Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1017 The Daughter of Educated Youth 34

Hearing what her sons said, Second Sister-in-law Sun, who always wanted to make more money, naturally became jealous of An Ran. Sometimes she would complain about An Ran and the others for not taking her to make a fortune together. However, because An Ran did mention letting her buy a house back then, so Every time Second Sister-in-law Sun complains, An Ran, her eldest aunt, and others will say that An Ran reminded her back then that she would not listen to what she said, but this is true, and it makes Second Sister-in-law Sun complain even if she wants to.

I couldn't complain about this, so I naturally felt angry.

However, An Ran was not married and had children at this time, so although she was jealous, she also thought like Ma Xiuhe. She felt that An Ran was not married and had no children, and so much money was made in vain, so although she was unhappy, it was better.

But now, An Ran has a child, and someone has inherited the money she earned. This... naturally makes her unable to accept it.

But so what if she couldn't accept it anymore, An Ran didn't even talk to her anymore. She couldn't spend long-distance phone calls to train her, so no matter how depressed she was, she could only hold it in by herself.

As the housing prices in Xuancheng are getting higher and higher, An Ran's property is not only over 10 million, but even has a tendency to exceed 100 million. Hearing people talking like this, Sun Er's sister-in-law naturally becomes more and more depressed, because the housing prices are getting more and more expensive, and the two of her Although my son knows how to make money by buying a house, he still lives in the countryside because he has no money to afford it.

She has been focusing on running a business and thinking about making more money all her life. When she was young, she even took away her niece's business. Naturally, she didn't want to grow old. The other three families all have houses in the city, but hers does not.

So now, not only did she not dare to scold An Ran, but she also wanted to find An Ran, hoping to borrow money from her to buy a house for her two sons.

Second Sister-in-law Sun did what she said, and immediately called An Ran to borrow money. She asked for a loan of 200,000 yuan because she wanted to have a son with 100,000 yuan.

In fact, house prices in the county where Shengli Village is located are not that expensive now. A larger house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, plus transfer fees, etc., costs about 200,000 yuan, and a down payment of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan is enough. Even if it belongs to two sons, Borrowing 100,000 yuan can provide a down payment for two houses, without her family having to pay much money.

But isn't she being arrogant, thinking that Enron has plenty of money, so she borrows 200,000 yuan with just one mouthful, thinking that when her son pays 100,000 yuan down, he can repay the loan less in the future, so that her son will be less stressed. Anyway, Borrowing money from Enron does not require interest. You can pay it back at any time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, her wishful thinking was too precise, but she forgot how she treated An Ran in the first place, so wasn't it a joke to borrow so much from An Ran? Naturally it is impossible to succeed.

Besides, An Ran knew what she was planning. Knowing that she had borrowed the money, it didn't mean that the other party would definitely not pay it back, but she was afraid that there might be no hope within ten years.

There is no comparison between the two hundred thousand now and the two hundred thousand ten years later. The two hundred thousand now can buy a house in the best place in the county. But ten years later, according to An Ran's memory, As far as I know, it seems that a house in the best place in the county costs millions, so even if they will pay back the money when the time comes, will it be the same? Besides, they may not be able to pay it back yet.

If her aunt and uncle had a good relationship with her and had good credit, they would just borrow it. To lend so much money to Sun Ersao, who often troubled her, would be a mistake unless she was crazy. After all, she was not someone who repaid kindness with evil.

So when the second sister-in-law Sun mentioned this, An Ran said that she had just bought a house and a car and had no extra money. If she didn't believe it, she could ask Grandma Sun and Grandpa Sun. What Grandma Sun and Grandpa Sun said, She always believes it, right?

——Grandma Sun Grandpa Sun has not passed away yet, but he is over eighty years old. Because An Ran, the miracle doctor, is always around to take care of him, he is still in good health.

However, An Ran also said that buying a house for her cousins ​​is also a big deal, and she can borrow 10,000 yuan for the family - so that they will pay it back in time, and she can continue to help them if needed in the future; if they think the same as their mother, Sun Ersao, she is ready to continue If she delays paying them back, or pays them back after a long time, it would be very cost-effective for her to spend 20,000 to get rid of them.

In fact, 20,000 yuan is not a small amount at this time, because the ordinary salary in the county is only about 1,000 yuan a month at this time. In southern coastal cities, the salary of working in the southern coastal cities is higher at this time, but it is only 3,000 yuan a month. It’s almost the same as my cousin’s net income from working in a coastal city for a year.

What An Ran said that she bought a house and a car was true. She actually bought a house and a car now.

At that moment, I couldn't help but secretly thought, God bless me. If I hadn't just bought a house and a car, it would be hard to send Mrs. Sun off right now.

Second Sister-in-law Sun also didn't expect that An Ran had just bought a house and a car and had no money on hand. She couldn't help but feel stuck at the moment. After all, she couldn't force An Ran to give if she didn't have money. But what's the use of borrowing only 20,000 yuan? It's not enough to give to a son. Use it! How could it be that the two sons have not saved any money all these years?

——So An Ran’s guess was good. Second Sister-in-law Sun really wanted to borrow so much money because her family had no money. She just felt that An Ran had a lot of money and it was not worth taking 200,000 from her, so she threatened not to pay it back for a while or even never. idea.

But I never thought that no matter how much money others have, it didn’t come from the floods, so why should they give it to you for free? Even if he did charity, Enron would not be able to do charity to someone who had treated him that way before.

Twenty thousand is not enough, and Second Sister-in-law Sun doesn’t want other people’s families to have houses in the city, and her sons don’t have houses in the city, and she doesn’t want them to blame them, thinking it’s all their fault. They didn’t know how to buy a house back then, and now they are living with relatives. He was the worst offender, so he immediately went to find the eldest aunt, fourth aunt, and daughter Sun Daya's family, hoping to borrow money from them.

In her imagination, each of these three families would also borrow 20,000 yuan from herself. Including An Ran, there would be 80,000 yuan. Then, plus what she and her husband had saved over the years, as well as what her sons had on hand, she would give each family a down payment for a house. Shouldn't be a problem.

But... twenty thousand is not a small amount at this time, but not everyone will be as willing and willing to lend it to Sun Ersao as An Ran.

Needless to say, the eldest aunt and the fourth aunt's family knew that the second sister-in-law Sun's family had no money and would not repay the loan for a while, so both of them said they had no money.

Even Sun Daya, who had always listened to her and was willing to be a supporter of her younger brother, couldn't borrow a penny because her husband said that his son, who had just entered college, needed money to study, and because he didn't care about money and had no money to borrow.

There is a reason why Sun Daya doesn't care about money at home.

When Sun Daya first got married, because everyone knew that Sun Daya was capable, her husband initially asked her to take care of the house. However, in the third year of their marriage, her husband asked her to use the money to build a house. After checking, Sun Daya had She didn't have a penny, and upon asking she found out that it had all been "borrowed" by Sun Daya's family under various pretexts. Sun Daya was a good enough person, but she "borrowed" it without even discussing it with her husband.

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