Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1020 The wealthy lady who was dressed 1

First, there was no interruption from Jin's family, and second, there was no interruption from An Ran, so this time An Ran practiced quietly for three months before starting a new mission.

The new mission is another designated mission - now as long as the designated mission is not weird, An Ran can accept it. After all, in addition to the income from the mission, you can also get a bounty from the wisher. How great!

This new mission, judging from the plots that An Ran has browsed using the mission query and the original memory, can be simply summarized in one sentence: a wealthy lady who was dressed.

As far as the original body knew in the system space, the world she was in was a book.

And her daughter is a cannon fodder female supporting role.

The original daughter is fair and rich, and even if her character is not perfect, she certainly wasn't much better after growing up with a silver spoon in her mouth. She still didn't change her mind when she got married, and ended up being divorced by the boss. A miserable end.

Then the boss and the heroine got together and lived a happy life.

However, this is the content of the original book.

Now, her daughter has been penetrated by a ghost from another world who has read this book. Naturally, the other party did not divorce the boss, but squeezed out the original heroine, became the heroine herself, and lived happily with the boss. Life.

The time-traveling girl lived a happy life, but her original life was difficult.

It turns out that as a biological mother, especially a mother who loves her daughter, how could she not have noticed that her daughter had been penetrated?

After finding out, the original body naturally couldn't bear that her daughter was taken over by a ghost from another world. After all, no matter how bad her daughter was, she was still her daughter. She was definitely not as good as an outsider, so just let her replace her daughter. In that case, she would have more daughters. I felt uncomfortable, so I tried to find a way to get my daughter back.

She told her husband about this discovery and wanted to seek his support. However, her husband did not believe her and even scolded her for talking nonsense. Considering interests, she thought that the time-traveling woman was more capable than her own daughter and could bring benefits to him, so she sacrificed her biological daughter. After all, her daughter was her only child, but she was not her husband's only child - because The husband has an illegitimate child - so naturally he accepts whoever can bring him benefits, and doesn't care whether the daughter is really his daughter.

Her husband didn't support her, so she did it alone - and then she was discovered by the time travel girl.

After this discovery, the time-traveling woman, who was afraid that the original person had succeeded, naturally began to target the original person.

She thought that the original person had no son, and the illegitimate son would definitely be the head of the Xie family in the future, so she tried her best to win over the mother of her husband's illegitimate son, and said how bad the original person was in front of her, creating opportunities for her and her original husband. In the end, the original person was killed by her husband. After she left the house, she ended up miserable, but the mistress married her husband and the family was happy.

You must know that although the original mother gave birth to a daughter, because her husband became successful after marrying her, he was afraid that if they divorced, he would share a large amount of joint property with her, which would affect the survival of the company. Therefore, although the original husband was outside the Piaopiao, but never divorced the original person.

But things are different now. Because the male protagonist is capable, the time-traveling woman, the male protagonist, and the original husband planned together, so that the original person was divorced by her husband without getting a penny.

She didn't care about her fate, she only felt sorry that she didn't rescue her daughter, so by an unexpected opportunity, she was able to make a wish, and thought of the soul from another world doing this to her, plus she didn't want her daughter to be taken over by the soul from another world, especially After entering the system space, I found that my daughter's soul had not left, but was squeezed into a corner by the otherworldly soul. I watched my mother being raped by a time-traveling woman, and my father gave up on her. He felt sad in his heart but could do nothing, and he felt even more sorry for his daughter. So I made a wish to make the time-travel girl, the male protagonist and her husband suffer a miserable fate. Of course, it would be better if we could get rid of the time-travel girl and get our daughter back.

This task is obviously a bit difficult. It will take a lot of effort to make the time-travel girl, the male protagonist and her husband who bullied the original body suffer a miserable end. What's more, she also wants to get rid of the time-travel girl and bring her daughter back, which is not easy. , so it’s no wonder it’s a purple mission.

An Ran entered the mission world at an ordinary time, when the male protagonist Xia Yifan and his original daughter Xie Yingying were divorcing.

An Ran looked at the time and knew that the time-traveling girl had already arrived, so she didn't go to Xie Yingying to see if she could help her prevent the time-traveling girl from taking over her body.

It makes sense to think about it, even if she was asked to enter the mission to deal with the time-traveling girl, it would be impossible for her to complete the task so easily - if the time-traveling girl was prevented from occupying the body of the original daughter, then the task would be almost half completed.

Not looking for Xie Yingying for the time being, An Ran started practicing.

This body can be cultivated, so An Ran naturally started cultivating quickly, thinking that maybe this was the only way to get rid of the time-traveling woman who occupied Xie Yingying's body.

Although it is possible to practice, and the body's aptitudes are pretty good, this world is also in the Age of Ending Dharma, and there is insufficient spiritual energy, so the speed of practice is still very slow.

But no matter what, it's good to be able to practice, otherwise, the thought of being married and having to sleep with Father Xie would be a bit disgusting.

Under normal circumstances, when she enters the mission world, if she is married, she will not be OOC, and she will have sex when she should. However, like Father Xie, there are many lovers outside, so she can hide if she can, not to mention Father Xie. She can't accept a man who has many women. Just because he has too many lovers, she is also afraid that if he is infected with any sexually transmitted diseases, it will be bad for her.

But now she is good, she can practice. In this way, if Father Xie wants to sleep with her on a whim one day, she can use illusions to avoid sleeping with him and make him think that he is sleeping with her, so that she will not refuse directly. Sharing the same bed, don't make him suspicious.

The main house of the Xie family is deserted, because Xie's father rarely comes back, and even if he comes back, it will be very late. Unless something happens, he will come back early.

In such a situation, the original person was naturally in a bad mood at the time. After all, a normal person would want to see her husband away from home all day long. But for An Ran, it was obviously good because it allowed her to practice in peace.

One month later, An Ran successfully introduced Qi into his body and entered the first level of Qi refining stage.

After introducing the Qi into her body, her body was transformed, impurities and toxins were eliminated from her body, and she began to look younger and younger.

But it's not too surprising. After all, she was originally a noble lady and was well-maintained. A person in her forties looks like she is in her twenties or thirties.

It’s just that I was in my forties before, so no matter how hard I tried to take care of it, the collagen on my face was still lost. Even if I wore heavy makeup, I looked like I was in my twenties or thirties from a distance, but once I looked up close, I could see that I could tell something was wrong, because the skin of a forty-year-old girl couldn't be compared to that of a young girl no matter what.

But now, An Ran's skin looks fresh and tender, just like it did when she was in her twenties and thirties.

It's just that most people don't look too close, so they can't tell her huge changes.

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