Quick Wear Host, She is Beautiful and Sweet

Eight hundred and third chapter Hou Ye sick and disabled (sixty-three)

Chapter 803: Lord Hou is sick and disabled (63)

The emperor's face still has to be given.

the next day.

Chu Wu and Xie Jinglan got into the carriage entering the palace, but now Xie Jinglan was able to walk without hindrance, and reached out to Chu Wu when getting into the carriage.

The latter raised her head, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on her clear eyes, giving off a faint warmth.

for a moment.

Still put his hand up.

Xie Jinglan is still wearing a red dress today, which complements her white complexion, and her exquisite facial features are somewhat youthful and vigorous. There is light falling in, and those amber eyes seem to have golden light flowing through them. Looking again, they are thick again. .

The people in the Hou Mansion had a good impression of Chu Wu. During this period of time, after seeing Xie Jinglan's thoughts, they changed their methods and made crazy assists every day.

Xie Jinglan's outfit today inevitably reminded Chu Wu of what those people mentioned. Xie Jinglan was dressed in red when she was young. She was so talented and stunning, and it also shocked the hearts of countless women.

"What's wrong?" Sensing that Chu Wu's gaze had been on her, Xie Jinglan asked.

"I was wondering... I heard that Master Hou also dressed like this when he was still a young master. He was so pretty. Could someone regard Master Hou as a little girl?"

The woman smiled with her lips bent, and in the slightly darker compartment, her eyes were also full of broken light.

Xie Jinglan looks good when she urinates. She used to study with a group of people and was told that she looked like a little girl. Of course, in the end he used his fists to prove who was the real "little girl".

Now that Chu Wu mentions it, there is no sense of displeasure, as if she put her posture very low, willing to put her heart on the bottom of the other party's feet and let him step on it.

If you can pick it up and hold it high to kiss... that would be great.


The eyes of the person opposite were bright, "Then what did you do? Get angry?"

Xie Jinglan smiled slowly, and there was a warmth in Amber's eyes that only that person could see, "I left them where all the 'little girls' should go."


This master who has been cruel since he was a child, sure enough, during that time, he was just forbearing, and when he really revealed that mask, it made people feel unstoppable!

Chu Wu gave a thumbs up: "Master Hou is amazing!"

Xie Jinglan tilted his head to look at her, and smiled slightly.


The carriage seemed to have hit something, and it shook violently, and the two of them fell sideways at the same time.

Xie Jinglan first stretched out his hand to wrap around Chu Wu's waist, and put that hand up.

In the next second, Chu Wu's head bumped into it, and when she took it off, she was fine, but Xie Jinglan's back of his hand was red, his skin was pale, and it looked rather shocking.

Chu Wu gritted her teeth: "Your Majesty's trick is well executed!"

Xie Jinglan can bring her over, so what's the difficulty in turning her head away? He just wanted to take the initiative to put his hand up to support her...

What's more, Chu Wu herself can avoid it.

"Then Ah Wu was fooled?" Xie Jinglan didn't deny it, and just looked straight at him with a pair of eyes.

After a while.

Chu Wu threw out a jar of ointment, "Apply it yourself!"

She turned around and didn't look at anyone, but Xie Jinglan hugged her waist from behind, put his head on her neck and rubbed gently, not at all like a big tiger, but like a coquettish cat.

"Ah Wu, my hand hurts, help me..."

Chu Wu: "..."

You didn't cry out in pain when you were the worst, so now? The pain is unbearable?

dog man!

When Chu Wu turned her head, she inadvertently bumped into the man under the amber. He didn't look so harmless. The moment he looked at Chu Wu, Xie Jinglan wanted to restrain himself.

Will this...will scare her? Displease her?

He felt a little dazed.

In the next second, Chu Wu unscrewed the medicine bottle, stretched out a white hand to Xie Jinglan, "give it to me."

Xie Jinglan smiled lightly, "Okay."

Sure enough, this kind of thing is the bait of the volunteers.


The snow dumpling flew outside and crushed on the head of the driving guard.

[You are doing well, well doing! 】


When Chu Wu and Xie Jinglan arrived at the palace banquet, many officials and relatives had already gathered there. The two met the emperor first, and then took their seats next to them.

Chu Wu could feel that these people's eyes were on them, and they were whispering.

These courtiers in the court all have their own channels of news. The news of Xie Jinglan's victory and great news has spread out a long time ago, but what he saw with his own eyes today is still inconceivable.

Be smart, you have gone through countless turns in your head.

Among them was Su Liangqin, a bachelor.

It's just that they are all smart people, knowing when to say what to say and what not to say, they will keep their mouths tightly shut.

The focus can only fall on Chu Wu.

This person was also found by Xie Jinglan during the triumphant return yesterday, all of this was too coincidental, and in their memory, the past Mrs. Cheng Enhou did not seem to be like this...

Thinking about it, he glanced at the emperor.

The emperor's heart sank to the extreme, how could he not know that Xie Jinglan and Chu Wu's gestures showed him that he, as the emperor, had been deceived by the other party all along!

If Chu Wu hadn't been such a cowardly character, would she have been involved in the calculation of entering the palace that day for pulse diagnosis?


This makes sense, Xie Jinglan's body suddenly recovered from his illness, it turns out...it turned out that he sent the person there himself!


The emperor suddenly raised his head and stared fiercely in the direction of Chu Peifeng and Su Liangqin.

Look at the beautiful daughter you gave birth to! Look at the iniquity you have created! He thought he was sending an idiot there, but in the end he helped that Xie Jinglan! !

After taking their seats, Chu Wu and Xie Jinglan got together and whispered.

The emperor has always bullied the weak and feared the strong.

At first Xie Jinglan looked like a soft persimmon, so he went over and squeezed it, but today he showed his sharpness, he thought that no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only endure it, instead he would beat him because of Xie Jinglan After winning the battle, I personally salute him with a triumphant rescue.

Xie Jinglan drank it.

The other courtiers in the court were also human beings. On this occasion, they naturally followed the emperor's actions and toasted Xie Jinglan one after another.

Young people do not refuse anyone who comes, and drink them all.

The courtiers respected him more and more.

Gradually, Chu Wu beside Xie Jinglan also became the object of toasting by the ladies. Her eyes were shining, and just as she was holding the wine cup, a hand with strong bones fell in front of her.

"Ah Wu is not good at drinking, this Marquis will drink for her."

Drank it down!

There is such a thing?

The lady was stunned for a moment, but it was his husband who came to his senses first and took the wine glass from his wife's hand, "Master Hou is so brave!"

Chu Wu turned her head to look at Xie Jinglan.

The man is not drunk after all, the snow-white and handsome face has been dyed a little red, like red plums reflected on the snow, and Amber's eyes are a little bit hazy with drunkenness, and he is no longer sober as usual.

It looks...it seems a bit cute.

Chu Wu poked him, "Xie Jinglan, can you do it?"

next second.

Xie Jinglan's hand was on top of her head, and she pressed her close, her breath was scorching hot and slightly intimidating, it could make people drunk, and she had a big dream with him.

"Ah Wu, don't say your man is bad."

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