looking up at him.

next second.

She stretched out her hand suddenly, pinched the man's white chin with her fingertips, and even got closer to take a closer look, very boldly.

Her chin was always raised slightly, her eyes were bright and looked down upon unconsciously, like a proud black swan, or like a queen examining her male favourite.


Chu Wu's lips curved into a beautiful smile, and her eyes were full, as if she would kiss her in the next second.

"Hou Ye has a pretty face now."

——No kiss.

Xie Jinglan didn't feel the embarrassment or embarrassment of being imprisoned at all, just sat there like this, letting Chu Wu look at her generously and almost obediently.

"Then how about Ah Wu raising me?"

The smile on Chu Wu's lips deepened, "Master Hou's family is rich, so it's my turn to take care of it."

Smoothly kicked the ball back.

Xie Jinglan tilted his head, his cured face was as flawless as white jade, reflecting those amber pupils and delicate eyes, unconsciously exuding a fresh youthful feeling.

"As Ah Wu said, having money and raising it with others... that feels different."

【Pooh! I think you just want to eat soft rice! ! 】Snow Tuanzi scolded, turned around, 【Ah, no, why is the host surrounded by soft rice men! 】

[Host, you are too strong, host! ! ! 】

"Master Hou is so precious, I can't afford it."

As she said that, Chu Wu turned around, and the rippling ripples of the red skirt broke free from Xie Jinglan's embrace strangely and lightly.

The girl stood there slim and didn't look at Xie Jinglan, only the warmth of each other's fingertips and body remained.

"By the way, the Hou Mansion has taken on a new look, and I don't know how my room is decorated, so I should go and have a look." Chu Wu mentioned it casually.

"Do you not live with me?" Xie Jinglan asked.

Even if he changed the subject, he still seemed reluctant. It was just that the voice, which was deep and solemn at the beginning, became a little clearer and seemed a little...aggrieved.

"We are husband and wife." Xie Jinglan added.


Xie·Little Poor·Abandoned Husband·Jinglan is now facing Chu·Heartless·Wife Master·Wu:

"When I approached Lord Hou on the wedding night, I think it made sense that Lord Hou said that men and women could not kiss each other."

As she said that, she gave Xie Jinglan a very nice smile, "Now... let's continue."

Chu Wu smiled and left.

Xie Jinglan was the only one still sitting in the room, but he didn't follow immediately, instead he looked down at his open palm.

There is still a piece of the other party's fragrance on it.

Looking at it, Xie Jinglan's eyes gradually darkened, and after a while, he let out a long sigh.


I can only blame myself for the death I committed at the beginning. There is a long way to go.


Chu Wu came back just like that, and continued to live in Cheng Enhou's mansion.

Both of them tacitly did not mention the missing past, as if that parting time did not exist and everything could still be the same as before.

But there are always some places that are different.

For example, it used to be Chu Wu who circled around Xie Jinglan, but now the positions of the two have completely changed.

[Dog man, finally enlightened! 】Snow Tuanzi groaned and chirped.

Chu Wu accepted silently, but when Xie Jinglan wanted to go further, she kept her distance without moving her face, not to say whore...

Well, it's a bit bitch.

She had worked so hard chasing Xie Jinglan before, but now this person has finally come to an epiphany, so he has to come back after all, right?

And hold the posture a bit more, and the process is a bit more difficult, so that the other party can better know what "cherishing" is!

Presumably Xie Jinglan knew this too, but she didn't complain, or rather, she didn't dare to complain.

Xie Jinglan didn't bother Chu Wu, but some people were not so lucky.

On the second day after returning from the teahouse, when Mo Qingyuan went to pay his mother a routine morning, he was stopped by Mrs. Shangshu.

"Yuan'er, it's time for you to marry a wife."


"Look at the Marquis of Cheng'en's mansion over there. Xie Jinglan is a few years younger than you, and he is married to a wife. With such conditions, you shouldn't be single."


The timing was so coincidental, Mo Qingyuan immediately thought of who was behind the scenes, and was speechless for a while, feeling a little funny.

Mo Qingyuan is now twenty-five years old, and he is still alone, so there is nothing wrong with him.

He used to have a fiancée, but his fiancée was not in good health, so she left before the wedding day, and Mo Qingyuan stayed with her for a year.

Then there was the battle five years ago, when the eldest prince he followed went away, and then the third prince came to the fore, and his status plummeted from then on. He was stuck at the top, and his marriage was also worrying.

Unknowingly, many years were delayed, and Mo Qingyuan was dragged to twenty-five.

Apart from her daughter's health, Mrs. Mo often worried about the marriage of these two people. Now that her sister's health finally recovered, it was his turn.

This time Madam Mo is obviously determined, she took a roster she got from somewhere and looked through it over there. His sister has been nursed well during this time, and she can walk around freely. This time, I will also join Mrs. Mo's side for a few words.

As a gentleman, Mo Qingyuan didn't like to listen to these things, so he said he wanted to go out to get some air. When Mo Yiwan saw her, she also found an excuse to come out.

"Brother, mother has mentioned so many women, which one do you like?" Mo Yiwan always looks like a delicate and gentle young lady outside, only showing a bit of coquettishness in front of her own brother.

"I have no contact with them, so how can I be satisfied?" Mo Qingyuan smiled wryly, "By the way, how did mother get that booklet?"

Moywan gave him a "what do you say" look in his eyes.

Mo Qingyuan pressed his head, feeling a little headache.

no surprise.

Mo Yiwan leaned over and lowered her voice, her delicate female voice became somewhat mysterious, "Brother, tell me honestly, have you ever thought about that..."


Mo Qingyuan was in a daze.

During these days in Shangshu Mansion, Chu Wu mainly used to heal her younger sister, and usually lived in the yard next to her. Mo Qingyuan occasionally went to see her body, but in fact, she didn't meet Chu Wu many times. .

But from the day she stood in front of him and said "I can cure your sister", Mo Qingyuan knew that Chu Wu's real character was completely different from what she pretended to be.

Such a wanton and bright woman with extraordinary means and disregard for worldly vision...

Although Mo Qingyuan's parents are generous, but after all, they come from a scholarly family, and there is always a bit of literary air in their words and deeds. If she is detained in this house...

Mo Qingyuan shook his head sadly.

He was also aware of his own character, and the trance soon dissipated, and he didn't feel a pity, and even suddenly became enlightened.

Mo Qingyuan spoke clearly: "She is Xie Jinglan's wife."

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