Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1000 The Daughter of Educated Youth 17

An Ran couldn't talk about the future. After all, it was difficult to explain how she knew it, so she could only say: "Why can't I make so much money? I am so young now, but I have made ten thousand in two years. When I grow up, I will make more money." It shouldn’t be difficult to make ten thousand a year, right? Wouldn’t it be possible to make one hundred thousand in ten years?”

Sun Dahu couldn't help but be silent as he thought about his daughter's great earning power. Others might think it was an astronomical figure to make one hundred thousand, but his daughter might really be able to do it, so he didn't refute it at the moment.

Ma Xiuhe on the side listened to the conversation between Sun Dahu and her daughter and couldn't help but be surprised, thinking that what Sun Dahu and An Ran said could not be true, right? Can Enron make money at such a young age? ! How can it be!

Ma Xiuhe really couldn't imagine that An Ran could make so much money doing anything at such a young age!

Then I thought, is this going to be something illegal? After all, when Grandma thought about it, if it weren't for something illegal, she really couldn't imagine that An Ran could earn 10,000 yuan in two years by doing anything at such a young age.

——She was far away and did not hear what Sun Dahu said about An Ran making money by writing articles.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was that Ma Xiuhe unconsciously moved away from An Ran. After all, if An Ran did something illegal, she should not be implicated.

An Ran naturally didn't know what Ma Xiuhe was thinking, but seeing that she was far away, he didn't care. After all, she had said that for this task, she was not going to take the conventional route to increase Ma Xiuhe's favorability, but stay away from her. See how you evaluate the completion of the task later.

When I went back, I found someone renting a house coming to my house.

Now that the economy has been revitalized, many people have come to Xuancheng to make a fortune, so houses in the city center can still be rented.

Now the two parties discussed the rent and the method of paying the rent - they were out of town and could not come here every month to collect the rent, so naturally they had to discuss a method of paying the rent. Who didn't have mobile payment at this time? They could pay it anywhere. It’s convenient to collect money!

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement - the tenant would not pay Sun Dahu's rent every month, but instead pay one year's rent in one lump sum. However, Enron and the others gave him two months' rent cheaper, allowing him to only pay ten months' rent. This was a good deal for him. It's cost-effective and saves trouble. They don't have to go to the post office every month to send rent. In the future, An Ran and the others don't have to go to Xuancheng to collect rent every month, or even go to the post office every month to collect remittance orders. Now they have ten months of rent. It’s a good deal for a lot of money, so it’s a win-win situation.

After the discussion was settled, Sun Dahu took two hundred yuan, which was almost equivalent to four or five months' salary of a factory worker in the county town, and went back safely with his daughter.

Seeing how much rent he got at once, Sun Dahu couldn't help but sigh. He secretly said that the rent in Xuancheng is really expensive. With so much money, even if he doesn't work in the future and saves money, it will be enough for him and his daughter in the city. No wonder his daughter said I'm coming to Xuancheng to buy a house. It seems to be quite cost-effective.

When I got back, An Ran just started school - An Ran didn't have enough money at first, so he didn't come right after the summer vacation, but came after more than a month. In this way, he stayed in Xuancheng for more than ten days before going back. , it’s not the day when school starts.

Sun Dahu arranged for An Ran to enroll in school, and then returned to Shengli Village to tell his family about the happy news that he had bought a house in Xuancheng.

It turned out that there was something important at home that I wanted to tell him.

It turned out that because several families were crowded together and often had conflicts, Grandpa and Grandma Sun thought it was better to separate, so they prepared to separate the family.

Grandma Sun said: "I was about to call you back to talk about this, but I didn't expect you to come back. It saves us a trip." Then she asked: "Is there anything wrong when you come back at this time?"

Because unless he had something to come back to talk about, Sun Dahu would usually have to work on a construction site in the city and would not have time to come back.

Sun Dahu smiled and said: "It's a little trivial - Ranran bought a house in Xuancheng, and I came back to talk about it."

Grandma Sun couldn't help being surprised after hearing this, and said, "Don't you have a house in the county? Why do you want to buy a house so far away from Xuancheng?"

She didn't know that the houses in Xuancheng were very expensive. She only thought that the house prices in Xuancheng were about the same as those in the county. She thought that An Ran could write articles and had a good income. If he could buy a house in the county, it would be no surprise to buy a house in Xuancheng, so she wasn't too surprised. I just don’t understand.

Sun Dahu said proudly: "That child is filial and wants to buy a house and rent it out to earn some rent. The family has a fixed source of income, which makes it easier for me."

After hearing this, Grandma Sun couldn't help frowning and said: "Then just buy it in the county town. Why buy it so far away?"

The former Sun Dahu might not understand why, but Sun Dahu, who had lived in Xuancheng and the county town, knew why. He immediately said: "The rent in the county town is only one-tenth of the rent in Xuancheng, and it is not easy to rent out. That's why Ranran said he bought it in Xuancheng. The rent in Xuancheng is high and there are many people renting houses, so it's easy to rent them out."

It turned out to be like this. Only then did Grandma Sun understand the reason and didn't ask any more questions.

On the other hand, Sun Er's sister-in-law heard that Sun Dahu had bought a house again. Now she didn't have to do anything every month and could live on just the rent. She couldn't help but feel unhappy - the third brother's family could make so much money, but her family had been selling online in the past two years. Son, the business is not getting better year by year. The third daughter of the third family is so good at making money, yet she is not seen helping her own family to think of a solution. She is as selfish as ever.

So the second sister-in-law Sun said at that moment: "Lao San, of course you said at the beginning that if you think of a good way to make money, you will tell me, but has she thought of it now? It is really less and less profitable to sell luozi now. "

After listening to Sun Er's sister-in-law's words, Sun Dahu couldn't help but think of his daughter's answer when he asked her about this when she first entered the city. It was also because Sun Er's sister-in-law mentioned this matter, so Sun Dahu asked An Ran casually. At that time, An Ran said, it's nothing. Things can last a lifetime. If you don’t innovate and stay still, you will easily be overtaken by others. After all, if you stay still, others will develop and surpass you. This is normal.

At that moment, Sun Dahu replied this to Sun Er's sister-in-law, and then said: "If you don't know how to do it yourself, you are counting on my daughter to find a way. She is not the God of Wealth and can turn stones into gold. She doesn't owe you anything. She has to think of something for your family." Ways to make money. If the business is not good, then you can find a way by yourself. Why are you holding my daughter? "

After hearing this, Second Sister-in-law Sun was obviously unhappy. She wanted to say something else, but Grandma Sun interrupted her and said, "Okay, okay, we'll talk about your business later. Today we'll talk about the family separation."

This is also the big head, but she knows that her father-in-law and mother-in-law have a lot of money, so Sun Er's sister-in-law immediately came back to her senses and no longer thought about An Ran not giving her money-making ideas, but quickly concentrated on seeing how her father-in-law was doing. Separate families.

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