Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1054 The Exterminated Cousin 4

An Ran could see that no matter whether Mrs. Wu had different thoughts about the original body in the future, at least for now, she truly felt sorry for the original body and was sad that her daughter died young.

At that moment, I had to cry a lot with Mrs. Wu - even if she had just entered the mission world and her father and mother had no feelings for each other, it would be impossible not to cry. After all, it would be strange.

On one side, there were several women in fine clothes, one or two, and they all tried to persuade me: "Old lady, please don't hurt yourself."

Another person said: "My cousin is young and cannot cry for a long time. It may hurt her eyes."

Mrs. Wu felt sorry for her granddaughter, and was really worried that her child would hurt her eyes if she cried for a long time. She slowly rested and then introduced everyone in the hall to An Ran.

First, he pointed at the woman in front of him who was about thirty years old and didn't look like a big-dress woman in her words and deeds. She said, "This is your aunt."

An Ran knew that this was Wu Erlang's stepmother, the Gao family - Wu Erlang's mother died young, and his original uncle, Mr. Wu, married another one. Because his ex-wife left a son and a concubine by his concubine, In addition, Mr. Wu was not young at that time, and he did not want to marry a widowed man. He wanted to marry a young girl. In this way, it would be difficult to marry well, so he went to a small family with an innocent family to find an successor. The room belongs to the Gao family.

Because of her low background, her words and deeds are very different from those of a high family like Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wu. In the memory of the original person, she is a being who is often laughed at by people in the Wu family. She is obviously a countess, but in the Wu family she is She didn't have much status, but she was not as decent as Mrs. Wu, a minor official's wife.

Then Mrs. Wu pointed to a well-dressed woman in her forties, with a kind face and a kind face, and said, "This is your second aunt."

An Ran secretly thought, this is the real person who killed the original person, Mrs. Wu's second wife, Mrs. Wang. No wonder the original person never thought that her second aunt would harm her, because this second Mrs. Wu was really kind-hearted and not like that at all. That kind of vicious woman.

Then he pointed at a young beauty in plain clothes and said, "This is your sister-in-law."

An Ran knew that this was Grandma Wu, the eldest son-in-law of Mrs. Wu who died young.

Then he pointed at a beautiful lady in gorgeous clothes and said, "This is your second sister-in-law."

An Ran knew that this was the wife of Wu Erlang who brought him to Beijing, the niece of Mrs. Wu, and in a few years the head of the Wu family, Mrs. Wu.

An Ran listened to the introduction and came forward to pay homage to them one by one.

When they met for the first time, there was nothing wrong with a few people, so one or two of them were very kind to her, and pulled her in and said a lot of caring and comforting words.

After paying homage to the elders, the old lady pointed to a few little girls about her own age and introduced to An Ran that these were the girls at home, Wu Erniang, Wu Sanniang, and Wu Siniang. An Ran also met the little sisters one by one.

After recognizing each other, they sat down and listened to Mrs. Wu asking her about the illness and death of her mother and father. As they talked, Mrs. Wu was very sad and cried again, and everyone naturally started to persuade her again.

Mrs. Wu was a person who knew how to get into trouble. Seeing that Mrs. Wu was always easily sad when she chased An Ran and asked about her aunt's affairs, she changed the topic and asked An Ran about his age, study, and what he usually likes to do to change the topic. The scene became much more lively.

Not long after the chat, the old lady asked her eldest aunt Wu, Mrs. Gao, to take Anran to the residence that the second aunt Mrs. Wu, the head of the family, had prepared for her. The reason why she did not let the second aunt of the head of the family take her there was because the second aunt Since she is the head of the family, she naturally has many things to do and has no time to spend with her.

An Ran walked through courtyard after courtyard with her eldest aunt Mrs. Wu. In her original memory, she was overwhelmed by the grandeur of the foreign government's mansion. Just like Sister Lin when she first entered Jia's mansion, she did not dare to say a word or line. step.

However, An Ran, who had seen many more grand places than this, would naturally not be overawed by this small Duke's Mansion.

In fact, An Ran read the property list given to her by Fang's father. The Fang family's ancestral house listed on it, and after asking people about it, she found out that it was a very beautiful garden, not inferior to An Guo Gong's mansion, and the Fang family's ancestral house was bought by her own family. This An Guo Gong's mansion is It is a gift from heaven. When Mrs. Wu passes away, the Wu family will no longer be the Duke's family and will have to move out of the Duke's mansion. I don't know what the scene will be like then.

Yes, Duke Anguo's family is not a family that does not demote the title, but does demote the title.

Mrs. Wu's father-in-law is the first generation of the Duke, and Mrs. Wu is the second generation. He was originally supposed to be a Marquis, but because of his meritorious service as a dragon, Mrs. Wu was promoted to one level and is still the Duke. The current Mr. Wu, because of his ability, No, he only knew how to eat, drink, whore and gamble, so when he was asked to establish the crown prince, he was not made a marquis from his father's generation, but from his grandfather's generation. He was only made an earl, and it was still an empty earl, without any actual duties. ——In other words, the Wu family has begun to decline.

So if Mrs. Wu passes away, An Guogong's Mansion will become Amber's Mansion. Of course, she will definitely have to move to the Earl's Mansion given by the Tianjia at that time, and she will no longer be able to live in this Duke's Mansion.

Because of this, Duke An Guo's Mansion is preparing to buy this mansion from the Tianjia to avoid having to move.

However, Duke Anguo's mansion has long been unable to make ends meet due to his lack of restraint and extravagant living. His pockets are already empty and it is difficult to maintain the current ostentation. Where can he find the money to buy this mansion.

Fortunately, the original person came in time and brought a huge amount of property. Therefore, in the original person's memory, Duke Anguo quickly spent more than 100,000 taels of silver to buy this house. In the future, he does not have to worry about changing his title or being replaced. Kicked out.

Now that she is here, although Father Fang has dispersed some property in her hands, nearly one million has gone to Duke An Guo's mansion. It is estimated that they can use this money to buy this mansion.

However, Mrs. Wu was from a low background and had little experience. Seeing that An Ran was not surprised at all by the wealth of Duke An Guo's house, she only thought that the Fang family was no worse than here, so it was normal for her not to show any abnormality.

We soon arrived at the residence arranged by Mrs. Wu for An Ran - in the small courtyard next to the old lady's yard.

Seeing that she had her own separate residence, An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was afraid that she would live with someone and have no privacy. Although the original memory was like this, she was afraid that if she came, some butterfly abnormality would not happen.

There are three rooms in this small courtyard, the middle is the living room, and the east and west are places where you can live. Mrs. Wu led An Ran to the east room and said with a smile: "Of course you live in the east, and the west will be your study and warehouse. Do you think it's okay?" "

"Okay." An Ran naturally had no objection.

Mrs. Wu saw that she had no objection, so she immediately had An Ran's boxes brought in one by one and placed in the west room of the small courtyard.

While asking people to lift them, they looked at the boxes and cages, wondering what they contained.

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