Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1068 The Exterminated Cousin 18

Seeing that Mrs. Wu is willing to help Mrs. Wu find a match for her, An Ran is happier than asking Mrs. Wu to find a match for herself. After all, she knows that even if Mrs. Wu doesn't want to find a match for her, she can still find one herself if she wants to. On the contrary, Wu Erniang's marriage would be in danger if Mrs. Wu didn't take action and Wu Erniang didn't have the ability to find her husband by herself. If Mrs. Wu didn't want to sell it out someday, Mrs. Wu wouldn't care about it. I'm not qualified to take care of it anymore.

"On behalf of my second cousin, I would like to thank the old lady." This time, An Ran became more and more sincerely happy for Wu Erniang and thanked her.

Mrs. Wu smiled and patted her hand and said, "We are really good children."

After the two of them finished talking about the business, Mrs. Wu let her servants in.

An Ran stayed with Mrs. Wu for a while. Seeing that she wanted to take a rest, she said goodbye and left.

After returning home, An Ran told Wu Erniang about this good thing.

Wu Erniang couldn't help but be excited when she saw that An Ran actually mentioned this matter to the old lady for her, and the old lady agreed and was willing to personally help her find a marriage. After all, not only was the marriage matter settled now, but also because it was Mrs. Wu. Come forward, the marriage you want to find can be better than letting Mr. Wu and the others find it. After all, if Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu arrange it, they won't be able to find a good match - Mr. Wu eats, drinks, whores, gambles, and all the people he associates with. These are some dirty things, what good can they have? Mrs. Wu only has money in her eyes, and the person she is looking for is probably someone who gives her a lot of money, and will not consider the other person's character. There is a high chance that this will happen. Met JP.

And this time, thanks to An Ran helping him to pick it up, and asking the old lady to help him find it, the old lady not only knew many people, but also had good levels, so she would definitely be able to find a good one. This made Wu Erniang naturally excited, so Wu Erniang hurriedly said: "Thank you, cousin. Help me mention this to the old lady."

If An Ran hadn't mentioned it, otherwise the old lady would never have cared about her marriage - not to mention she was so transparent, even the marriage of other grandchildren who were more important than herself, the old lady had not personally worried about.

An Ran smiled and said: "I'm just doing something with a little effort, don't take it to heart."

This is because after dating, I found that Er Niang's character is indeed not bad, and An Ran only cares about it. If something happens to someone who does not reflect on themselves and feels that others are at fault, An Ran will definitely not care about it, so as not to worry about it. If she has a difficult life in the future, don't blame yourself for asking the old lady to get married.

After hearing An Ran's words of not taking credit, Wu Erniang shook her head and said, "Even if it's a simple effort, how many people can do it, but besides you, who is willing to help me lift it?"

What Wu Erniang said is true. There are many people in the house who can talk to the old lady. But seeing that Wu Erniang is sixteen years old and has not yet got married, no one mentioned this matter to the old lady. However, An Ran, an outsider, was willing to help her by mentioning that Wu Erniang would be lying if she said she wasn't sad after seeing such a situation.

An Ran saw that Wu Erniang looked a little sad, so she clapped her hand and said, "Don't be sad. Now that the old lady is looking for a marriage for you, isn't it the end of your hardships?"

Wu Erniang smiled and said: "That's right."

When Mrs. Wu heard that An Ran had gone to see Mrs. Wu, she backed away and talked to Mrs. Wu for a long time. She was suspicious that An Ran was asking Mrs. Wu to tell Mrs. Wu about marrying Wu Sanlang. She felt more and more that she was going to die. Fang Anran's matter had to be put on the agenda as soon as possible, so he hurriedly searched for those colorless and odorless chronic poisons everywhere so that he could kill Fang Anran smoothly.

Since Mrs. Wu agreed to An Ran, she naturally began to make plans for her.

An Ran is a bit better. She is still thirteen years old and can still choose slowly, so she doesn't have to be anxious and can slowly choose the best one for her.

But Wu Erniang was already old, she was sixteen years old, and it was time to find a family to get married, so Mrs. Wu decided to resolve Wu Erniang's marriage first, and then she would slowly help An Ran find a good marriage.

Although Wu Erniang is the granddaughter of Mrs. Wu, Wu Erniang is relatively timid and quiet. Although Mrs. Wu doesn't hate her, she doesn't have much contact with her, so she definitely doesn't have much affection for her. After all, people's emotions are all born out, you You have always been a dull person, dull and silent. How many emotions can others get along with you?

So if An Ran hadn't begged for her, Mrs. Wu would not have intervened in this matter at the risk of displeasing her eldest son and daughter-in-law.

But since she intervened, Mrs. Wu would naturally not delay, so as not to find a good match for Er Niang and she would not have the energy to find a match for An Ran.

Mrs. Wu knew too many people, so it was naturally much easier to find people than Mrs. Wu and others. She quickly found several suitable candidates for Wu Erniang, and then found Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu to bring them together. He handed the list of these people to them and said: "My mother is already sixteen years old, and you still don't worry about her marriage. How can there be such confused parents as you? I really can't stand it, and I'm afraid that I will delay it any longer." It will last her whole life, so I picked a few for her and you guys can see if there is anything suitable."

Mrs. Wu was afraid that her eldest son would blame her for interfering in Wu Erniang's marriage, so she took a preemptive strike and started this way.

Sure enough, when she said this, Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on their faces. Yes, they really didn't care about Wu Erniang. It was normal for the old lady to look down on her and help her, so she didn't get angry. , then Mr. Wu smiled and said: "Let the old lady worry." Then he said to Mrs. Wu: "You should handle this matter quickly, don't let the old lady worry."

He didn't need money as urgently as he remembered in his original memory, so he hadn't thought about selling Wu Erniang. However, in this case, he would not be in the mood to help Wu Erniang handle the marriage, so he left the matter to Mrs. Wu. .

Mrs. Wu doesn't want to worry about it. If she chooses it herself, she can still choose someone who is willing to give her money and sell Wu Erniang to make some money. But now that the old lady has chosen them, she will just worry about it. How could Madam Wu be willing to do this? —— She didn’t make money by selling Wu Erniang before because she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to make the decision. In order not to waste time and energy, she didn’t take care of it. If she had known that she could take care of it, she would have sold it three years ago and made a lot of money. How could it be like now, not making any money, but still having to help Wu Erniang handle her marriage? She has suffered a big loss.

Although she felt that she had lost a lot, the old lady had orders, and she, who was a little transparent in the house, could only obey orders. So after listening to Mr. Wu, she smiled and said: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

However, Mrs. Wu, who had come back to her senses at this time, felt a little strange. She thought that the old lady had become more and more meddlesome in recent years. How could she care about someone like Er Niang who was not so nosy? What about my granddaughter’s marriage?

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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