Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1111 The New Rich House 21

Just as An Ran guessed, the Su family's turmoil soon came.

But he said that although the Su family currently has a mistress, that is, Mrs. Gao, because she takes care of everything with one hand, if this is not called a head, what does it mean to be a head?

But it can also be said that she is not the matron of the house, because the Su family is still like in Qingshan Village, where Su Laoshuan and Mrs. Gao roughly arrange the expenses of the house. There is no account book, and there is no mother-in-law in charge of the warehouse, because Mrs. Gao does not know how to do it. When it comes to keeping accounts, she doesn't feel comfortable letting her servants keep an eye on the warehouse, so she keeps things by herself and looks for them herself every time she takes them out. She doesn't let others interfere for fear of someone stealing her things.

But as the number of people in the family increased, the things he obtained increased, and he interacted with more and more people, it was no longer feasible for Gao to continue doing this.

It can be said that the current Su family is completely confused.

I don't know how many things there are in the house - there are so many things that Gao can't count them or remember them.

I don’t know how many favors and gifts I got from others by interacting with various families in Beijing, and how many favors my family paid - because in Qingshan Village before, Mrs. Gao was familiar with the people in those villages, and because there were so few people, she could still remember the situation of each family. , but now there are more than a hundred families coming and going in the capital, and the Gao family is completely unfamiliar with them. It is difficult to remember individual names, let alone the personal relationships between each family. How is it possible?

As the number of household chores increased, the older Mr. Gao could no longer bear the burden of being busy from morning to night every day, and he was so tired that he couldn't breathe.

If Mrs. Gao can still bear this tenaciously, the three sons not only are not grateful to her for working so hard, but also complain repeatedly, which is the last straw for Mrs. Gao to be the master of the family.

Yes, her three sons complained to her.

The cause of the matter is also very simple.

Since arriving in this capital city, they have become a new noble and a popular concubine's family. Naturally, those big-name aristocratic families have stayed put. No one is currying favor with them at this time, but those small and medium-sized families who are neither above nor below are betting on their family's future. , in order to make the family develop, some people began to contact the Su family. Thinking that Concubine Su would be favored, they went to the Su family and asked Concubine Su to say a few good words in front of the emperor, which might benefit their own family.

With this contact, the Su family inevitably had more interactions.

With so much socializing, it’s hard to ask others to invite them to dinner every time. They won’t invite others to dinner, right? ——At this time, the Su family is still very simple, with the simplicity of country people, and they are embarrassed to always take advantage of others.

But, want to invite someone to dinner? How can I pay if I don’t have any money? So they asked Gao for it.

Restaurants in the capital are much more expensive than in rural towns. More importantly, they are all well-known people and they are too embarrassed to take people to cheap places to eat, so every time they ask for money, it is more than ten taels or even dozens of taels. How could Mr. Gao be willing to give so much money when he asked for land, so eight times out of ten he could not get the money, which made everyone complain endlessly. They felt that Mr. Gao was too much. After receiving so much money, he kept it alone, even his own children. My son doesn't even give me any.

Even when it was time to arrive, they would sometimes quarrel, for example asking Mr. Gao how to give more to someone else, less to myself, and so on.

The noise made Gao dizzy.

In fact, the daughters-in-law also wanted to protest, and they also wanted to have some private money on hand. However, the daughters-in-law did not dare to protest, and no one wanted to be the first to rush out and shout about it, for fear that the other two families would take advantage. Fortunately, the sons were also very unhappy and raised the issue, so they ignored their problems and secretly encouraged their husbands to continue asking for it. They also said that other families in Beijing did not behave like their own family, and that every family was like this. For those who make monthly and annual reports, all the masters and masters have some private money, that is, their own family. Only the old couple has money, and everyone else has no money. This is too much.

As soon as they instigated this, the three sons had known for a long time that other people were doing what their wives said because they were hanging around outside. In addition, they wanted money and their own interests were involved, so they immediately started arguing with the Gao family. They said that like other families in Beijing, they should set up various systems. The most important one is to set up monthly and yearly routines. Otherwise, all the money will be held by the Gao family alone, and they will have no money to use. It's unreasonable to have to go to Gao's branch every time I need some money.

Hearing these words, Mrs. Gao was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. However, as the complaints from her sons became more and more intense, and it became increasingly difficult for Mrs. Gao to cope with the situation, she had no choice but to compromise and agreed to be managed like other families. At the same time, Earl Anle's Mansion, in accordance with the rules of other houses, made Ye, the eldest son's daughter-in-law, the housekeeper. Because he knew that Ye was illiterate, he was afraid that she would not be able to handle the account books, so he designated An Ran, who had been praised by the female teacher for his good study, to assist Ye. , especially the accounting aspects, are handled by Enron.

Afraid that other people in the family would be unhappy with this arrangement, he said that it was the imperial concubine's request and asked her to train An Ran well, so it was just right for An Ran to learn to be a housekeeper.

In fact, even if she didn't say anything, the Su family wouldn't object.

As for letting the Ye family be the housekeeper, no one objected - although the second wife, the Song family, and the third wife, the Liu family, wanted to take charge of the house, they also knew that, whether in the capital or in the countryside, most families had the eldest daughter-in-law as the housekeeper, so they had no room for comment. , so they naturally accepted Gao's arrangement.

At most, Cao Chunhua, who had good grades, saw that Gao only asked An Ran to assist Ye's housekeeper, and did not call her, whom Mr. Rang also praised. She is Ye's daughter, but she is Ye's daughter. The one who is assisting the housekeeper at this moment must be herself. After all, Ye can't keep accounts, and the housekeeper must have an account book. In this way, she has already recognized her. The young self will definitely be put to use. In that case, his status in the mansion will be like An Ran's at this moment, with the tide rising.

——As for Mrs. Gao, it was Concubine Su’s request, so she cultivated An Ran, but Cao Chunhua didn’t take it to heart. After all, in her opinion, Mr. Ye would definitely use her own daughter and would not use outsiders. Yes, even if there is advice from the imperial concubine, I am afraid it will not be used, so in the final analysis, An Ran can manage the house, which is a good pregnancy, so it is normal for Cao Chunhua to be jealous of An Ran's good life.

And An Ran couldn't help but feel satisfied when she saw that her hard work had finally paid off - she was given partial housekeeping rights in the Earl's Mansion.

You must know that in the original world, due to her poor academic performance, she did not get the right to be a housekeeper. Ye did not know how to keep accounts, but later she asked Cao Chunhua to help with accounting.

Cao Chunhua was jealous of her housekeeper, but in fact, for her, she really didn't care about taking care of such a small place. The reason why she wanted to achieve this goal was just to give herself more opportunities to interact with people and cultivate her power.

With this part of the housekeeping rights, she can slowly develop her own power and prepare for revenge in the future.

Thank you Zhao Yilin and Zi Yan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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