Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1089 The Exterminated Cousin 39

As if to confirm what Wu Erniang said, not long after, Grandma Wu's son passed away, leaving Grandma Wu stunned.

In fact, it was just a little cold, but Grandma Wu didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, her condition became worse and worse, and she finally passed away.

An Ran didn't even know there was such a thing. She only found out about it when Grandma Wu's family was mourning.

If she had known it earlier, she would have probably been able to save Grandma Wu's son. After all, her medical skills were pretty good. In a situation like Feng Han, as long as she didn't come to her too late, she could have saved him.

It's a pity that it was too late to know, and there was no use saying anything.

The death of her son obviously dealt a great blow to Grandma Wu.

She said she was An Ran's cousin, the sister-in-law of Wu Sanlang and Cui Zhenzhu, and her contemporaries. But in fact, she was almost old enough to be their mother. They were both in their thirties at this time, and Grandma Wu was already nearly five years old. He was ten years old, so after receiving this blow, he couldn't help but fall ill.

But she knew she couldn't die. Her grandson hadn't grown up yet. She was going to die. Her daughter-in-law had a young child. She was an orphan and a widower. She shouldn't be bullied. After all, they had moved out now. Although she was an orphan and a widowed mother before, no one dared to bully them in An Guogong's Mansion. They had no one to back them up now. She was leaving, and they were the only ones left. It would be strange not to be bullied. , who made her fear that her son would be implicated by the Wu family, so she was very alienated from the Wu family. Now that something happened, she couldn't lose her face if she asked them for shelter. If she couldn't find anyone to protect her, she would have to do it herself. Death, I protected them.

Probably because her will to survive was extremely strong, Grandma Wu still survived and lived with her daughter-in-law and grandson.

It's just that the daughter-in-law is a little bit strange that she shouldn't have been so far away from the Wu family in the early years. As a result, their family is old, weak, women and children, and they don't even have anyone to take care of them.

Grandma Wu now regrets what she did at that time, so when her daughter-in-law complains about her, she doesn't dare to say anything and can only remain silent.

In addition, her daughter-in-law did not allow her to interfere with her grandson's right to discipline. She said that it was because she was too strict and her expectations were too high. When her husband-in-law was sick, he was afraid that if things were not done well, his boss would blame him, or something would happen to his official position. Grandma Wu blamed her for not taking a good rest and insisting on doing things, which resulted in a minor illness that not only did not heal, but also worsened to the point of death.

Grandma Wu saw her daughter-in-law blaming her like this, and she didn't dare to say anything. After all, her daughter-in-law did not make the accusation out of thin air. The death of her eldest brother did have something to do with Grandma Wu.

Not to mention that Grandma Wu originally thought that alienating the Wu family would be good for her son, but something went against her wishes. She only said that An Ran's daughter soon turned ten, and when it was time to apply for a title, Qi Yuan spent 20,000 taels. Yinzi, prepare to go to Prince Qing’s Mansion and ask Prince Qing to help you go to the Zongren Mansion to clear up the matter.

In recent years, due to the injection of An Ran's 50,000 taels of silver, the money could not be spent every year, and the remaining money was used to buy fields. Therefore, the money from the father-in-law became more and more, and he was able to spend 20,000 taels.

Regarding asking Qing Wang for help, Qi Yuan said to An Ran: "Let's try to see if we can apply for a title. If we apply, it would be great. If we can't apply, it doesn't matter. Let's just prepare more dowry for the child and guarantee her a lifetime." She is living a comfortable life, and since she is about to give birth and find a husband, she can live at home if she wants, without having to worry about the man bullying her."

Qi Yuan had such a daughter, and he was very doting on him. Even if he didn't have the surname An Ran, didn't give birth to a husband, and would get married in the future, he originally wanted to marry her nearby so that he could see his daughter at any time. Now that he is sitting After giving birth and recruiting a husband, naturally she can live at home. The sons also love the only sister, so they don't have any objections. Anyway, they just treat her as multiple brothers in the family.

But An Ran is afraid that Qi Yuan loves his daughter so much. In the future, he should not be picky about his son-in-law, which will make him unbearable, and don't harm his daughter. After all, if his daughter is like him and is not very persistent in feelings, it will not matter. If she is very persistent in feelings, She is a love brain, so what if her husband gets upset because of this or that problem in their family and breaks up with her daughter, and her daughter will feel sad or even blame them for taking too much care?

But that is all a matter for the future, but he said that the reason why Qi Yuan is preparing to apply for a title now is because King Qing is old, and he is afraid that if King Qing has any shortcomings, it will be difficult for him. He found someone to help him - because the prince's title can only be passed down to five generations without being demoted, and this generation of Qing Wang is the last generation, and the next generation will be the county prince. By then, his voice will be much smaller than that of the prince, so Qi Yuan Naturally, my daughter started doing this as soon as she reached age.

King Qing saw that Qi Yuan was willing to spend so much money to clear the matter, and was also willing to sell him a favor, so he immediately agreed to help.

He also knows that he is getting older every year and may pass away one day, so now when someone asks him to help with something, he usually helps if he can, so that he can get more things for his sons before he passes away. The solution, who gave him a lot of sons, is to save more money. When he passes away, his sons will split up and they will not get anything at all. They can only get some death salary. How to live!

With Prince Qing's help, and Qi Yuan's daughter being able to be knighted originally, the rules of knighthood do not say that someone who does not have his own surname cannot be knighted - the reason why there is no such rule is because there is no such precedent before - and again In addition, King Qing gave some advice to the officials of the Zongren Mansion, so the matter was settled quickly. Soon after, the superiors approved that the daughters of An Ran and Qi Yuan be granted the title of county in accordance with the standard of ennobling the daughters of ordinary generals. Jun.

The county prince is given an annual salary of 400 taels and 400 acres of official land. After marrying, the husband also enjoys the same salary, official land, and rank.

Although it's not much, as long as there is no extravagance and waste, life is okay.

An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that her daughter's title issue had been resolved. If her daughter's title issue had not been resolved, she would still have to worry about her child growing up. Don't blame her for letting her have her last name, which would lead to the title being lost.

She didn't care whether the child was weird or not, but she was afraid that the original person would mind.

Now that she has the title, she doesn't have to worry.

In the future, it will be up to her whether the child is willing to give birth and find a husband. Although Qi Yuan said that she should let the child give birth and find a husband, she still respects the child's own ideas.

And if the child doesn't want to, the original parent shouldn't blame herself for not forcing the child to have a baby and find a husband. After all, she should understand that if she really does, what if she doesn't like how she treats "her" daughter? I can't judge her thoughts, so it's normal to let things take their own course.

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