Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1035 The wealthy lady who was dressed 16

So An Ran said with a shocked look on his face: "Why are you getting divorced all of a sudden? I haven't done anything sorry for you in these years, right? Even if you have a lover and an illegitimate child outside, I won't make trouble like some other wives. You can play outside if you want, and that’s it, you’re still not satisfied and you want to divorce me?!”

Father Xie also knew that based on He Anran's performance, he should not get divorced. After all, as she said, she was very honest and never interfered with his play with women. What else could he be dissatisfied with such a wife?

In fact, if He Anran had not given birth to a daughter, and if the illegitimate child had been born to He Anran, Father Xie would not have divorced. However, the illegitimate child was not born to He Anran. In order for his son to inherit the Xie family smoothly in the future, he had to Don't divorce He Anran, lest He Anran will become a stumbling block for your son to inherit the Xie family in the future.

Because he was a little arrogant, Xie's father could only use Xie Yingying as a shield and said: "You question Yingying every day and she is fake. Now Xia has a strong opinion on Xie. I don't want to accompany you to go crazy and make Xie mad." It's a mess. The Xie family was not doing well some time ago. Thanks to Xia Yifan's help in injecting capital, it came back to life. If you continue like this, Xia Yifan will have a problem with me. Don't withdraw the capital. The Xie family will be in trouble by then. So if I don’t divorce you, what else can I do?”

Xie's father not only told the reason, but also laid a foreshadowing, saying that Mr. Xie had no money, and it was all Xia Yifan's money, so that An Ran would understand that he had no money at all, so don't ask him for money if they get divorced.

An Ran knew the trick played between Xie's father and Xia Yifan, so when he heard what he said, he just found it funny and did not bother with him. He just pretended to be angry and said: "That woman is not my daughter in the first place. You Even if you don’t help me save my daughter, you still treat me like this for the benefit of Mr. Xie! It’s really too much!”

Father Xie didn't want to continue arguing with her, so he just said, "I don't care what you think, I want a divorce anyway."

Then he left a divorce agreement and told An Ran that he would either sign the divorce agreement or go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce certificate. Anyway, divorce was impossible. After saying this, he left.

An Ran looked at the divorce agreement, and it was the same as in the original memory. It said that because Xie had gone through a turmoil before and had no property, there was no joint property to divide between the husband and wife - which meant that An Ran could clean up and leave the house.

An Ran would not sign like the original person, but instead filed a divorce lawsuit the next day, applied for property preservation, and recovered the joint property of the couple that was given to the mistress and illegitimate child by Xie's father.

An Ran had already used his hacking skills to find out the money that his father had given to various lovers over the years, especially the money given to Bai Yun and his son. That was a huge amount of money!

Bai Yun once said proudly before that what Xie's father gave her was no less than what he gave to An Ran. This was not a lie, but what he gave to her son was naturally more. After all, this was Xie's father's only son. He naturally had something good. will be given to him.

So not counting Xie's father's other lovers, the house, car, living expenses (which can also be said to be support expenses), jewelry, clothes, bags, etc. just given to Bai Yun and her son, add up to more than 500 million in these years - no In order to provide huge living expenses, Xie's father bought more than five villas and high-end residential houses for the two of them in first-tier cities, so it is normal for the total amount to exceed 500 million.

Xie's father was mentally prepared for An Ran to file a divorce lawsuit or even apply for property preservation, but for An Ran's application to recover the joint property he gave to his lover and son, Xie's father was not at all mentally prepared, so now he watched An Ran bring up He couldn't help but be confused about the recovery of the joint property of the husband and wife, because he knew that it was indeed a huge sum of money, and what he had done before was just to let An Ran get clean and leave the house, but he did not want her to pay debts and get divorced, so at this time She wants to recover the money and divide it, but she still has to make him bleed a lot. After all, he can't let his lovers out. If that happens, his reputation as Xie will be lost in the circle, and he will never have it again. Which woman is willing to follow him?

Therefore, Xie's father was confused that An Ran had cleverly discovered this method of making money. After all, he was now going to manipulate the property and let An Ran take on debts and get divorced. Even if the property was recovered and the debts were repaid, An Ran would be able to get a divorce. , there is no money to divide, and nothing can be done. After all, Enron has applied for property preservation, and he can't do anything.

Although seeing An Ran do this made him angry and wanted to curse, Father Xie didn't really curse. He also knew that he had no reason to protest to An Ran at this moment, because this matter was originally his fault, so he had the nerve to curse? Going to protest will only bring humiliation to yourself, and being unreasonable will not get you any favors. He still has this common sense.

Soon the court started handling the divorce lawsuit at the urging of Xie's father.

The reason why Xie's father urged was because An Ran had brought up property preservation, which would affect the development of Xie's family over time.

In the past, he would have scolded An Ran for doing this and hurting both sides, which was not good for her daughter Xie Yingying. But now, He Anran knew that Xie Yingying was not her child and would not have such scruples. So even if both sides were hurt, she probably wouldn't care anymore. Thinking of this , Father Xie found that An Ran was quite difficult to deal with without his weaknesses.

Since Xie's father urged the court to hear it quickly, An Ran and his divorce case would be heard soon.

Just as Xia Yifan expected, An Ran didn't receive much money from Xie, but what Xie's father gave to his lover benefited An Ran a lot.

Because the original person didn't interfere at all with Father Xie's lover at the beginning, Xie's father also gave money to his lover in a fair and honest manner, without fear of the original person scolding him. But now, with the money he gave openly, it was much easier to find evidence, so soon The court found out that Xie's father had given a total of 800 million of the couple's joint property to his lover in the past 12 years. Because the party at fault was Xie's father, when the bank divided the property, although Anron was not allowed to get all the 800 million, it still did not allow Enron to get all the 800 million. We got 60% of it, which is nearly 500 million.

This money is naturally not provided by Xie's father, so even if Xie's father says that he has no money, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he can ask those lovers to get it. If those people have no money, they owe Enron's debt, but it doesn't mean that they don't have to pay it back if they don't have money. Understand.

Although this amount of money is still far behind Xie's nearly 4 billion in assets, adding in the previous 600 million and some real estate, shops, jewelry, etc. under the original name, there is still 1.2 billion, which is more than 4 billion. Half of the two billion, which is not much different. After all, Xie's family does not belong to Xie's father alone, but also to other shareholders.

Father Xie didn't know that despite his tight defense, An Ran still got 1.2 billion, almost getting what she deserved. If he had known, he would have been furious.

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