Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1061 The Exterminated Cousin 11

In her original memory, Concubine Wu Xian only had her family, her mother Wang, and her younger brother Wu Sanlang in her heart. Although she respected Mrs. Wu, she still sided with her mother on major issues, such as her younger brother's marriage, and ignored her. Grandma's opinion.

And it was her weight that made Mrs. Wu give in. Otherwise, if it hadn't been for her, Mrs. Wu wouldn't have been able to withstand the pressure of Mrs. Wu.

She had limited affection for Mrs. Wu, let alone Wu Wulang. In fact, Concubine Wu Xian had never paid attention to her father's concubine brother.

After all, she is a concubine, does she still need to care about whether an aunt is happy or not? You must know that the entire Wu family relies on her to maintain their prosperity and wealth. In this case, who dares to say anything to her because she only takes care of her biological brother and not her concubine brother?

In fact, she is not afraid that others will say that she is only good to Wu Sanlang, which will affect her reputation, because she can say that she took care of her brother when he was a child, so she has a deep affection for him, so she takes extra care of him.

At this moment, Mrs. Wu saw Aunt Cao being so troublesome and stopped talking to her.

Aunt Cao saw that Mrs. Wu was ignoring her, so she complained to Mr. Wu.

Although Mr. Wu dotes on Aunt Cao, he values ​​Wu Yuanniang's opinion more. After all, Wu Yuanniang is now the hope and pillar of the family. If he doesn't value her opinion, can he value Aunt Cao's opinion and have a quarrel with his daughter? So Aunt Cao complained to Mr. Wu, but Mr. Wu didn't help her.

Aunt Cao saw that Master Wu would not stand up for her, so she had no choice but to turn off the engine.

She turned off the fire, but Mistress Wu didn't. She thought that she had just taken power, and this Aunt Cao would come and slap her in the face. If she didn't give her some color, she would treat a tiger as a sick cat, and if Aunt Cao yelled like this, but she couldn't do anything to her. How could she have prestige in the house in the future? Therefore, regardless of public or private affairs, if Aunt Cao dares to cause trouble for her like this, she will give her some trouble.

So a few days ago, when An Ran went to pay his respects to Mrs. Wu, she heard Mrs. Wu saying to Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wu there: "Old lady, madam, after the provincial relatives' villa was built in the house, the money in the account will not be there." If there are too many, the men outside of them discussed it and said that the monthly salary of the maids around the aunts and grandmothers should be halved to save some expenses, and let me ask the old ladies and ladies for their opinions."

It is said that it was said by the men outside, but it was actually the second wife Wu who encouraged her husband. Then Wu Erlang had some discussions outside, because he said that the money of the maids around the aunts should be reduced, and it was not the money of the aunts. Those servants, They definitely don't care, so they don't have any objections.

Men don't care about the monthly money of a few servants, and old ladies and madams naturally don't care either - if it's the maids around them, they might still care about it. Since it's the monthly money of the maids around their aunts, then they Naturally, they would not care, so Mrs. Wu immediately said: "Since the government is short of money, just do as they say."

Mrs. Wu, who had already retreated to the second line, naturally had no objection, and immediately echoed: "Yes, the government's recent expenditure is indeed a bit large, and it is necessary to increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

Second Madam Wu got the consent of Mrs. Wu and Second Madam Wu, and she immediately implemented it. So when Aunt Cao received the money this month, she found that the money she received was a penny less - Aunt Cao received the monthly payment, and the maid's She had received the money together, and when she realized that she was short of money, she naturally started to quarrel.

Then the person who paid the money explained to her, saying that this was what the men outside said, and the monthly payment for the aunt's maid would be halved. This made Aunt Cao unhappy - sometimes she would temporarily withhold the monthly payment for the maid. , withhold it until the end of the year, and then pay it out, so that the money can stay in her hands for a while and she can do some money-making business. The decrease at this time really makes her unhappy - but she thinks that if it is really decided by the men outside, then there is nothing she can do. , Fortunately, it is not her money that has become less, but the maids' money, which is better.

She was so naive. Second Mistress Wu was going to deal with her, so how could she make it so easy for her.

Later, Second Grandma Wu let people know that it was just Aunt Cao who was looking for Second Grandma, and Second Grandma was unhappy so she deliberately dealt with her. After hearing this, not only did Aunt Cao lose her income, but she also lost her income. Aunt Cao was divorced from the servants around her. Those servants thought that it was Aunt Cao who was doing something wrong and that they were competing with Mistress Wu, which was why they suffered and lost money.

Not only did the servants around her break up with her, but the maids around the other aunts also hated Aunt Cao. They all felt that it was Aunt Cao who was doing something wrong, and that Mistress Wu was trying to punish her, causing her to harm herself.

It can be said that Mrs. Wu's slight manipulations made Aunt Cao a lot of hatred.

——People are so strange. It was clearly Mrs. Wu who deducted their money, but they didn’t blame Mrs. Wu, but blamed Aunt Cao. There was no way, they couldn’t afford to offend Mrs. Wu, so naturally they could only blame Aunt Cao. Trouble.

In fact, Second Mistress Wu’s method of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure was purely to deal with Aunt Cao. To be honest, the effect is not much, because although there are so many male masters in the Wu family, there are many concubines, especially Master Wu, but no matter how many, One person can only save six taels of silver a year. Even if he has one hundred maids, he can only save six hundred taels of silver, which is equivalent to five hundred taels of silver. Moreover, there are not fifty aunts and one hundred maids. How much can be saved in one year? , so it’s not just to deal with Aunt Cao.

Not to mention that Aunt Cao stole the chicken without losing the rice, but that An Ran and the others found an auspicious time and moved into the provincial villa.

Because An Ran had a good relationship with Wu Erniang, the two lived in the same place, while Wu Sanlang lived on the other side of An Ran because his relationship with An Ran had gotten better and better recently.

Because they live close together, the relationship between the two is getting better and better - in fact, it is mainly one-sided by Wu Sanlang. As for him, as long as the woman is beautiful and has a personality that does not displease him, he will be sympathetic to her. Of course, there will be some. There are those that he values ​​most and those that generally value, and Enron is obviously more and more in line with the standards that he values ​​most.

Seeing that the relationship between An Ran and Wu Sanlang is getting better and better, not only Mrs. Wu is unhappy, but also the people around Wu Sanlang are also unhappy.

Yes, as time went by, Wu Sanlang reached the age of thirteen and already had someone by his side - this person was none other than the kind-hearted first-class maid, Ruyi, whom Mrs. Wu had transferred, trained, and sent to take care of Wu Sanlang.

Although Ruyi was sent to Wu Sanlang by Mrs. Wu, because of her honest nature, she suited the needs of Mrs. Wu who didn't like the demonic appearance and would lead the man to bad things, so she also liked her very much.

However, the two did not cross paths, they just got along in private.

——That is to say, the two generations of hostesses in the house have valued them, and they have honest nature in their eyes. They are different from some witches who look like maids who like to climb on the bed. In fact, they are stealing from themselves. There are many people around Wu Sanlang. He was so devilish that he even climbed into bed first. Who knows that Mrs. Wu had to know that she was most satisfied with Ruyi, who had an honest nature and would not bring bad men down, so she did that with Wu Sanlang when he was very young? What would you think?

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